Bill#1955 - do not pass!
This bill must not pass...who ever heard of a Constitutional Law which refers 
to thought process.
This is absurd, it is too rediculous to pass such a bill.. We would be opening 
ourselves to no protection 
under the U. S. Constitutional law, whatsoever.  We must preserve our U. S. 
Constitution and revert those bills recently
illegally added without referring to our Laws and Order. IMHO, this bill was 
slipped in for passage, while we are thinking other things just now.
I really do think these neo-cons thought we would not catch this impossible and 
ruination to our rights and freedoms..Utterly dangerous to our best interest. 
Vote NO!  This is a dangrous bill which only a Police State would install.  We 
cannot afford to lose any more of our bill of rights,
and Constitutional protection.  HR1955 would affect every single citizen in the 
U. S. A..all of us could be set up so easy, it would be a big
regretable bill to pass.. It is not necessary to pass this for we have other 
bills more concise and precise which is more effective and realistic.
This would only be used by a Dictator, not a president under our U. S. 
Constitution.  We must rescend any bills passed in since 2000, which
would jerpardize all the U. S. Citizens.  We must demand our Bill of right and 
our freedoms expressed by the U. S. Constitution, be restored immediatly.
WE do not want edicted laws in this land, no president has the right to do so 
in our country.  We demand our Republic be restored, every Constitutional
protection we had before this administation.  We must do it now, or the 
precedence of this Executive Branch might be passed on to the next president 
admistration and become permanent law.
We respectfully urge all of the Senate to vote against this dangerous Bill.  It 
should not become part of our U.S.Constitution.
How will HR1955 affect YOU?
Posted by: "zz 22" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:16 am ((PST))
  Behaviour like this affects the entire internet community, not just
Wake up!
  Violent Radicalization-Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act headed for
Senate Vote
  IMC Miami
November 26, 2007
  Fears that government could define "Internet radicalization" and
criticism as terrorism mount, violent comments left on messageboards
by trolls could be exploited to entrap peaceful 9/11 truthers. A new
bill that recently passed the House and is headed for Senate approval
has online activists worried that the vague definitions used for
defining the Internet's contribution to radicalization of potential
terrorists could lead to a government crackdown on talk radio, free
speech and the 9/11 truth movement.
  The bill is H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2007 and passed Congress after a bipartisan vote on
October 23rd.
  Ostensibly, the bill targets United States citizens because of its
constant reference to basic Constitutional protections, but this has
led some to fear that it is intended to shut down free speech on the
Internet and stifle patriot and alternative talk radio networks.
  The bill defines "violent radicalization" as "The process of adopting
or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of
facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political,
religious, or social change."
  It further defines "homegrown terrorism" as "The use, planned use, or
threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born,
raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States or
any possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United
States government, the civilian population of the United States, or
any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."
  The term "planned use" has caused concerns that "thinking about
violence," ie thought crime, could be considered a terrorist act. But
since to plan violence must involve some form of planning, whether
that be drawing up bomb diagrams or making violent statements, the
real threat seems to have been overlooked.
  A disturbing trend in recent months has been the proliferation of
violent postings on messageboards of websites affiliated with peaceful
9/11 truth organizations.
  These messages are being posted by shameless trolls, COINTELPRO
operatives and their stooges in a clear effort to discredit the 9/11
truth movement by making us all appear to be crazy nutcases who plan
to commit terrorist acts.
  Establishment media hacks like Glenn Beck have then seized upon the
idea to spew propaganda about how the next Timothy McVeigh will come
from the truth movement, despite the fact that the leadership of the
truth movement have practiced what they preach all along, by engaging
in completely peaceful protests and other forms of non-violent
educational activism.
  The bill's reference to how "The Internet has aided in facilitating
violent radicalization, ideologically based violence, and the
homegrown terrorism process in the United States by providing access
to broad and constant streams of terrorist-related propaganda to
United States citizens," is shocking.
  Remember, the bill is not aimed at "Al-Qaeda" websites or arabic
forums that post alleged Bin Laden video tapes, it is aimed at
American citizens using American based websites, like the very one
you're reading now.
  The opportunity for the state to seize upon violent posts left by
trolls and use them to entrap peaceful 9/11 truthers under the guise
that they "promoted violence" should be a major concern for us all.
  Our message is simply this - don't even try it.
  We have preached a doctrine of absolute non-violence from the very
beginning and we will continue to do so. Anyone who calls for violence
in a messageboard post is either a Fed, a Mom's basement dwelling
troll who spends their entire day attempting to debunk the 9/11 truth
movement, or a completely deluded moron who is unrepresentative of the
vast majority of the 9/11 truth movement.
  Those individuals who advocate violence should be sought out and
investigated individually. Any plans to try and entrap prominent 9/11
truth movement figures using guilt by association should be abandoned
immediately and we will ceaselessly emphasize this point until this
current wave of propaganda subsides.
The day comes upon us all when we are faced with two profound truths -
we are mortal and that we are equal. Unfortunately for those among us
fail to consider this during their lifetime, this truth dawns upon us
all at
the moment of death - thus we all experience mortality and are
equalized by
the inevitability of it. - Mark Lingham
  He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file, has already earned
contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the
spinal cord would surely suffice. ALBERT EINSTEIN
  WARNING: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
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They may
do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no
nor protection..........
IF anyone other than the addressee of this e-mail is reading it, you
are in
violation of the 1st & 4th Amendments to the Constitution of the United
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Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:18:47 -0600 
Subject: [BushLiar] Fwd: War Paint and Lawyers: Rainforest Indians versus Big 
Check out who Condi Rice used to work for ! ! ! !
