"Congressman John Conyers " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 08:38:41 -0500 
Subject: FISA Call to Action 
  FISA Call to Action
Dear Theresa:
The Senate will soon consider legislation addressing the Foreign Intelligence 
Surveillance Act (FISA).  I emailed you about this issue recently responding to 
inaccuracies in the press about Democratic efforts to improve protection of 
civil liberties.  I am writing you today to update you on the current state of 
the bill and to ask for your help.
  One critical question being considered in the Senate's FISA bill is whether 
to offer telecom companies retroactive immunity for any actions they undertook 
in the wireless surveillance program.  The Bush Administration has claimed that 
this is necessary for national security reasons, but I am skeptical.
  If the Administration was serious about arguing for this immunity, I suspect 
they would take steps to demonstrate to Congress the extent of this 
surveillance program and what role the phone companies played.  Yet they have 
refused to share even this information with the House.  Clearly, it is a bit 
much to ask for immunity from prosecution without explaining why it is 
  Because of these reservations, the House-passed FISA bill did not include the 
immunity the president sought.  In the Senate, however, it is becoming clear 
that a tough battle will now ensue over this provision.  Senator Chris Dodd of 
Connecticut has been a vocal opponent of telecom immunity and has promised to 
filibuster any FISA legislation that includes this provision.
  Senator Dodd needs your help right now.  Please visit his site and lend your 
support to the filibuster now.  Your help can make a difference at this 
important juncture.
  Thank you again for your continued support for a better democracy.
  Your Friend, 
John Conyers, Jr.  
  Paid for by the Conyers, John 
  Conyers for Congress
1831 Bay Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
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  16 Dec 2007 01:08:48 -0800 
From: "Yahoo! Alerts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Y! Alert: Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy  
Yahoo! Alerts 
My Alerts - Edit Alert 
  The latest from Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
  Bipartisanship is key as the storm gathers over health-care reform (The 
Columbus Dispatch) 
FDA bill to regulate cigarettes on hold but not dead (Winston-Salem Journal) 
UPDATED: FDA bill to regulate cigarettes on hold but not dead (Winston-Salem 
  Bipartisanship is key as the storm gathers over health-care reform (The 
Columbus Dispatch) Top 
Sunday December 16, 2007 2:28 AM CST 
The country might or might not have another President Clinton in 2009. But what 
lessons does the 1993-94 health-care-reform debacle presided over by President 
and first lady Hillary Clinton offer for whoever takes over the Oval Office? 
FDA bill to regulate cigarettes on hold but not dead (Winston-Salem Journal) 
Sunday December 16, 2007 2:19 AM CST 
WASHINGTON A plan to give the Food and Drug Administration the power to 
regulate cigarettes is on hold for now, but supporters said last week that it 
is likely to resurface in Congress early next year. "By no means is it dead," 
said William V. Corr, the executive director of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free 
Kids, a public-health advocacy group that has long sought FDA regulation of 
cigarettes. ... 
FDA bill to regulate cigarettes on hold but not dead (Winston-Salem Journal) 
UPDATED: Sunday December 16, 2007 12:43 AM CST 
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Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 09:57:23 -0800 
From: "Nita Chaudhary, MoveOn.org Political Action" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Theresa J.Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Halliburton and Rape 
Click here to add your name: 
"Congress must investigate the rape of Jamie Leigh Jones and others, hold those 
involved accountable, and bring US contractors under the jurisdiction of US 
Sign the petition 
  Support Jamie Leigh Jones' Foundation 
  Jamie started an organization to help US citizens who are victims of sexual 
abuse, rape and harassment while working abroad for federal contractors, 
corporations or the government. Her organization wants to ensure that overseas 
contractors and corporations act responsibly, and those who commit crimes are 
held accountable.Click Here to Support Her Foundation 
Dear MoveOn member, 
Jamie Leigh Jones was a 20-year-old woman working in Iraq for a subsidiary of 
Halliburton when she was drugged and brutally gang-raped by several co-workers.
  The next day, Halliburton told her that if she left Iraq to get medical 
treatment, she could lose her job.1
  Jamie's story gets even more horrific: For the last two years, she's been 
asking the US government to hold the perpetrators accountable. But the men who 
raped her may never be brought to justice because Halliburton and other 
contractors in Iraq aren't subject to US or Iraqi laws. They can't be tried for 
a crime in any court.2
  This is one of the most disturbing stories we have come across in a while. 
We're calling on Congress to investigate Jamie's case, hold those involved 
accountable, and bring US contractors under the jurisdiction of US law so this 
can't happen again. If hundreds of thousands of us speak out against this 
outrageous story, we can force Congress to take action.
  Can you sign the petition? The text is in the blue box at the right. Clicking 
below will add your name.
  After you sign, please forward this email to friends, family and 
colleagues—we all need to speak out together.
  When you get an email from us, it doesn't usually include a graphic 
description of a brutal attack. But when we heard this story, we knew we had to 
do something about it.
Here's how Jamie described what happened after the attack:
  I awoke the next morning in the barracks to find my naked body battered and 
bruised. I was still groggy from whatever had been put in my drink. I was 
bleeding... After getting to the clinic and having a rape kit performed...I was 
locked in a container with no food, no way to call my parents, and was placed 
under armed guard by Halliburton.3
  Jamie's attackers aren't the only ones exploiting a legal loophole to get 
away with their violent crimes. Another female employee of Halliburton says she 
was raped by her co-workers in Iraq.4 Employees of Blackwater, another private 
contracting firm in Iraq, were accused of killing innocent Iraqi civilians, and 
that incident turned into an international scandal. Worst of all, they may 
never be punished.5
  Private contractors in Iraq are making massive amounts of money, operating 
above the law and are accountable to no one. This has to stop.
  Congress needs to act now to bring these contractors under the rule of law. 
If they don't, nothing will prevent a case like Jamie's from happening again. 
No man or woman working in Iraq should have to fear that they can be attacked 
without consequences.
  Please sign on to the petition: "Congress must investigate the rape of Jamie 
Leigh Jones and others, hold those involved accountable, and bring US 
contractors under the jurisdiction of US law." Clicking below adds your name:
  Thanks for all you do,
  –Nita, Wes, Karin, Marika, and the MoveOn.org Political Action Team
  Saturday, December 15th, 2007
1. "Halliburton hit in rape lawsuit," New York Daily News, December 11, 2007
  2. "Victim: Gang-Rape Cover-Up by U.S., Halliburton/KBR," ABC News, December 
10, 2007
  3. Jamie's Journal, The Jamie Leigh Foundation
  4. "Female ex-employees sue KBR, Halliburton—report," Reuters, June 29, 2007
  5."Blackwater Probe Narrows Focus to Guards," Associated Press, December 8, 
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