Please send this one to every relative and person you know, and then some share 
this good news.  We have a courage person with a big stick to help us., and all the wonderful groups we have will be so helpful and I just 
can't wait, can you??  Let's roll up our sleeves and thank goodness we all want 
our country back and our constitution restored just like it was. We already 
have laws which can handle nearly every situtation.  We really don't need those 
other vague and loophole stuff fit for Edictates. I don't like living under 
miltiary law and i suspect that those troops in our military do what they do so 
we AMericans can remain free.
            Thu, 8 Nov 2007 16:08:18 -0600 (CST)    From:  "Anthony D. Romero" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Subject:  Today, at the prison 
at Guantánamo Bay...  
#message27065777947126876891585432401307462149911916869204 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  
                                                            Working to End 

  Observing Guantánamo hearings: ACLU attorney, Jamil Dakwar, is at Guantánamo 
Bay to observe the hearing of Omar Ahmed Khadr. Read his comments and 
observations about the hearing on the ACLU blog tomorrow.
  Testifying before Congress: ACLU attorney, Amrit Singh, testified today 
before the House Judiciary Subcommittee looking into "enhanced" interrogation 
methods used on detainees in U.S. custody. Read more about her testimony.
  Getting the facts: As a result of a Freedom of Information Act request filed 
by the ACLU, the third secret torture memo from Alberto Gonzales’ DOJ was 
revealed on Tuesday. Learn more about the documents and what they uncover. 

    Dear Friend, 
  ACLU attorney Jamil Dakwar is in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba serving as a human 
rights observer at the hearing of a Canadian citizen named Omar Ahmed Khadr. 
Khadr was only 15 years old when he was captured by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. 
This is his third hearing; the first two resulted in the charges against him 
being thrown out. 
  After nearly six years of disarray and uncertainty about how to prosecute the 
320 remaining prisoners being held at Guantánamo Bay, the U.S. government has 
failed to complete a single trial. As the prisoners continue to languish 
without being charged or tried, one thing remains crystal clear: We cannot 
arbitrarily detain prisoners, deny them access to lawyers, and hold them 
  It is also clear that Congress cannot continue to put off taking action, they 
need to close Guantánamo Bay, restore habeas corpus and repudiate torture once 
and for all. In the meantime, you and I cannot wait for a change in Congress or 
the White House to demand that our leaders fix the damage done to the 
Constitution, our freedoms and our most fundamental American values over the 
last seven years.
  That’s why we’re asking ACLU members to bring the discussion about these 
vital issues to their friends and family by hosting a screening of the powerful 
documentary, "Ghosts of Abu Ghraib," on or before December 10, International 
Human Rights Day. Sign up to host a screening. 
  We know for a fact that when they learn of the abuses being carried out in 
their name, the American people reject the use of torture and believe that our 
nation should uphold the rule of law. That is why the ACLU is calling on 
friends like you to help us educate and mobilize the public.
  We won’t wait for ’08 to end torture, restore habeas corpus and close 
Guantánamo . We must act now. By hosting a screening of “Ghosts of Abu Ghraib,” 
you will increase awareness about the issues of torture, habeas corpus and due 
process. Raising awareness of these issues is essential as we fight to restore 
our Constitution and our most fundamental values.
  All you need to host a viewing is a DVD player, a TV and guests. We’ll 
provide you with the tools you need to have a meaningful discussion. 
  Sign up to host a screening. 
  To think that it has taken almost six years for Khadr's hearing to take place 
underscores the fact that we can’t wait for ’08 to restore the Constitution; we 
must act now. 
  I hope you’ll consider hosting a viewing of this important documentary, and 
help build awareness about these fundamental issues. Thank you for your 
involvement and for standing up for freedom and the rule of law. 
Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
  © ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10004

Unsubscribe from receiving email, or change your email preferences.

