From: Vicky Davis 

This email makes me really sad.  Roy Beck is gleeful that a Democratic 
Congressman has a bill requiring employers to eVerify every potential employee 
before hiring them.   

Why is this something to be sad about?    Because they (the traitors who are 
running our government) are insulting your intelligence and they are taking 
another step toward government management of the labor force.    

The Problem 
The scam was relatively simple.   Allow Mexicans to flood into our country and 
pretend that we couldn't tell the difference between a hispanic American and a 
Mexican.   Cripple border patrol and ICE.  

The Solution
Step One
The eVerify system is the first step to get employers to use the Internet - 
government system to verify the legal status of an applicant.  

Step Two 
There will be crys and moans from employers that this will put them out of 
business - they will have "shortages of workers".  So what the government must 
do is to establish a "Guest Worker" program.  (demanding a solution) 

Step Three 
There will be a system (it already exists) for employers to put in their 
requests to the government for "guest workers".  The hitch will be that they 
must list the jobs for which they claim to need guest workers on the government 
job search website (this already exists too).   Listing on the government job 
search engine will eventually be a requirement for all employers just like the 
eVerify.  The reason given will be that the Labor Department needs to be able 
to assess the Labor Market demands for that particular job type.  If the 
listings show high demand over a long period of time, that would indicate that 
a shortage exists and the guest worker applications would be approved.  

At the point when all jobs must be listed, all job seekers will also register 
on the system as a matter of necessity if they hope to obtain a job.  
Otherwise, a job they might get could be given instead to an imported guest 

For children who are in school, their information will automatically be in the 
government registry system because the computer systems for the schools and 
workforce are already integrated.   This is the cradle-to-grave national 
workforce management system designed by Marc Tucker of the NCEE as described in 
a letter to Hillary Clinton in 1992.     

End Game
At this point, the Labor Department has full control over the labor market and 
will be able to set wages by controlling the supply of labor in the market.   
They will also have the control mechanism for people by allowing or inhibiting 
their access to gainful employment.  

This is a classic Hegelian Dialectic which is being used to "transform" the 
United States to a communist system to "compete" with the COMMUNIST Chinese 
slave labor system.  

I hope to God you're smarter than they think you are.  

Roy Beck NumbersUSA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 02:25:38 -0500
  From: Roy Beck NumbersUSA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Subject: New Dem bill removes job magnet for illegals

                 From:   Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA  
              Date:   Monday 29oct07     3 a.m. EDT  
        Let's get Heath Shuler's new Democratic enforcement bill to a vote in 
the U.S. House  


        Hard on the heels of your tremendous defeat of the DREAM Act amnesty in 
the Senate last week, we have our best chance yet in this Democratic-controlled 
Congress for improving enforcement against illegal immigration.

        (Some email services failed to deliver my analysis of our amnesty 
victory, and many of your computer's blocked the analysis from getting into 
your in-box, we are learning. You can read the analysis at:

        North Carolina Democratic Representative Heath Shuler will soon be 
introducing a great immigration enforcement bill:

        The SAVE ACT (Secure America with Verification and Enforcement) 

        This bill (it will have no bill number until introduced) is far more 
than a gesture to show that Shuler is on the side of the American workers.

        Congressman Shuler appears to be deadly serious about getting this bill 
enacted and removing the jobs magnet for illegal immigration. He is moving the 
ball on this bill a whole lot better than he did as an NFL quarterback, 
completing passes to fellow Representatives every day as he gets their 
signature as co-sponsors on the floor of the House. 

        He is fighting for immigration rationality and the rule of law with the 
kind of winning confidence he showed in college when he was runnerup for the 
Heisman Trophy.

        NumbersUSA will make its formal endorsement of this bill later today.

        We believe this bill with its bi-partisan support but originating on 
the Democratic side of the House is just the vehicle to give us a chance to 
actually pass immigration legislation through a Democratic-controlled Congress 
that would significantly improve the lives of most Americans.


        The SAVE Act does a lot of things to protect our borders and to help 
with interior enforcement. (We'll provide you with a section-by-section 
analysis as soon as the bill is formally introduced.)

        But the section that I applaud the most has to do with workplace 
verification. We believe that jobs are the main reason illegal aliens come 
here. Drying them up would seriously slow the flow of new illegal aliens. And 
it would start to drive perhaps as many as a million already-settled illegal 
aliens back home each year.

          The SAVE Act would eventually require every employee in America to go 
through the E-Verify system. This internet system provides employers with an 
inexpensive, quick, and accurate way to verify that employees are not illegal 
aliens. The rules for use are such that no employee or employer suffers if 
there is a mistake in the system because there is ample time to correct errors 
on the employee's side and on the government's side.

          The SAVE Act would ...

          a.. ... require during Year 1 that all government agencies, 
government contractors, plus all businesses with more than 250 employees run 
all NEW hires through E-Verify.

          b.. ... require during Year 2 that all businesses with 100 or more 
employees use E-Verify for new hires.

          c.. ... require during Year 3 that all businesses with more than 20 
employees use E-Verify for new hires.

          d.. ... during Year 4 add businesses with fewer than 20 employees so 
that all businesses use E-Verify for new hires.

          e.. ... also during Year 4 require all businessese to run all their 
previous hires through E-Verify.

