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Dodd Stands Up for American Civil Liberties by Stopping Surveillance Bill 
October 18, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) announced today that he will stop the Foreign 
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) reform legislation from being considered 
by the full Senate and from receiving a vote on the Senate floor.  Dodd will 
place a hold on the bill, a tool available to Senators to stop legislation from 
moving forward. 
By granting immunity to telecommunications companies that participated in the 
President’s terrorist surveillance program, even though such participation may 
have been illegal, the FISA reform bill sets a dangerous precedent by giving 
the President sweeping authorization to neglect the right to privacy that 
Americans are entitled to under the Constitution.  
“The President has no right to secretly eavesdrop on the conversations and 
activities of law abiding American citizens and anyone who has aided and 
abetted him in these illegal activities should be held accountable,” said Dodd. 
 “It is unconscionable that such a basic right has been violated, and that the 
President is the perpetrator.  I will do everything in my power to stop 
Congress from shielding this President’s agenda of secrecy, deception, and 
blatant unlawfulness.”  
The Senate Intelligence Committee is considering the reform proposal in a 
markup session this afternoon.  The legislation will then be referred to the 
Senate Judiciary Committee for its consideration before being reported to the 
Senate floor
Melinda Iley-Dohn
Gandhi's Seven Deadly Social Sins : 
• Politics without principle • Wealth without risk • Commerce without morality 
• Pleasure without conscience • Education without character • Science without 
• Worship without sacrifice

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