  I believe this is to be something of which the GOP Republicans and be in on 
if they truly want to keep our country and our constititional rights and laws. 
To have a working society, and government, we must enforce our constitutional 
laws which must be upheld. Our version, we do not live by a Miltiary Law, at 
least not yet, but we are getting ever so close, with the dismantling in small 
print and loop holes for superiority over the constitution.  Each elected 
official, has to swear to uphold the US constitutution, that means that they 
will uphold it with the laws and order contained there in.. That is what they 
means, so just how many people have taken a role in dismantling our 
Cosntitution, Think about it.. What did they do?  What laws would restrict them 
to do, the Oath of Office in the first law, then the next one from then on is 
to uphold the laws and order, and rights, and freedoms. I don't know a single 
person in our grass roots who don't feel America to deep inside
 their heart and to their very bones.  WE are a patriotic people and always 
have been for we the people from hundreds of years back American as pioneers 
helped to build this country, with plenty of lawless people.. We are facing 
something very similar here,  We must bring law and order back and the only way 
to do it is demanding that the Constitutional Laws be adhered to and also 
restored ASP.  This is the utmost weapon we can have and doing it legally and 
open, stop trying to hide the fact they we are being victims of a very 
dangerous group of people, who would be king.
  I want to thank you Mr Romero and ACLU for taking on this quest, and I 
believe that you will have plenty of help, and for that we are gratful. We want 
our country back.We want our freepress back, too. and get truth in journalism. 
Freedom and truth in jouralism.  it is time we stop being duped by a handful of 
bullies and others who would only use Police State against us if they get the 
chance.  I say the sooner the better and I personally always use the main US 
Constitution to decide which idea and ideals to hold on to.  But our problem 
today is the deciders instead of our contitution, I really want restoration to 
the real constitution. Let's on the internet grass roots, role up our sleeves, 
how can we fail with a stong group like ACU, and also our own organizations 
will surely help, too.. We have a job to do, so I say let's get started, the 
sooner the better, yesterday would have been good for me.
  Theresa J. Steed
  Conroe, Texas 77302
  Thu, 8 Nov 2007 16:08:18 -0600 (CST)    From:  "Anthony D. Romero" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>    To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Subject:  Today, at the prison at 
Guantánamo Bay...  #message27065777947126876891585432401307462149911916869204 { 
overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }                                              
                Working to End Torture

  Observing Guantánamo hearings: ACLU attorney, Jamil Dakwar, is at Guantánamo 
Bay to observe the hearing of Omar Ahmed Khadr. Read his comments and 
observations about the hearing on the ACLU blog tomorrow.
  Testifying before Congress: ACLU attorney, Amrit Singh, testified today 
before the House Judiciary Subcommittee looking into "enhanced" interrogation 
methods used on detainees in U.S. custody. Read more about her testimony.
  Getting the facts: As a result of a Freedom of Information Act request filed 
by the ACLU, the third secret torture memo from Alberto Gonzales’ DOJ was 
revealed on Tuesday. Learn more about the documents and what they uncover. 

    Dear Friend, 
  ACLU attorney Jamil Dakwar is in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba serving as a human 
rights observer at the hearing of a Canadian citizen named Omar Ahmed Khadr. 
Khadr was only 15 years old when he was captured by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. 
This is his third hearing; the first two resulted in the charges against him 
being thrown out. 
  After nearly six years of disarray and uncertainty about how to prosecute the 
320 remaining prisoners being held at Guantánamo Bay, the U.S. government has 
failed to complete a single trial. As the prisoners continue to languish 
without being charged or tried, one thing remains crystal clear: We cannot 
arbitrarily detain prisoners, deny them access to lawyers, and hold them 
  It is also clear that Congress cannot continue to put off taking action, they 
need to close Guantánamo Bay, restore habeas corpus and repudiate torture once 
and for all. In the meantime, you and I cannot wait for a change in Congress or 
the White House to demand that our leaders fix the damage done to the 
Constitution, our freedoms and our most fundamental American values over the 
last seven years.
  That’s why we’re asking ACLU members to bring the discussion about these 
vital issues to their friends and family by hosting a screening of the powerful 
documentary, "Ghosts of Abu Ghraib," on or before December 10, International 
Human Rights Day. Sign up to host a screening. 
  We know for a fact that when they learn of the abuses being carried out in 
their name, the American people reject the use of torture and believe that our 
nation should uphold the rule of law. That is why the ACLU is calling on 
friends like you to help us educate and mobilize the public.
  We won’t wait for ’08 to end torture, restore habeas corpus and close 
Guantánamo . We must act now. By hosting a screening of “Ghosts of Abu Ghraib,” 
you will increase awareness about the issues of torture, habeas corpus and due 
process. Raising awareness of these issues is essential as we fight to restore 
our Constitution and our most fundamental values.
  All you need to host a viewing is a DVD player, a TV and guests. We’ll 
provide you with the tools you need to have a meaningful discussion. 
  Sign up to host a screening. 
  To think that it has taken almost six years for Khadr's hearing to take place 
underscores the fact that we can’t wait for ’08 to restore the Constitution; we 
must act now. 
  I hope you’ll consider hosting a viewing of this important documentary, and 
help build awareness about these fundamental issues. Thank you for your 
involvement and for standing up for freedom and the rule of law. 
Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
  © ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10004

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