        The four-year phase-in is to give the government more room for massive 
expansion of its current system. It also allows the government to work out 
kinks before it is required for use by small businesses which often lack the 
personnel to easily deal with new procedures.

        During the first three years, new illegal aliens and currently settled 
ones who lose their jobs will find fewer and fewer places where they can seek 

        But during those first three years, current illegal aliens who stayed 
in the same job would not be affected by the expanding use of E-Verify. 

        In the fourth year, however, all of those illegal workers would be run 
through E-Verify. If their Social Security number, name and a couple more 
details didn't match -- and they had no excuse -- they would lose their jobs.

        NumbersUSA has always maintained that very few businesses actually want 
to hire illegal aliens. And we believe that of the minority of businesses that 
do hire illegal aliens, most do so without knowing it or do so because they 
feel forced to do it to keep from being run out of business by competitors who 
ARE hiring illegal aliens. 

        If we give businesses a tool they can rely on, and assure them that 
their competitors won't get by with hiring illegals, very few illegal aliens 
will get hired anywhere.

        There aren't enough odd-jobs and off-the-books jobs in the underground 
economy to soak up the estimated 7 million illegal workers in the country. Most 
illegal aliens will no longer find enough work to support them and their 
dependents, and most of them will eventually give up their lives of illegality 


        All of us inside and outside government who have lauded E-Verify under 
its different names the last decade have acknowledged that it doesn't identify 
all illegal aliens.

        It works with the majority of illegal aliens who are making up Social 
Security numbers and names when they apply for a job.

        But if an illegal alien has paid the money to steal the identity of an 
American, or a legally present foreign national, E-Verify passes them through.

        The Shuler bill is the first to address this problem and solve it.

        It creates a system of detecting when the same identity is being used 
to hold down more jobs than are credible. In some cases, the same identity is 
being used by hundreds of people in hundreds of workplaces. The Shuler bill 
creates a notification system that roots out this fraud. We'll describe this in 
more detail in a later alert.


        We are ecstatic to see so many Democrats considering signing on to the 
toughest workplace verification language ever proposed in Congress.

        In the Senate, the Democrats are overwhelmingly leaders for open 
borders and providing unscrupulous businesses with massive flows of foreign 
labor. But Shuler is out to prove that Democrats in the U.S. House stand by 
American workers.

        I'm making such a big deal about this bill because many commentators 
since Democrats took control of Congress last November have said it will be 
impossible to move an enforcement-only bill any sooner than 2009.

        If we are to have any chance at all, the vehicle must be a Democratic 
vehicle. The SAVE Act is.

        But we need your help to push your Democratic Representative (if you 
have one) to sign up. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could persuade 50 
Democrats to be original co-sponsors of this bill?


        The success of this Democratic-led bill will be dependent upon 
Republicans massively joining it as well.

        If you have a Republican Representative, will he/she be willing to sign 
onto a Democratic originated bill?

        We need your help to push Republicans to set partisanship aside and 
help move this bill to a vote on the House floor.


        We'll be putting up a fax that provides what your own U.S. 
Representative needs to hear right now regarding the Shuler bill.

        Please watch for an Alert from us that will provide a link to that fax.

        You may want to go ahead and make a phone call to your Representative 
today and ask him/her to please co-sponsor Heath Shuler's SAVE Act to take away 
the job magnet for illegal immigration.


        For your call to your own Representative today, just have a short, 
low-key conversation. 

        Tell him/her about how excited you are to hear an outline of the SAVE 
Act and how important it is for Congress to take away the jobs magnet for 
illegal immigration. And ask him/her to call Rep. Shuler's office to ask about 
signing the bill as an original co-sponsor.

        The fact is that the only way Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi of 
California will allow an enforcement bill to come to a vote is if she is under 
pressure from scores of Democrats having signed on to co-sponsor this 

        We proved we are strong enough to stop amnesties repeatedly this year.

        But can we prove we are strong enough to pass something that actually 
improves life in the United States?


        Here are some other things the SAVE Act would do:

        a.. Increases Customs and Border Patrol agents by 8,000, utilizes new 
technology and fencing to secure the border, and expands specialized 
enforcement programs, such as the "Tunnel Task Force"

        a.. Outlines provisions for recruitment of new agents and personnel 
through bonuses, student loan repayments, and other financial incentives

        a.. Creates a pilot program to increase aerial surveillance, satellite, 
and equipment sharing between the Department of Homeland Security and the Dept. 
of Defense to reduce costs and save taxpayer money

        a.. Increases investigative abilities of ICE by employing more agents 
and increasing cooperation between ICE and state and local law enforcement, 
including sharing personnel, information, and equipment

        a.. Creates new infrastructure for the detention, processing and 
removal of illegal aliens by increasing detention facility capacity, and 
streamlining judicial processes

        a.. Implements a targeted media campaign to inform illegal aliens of 
new laws and penalties, while also informing employers of penalties for hiring 
illegal immigrants

        P.S. We can triple our membership quickly if our members email their 
friends about us and they in turn email theirs. Polls show that most Americans 
agree with NumbersUSA's positions but, despite our recent rapid growth, most 
American voters still have never heard of us. You can help change that by 
forwarding this email widely.  
        This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know 
all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type 
of alerts you receive click here
        As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about 
immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the 
frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate 
Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form:

        NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an 
environmentally sustainable and economically just America. 

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