Forwarded message 
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 02:17:04 -0500
From: Greg Palast <[EMAIL PROTECTED] gregpalast. com>
Subject: War Paint and Lawyers: Rainforest Indians versus Big Oil 
  War Paint and Lawyers:  Rainforest Indians versus Big Oil
Greg Palast investigates for BBC Newsnight - TONIGHT
Chevron:  "Nobody has proved that crude causes cancer." 
  Tuesday, November 27, 10:30pm GMT [5:30pm New York Time] - live on BBC2 TV or 
on the net at http://news. 2/hi/programmes/ newsnight/ default.stm
  BBC Television Newsnight has been able to get close-in film of a new Cofan 
Indian ritual deep in the heart of the Amazonian rainforest.  Known as "The 
Filing of the Law Suit," natives of Ecuador's jungle, decked in feathers and 
war paint and heavily armed with lawyers, are filmed presenting a new complaint 
in their litigation seeking $12 billion from Chevron Inc., the international 
oil goliath. 
  It would all be a poignant joke - except that the indigenous tribe is 
suddenly the odds-on favorite to defeat the oil company known for naming its 
largest tanker, "Condoleezza," after former Chevron director, US Secretary of 
State Condoleezza Rice.
  For Newsnight, reporter Greg Palast, steps (somewhat inelegantly) into a 
dug-out log canoe to seek out the Cofan in their rainforest village to 
investigate their allegations.  Palast discovers stinking pits of old oil 
drilling residue leaking into drinking water - and meets farmers whose limbs 
are covered in pustules.   
  The Cofan's leader, Emergildo Criollo, tells Palast that when Texaco Oil, now 
part of Chevron, came to the village in 1972, it obtained permission to drill 
by offering the Indians candy and cheese.  The indigenous folk threw the 
funny-selling cheese into the jungle.   
  Criollo says his three-year son died from oil contamination after, "He went 
swimming, then began vomiting blood."
  Flying out of the rainforest, past the Andes volcanoes, Palast gets the other 
side of the story in Ecuador's capitol, Quito.  "It's the largest fraud in 
history!" asserts Chevron lawyer Jaime Varela reacting to the Cofan law suits 
against his company.  Chevron-Texaco, Varela insists, cleaned up all its 
contaminated oil pits when it abandoned the country nearly 15 years ago - 
except those pits it left in the hands of Ecuador's own state oil company. 
  What about the Indian kids dying of cancer?  Texaco lawyer Rodrigo Perez 
asks, "And it's the only case of cancer in the world?  How many cases of 
children with cancer do you have in the States, in Europe, in Quito?  If there 
is somebody with cancer there, [the Cofan parents] must prove [the deaths were] 
caused by crude or by petroleum industry. And, second, they have to prove that 
it is OUR crude – which is absolutely impossible."  The Texaco man stated,  
"Scientifically, nobody has proved that crude causes cancer."
  Even if the Indians can prove their case and win billions to clean up the 
jungle, collecting the cash is another matter.  Chevron has removed all its 
assets from Ecuador.
  But, this week, the political planet tilts toward the natives as Alberto 
Acosta takes office as President of Ecuador's new Constitutional Assembly.  
Newsnight catches up with Acosta - who gives Chevron a tongue-lashing.  
"Chevron is responsible for environmental and social destruction in the Amazon. 
 And that's why they're on trial."
"He LOVES Chavez"
Little Ecuador does not seem like much of a match against big Chevron - whose 
revenue exceeds the entire GDP of the Andean nation.   However, behind Little 
Ecuador is Huge Venezuela - and its larger-than- life leader, Hugo Chavez.   
"Acosta," complains one local pundit to the BBC, "loves - LOVES - Chavez."    
  And apparently, the feeling is mutual.  That is, Chavez sees in Ecuador's new 
government, which won election campaigning to the tune of the Twisted Sister 
hit, We're Not Gonna Take it Anymore, a new ally in his fight with George Bush 
over control of Latin hearts and minds - and energy.  
  Chevron-Texaco's largest new oil reserves are in Venezuela; Venezuela stands 
with Ecuador; and Ecuador now stands with its " affectados," the Indians and 
farmers claiming the poisons in their bodies trace right back to the Texaco 
  Suddenly, the David-versus- Goliath story of Little Indians versus Big Oil is 
becoming part of the larger conflict between Uncle Sam and Uncle Hugo.  The 
outcome is now a cliff-hanger.  Indeed, Newsnight has learned that this month, 
Chevron will face a new legal challenge by Cofan attorneys before US securities 
regulators to investigate whether the company has fully disclosed to 
shareholders the massive potential legal liability from the equatorial Rumble 
in the Jungle. 
Watch the story live on BBC2 or, in the US, on the net at http://news. 2/hi/programmes/ newsnight/ default.stm after broadcast - or via a 
link from www.GregPalast. com.  WARNING:  The day's news events may require 
Newsnight to delay broadcast to another evening.
  And this weekend, catch Palast discussing the BBC Report with environmental 
crusader Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on RFK's Air America Radio program, Ring of 
  And pick of a copy of "Ecuador:  Oiled and Despoiled," one of the documentary 
shorts on Palast's DVD film collection, The Assassination of Hugo Chavez, 
released this week.  Available only by making a tax-deductible donation to The 
Palast Investigative Fund at www.PalastInvestiga tiveFund. org 
  BBC Television Newsnight story filmed in Ecuador by Rick Rowley, edited by 
Jacquie Shoohen in New York, produced in London by Meirion Jones, written and 
reported from Ecuador by Greg Palast.  www.GregPalast. com

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