These are a few youtube clips I consider to be must see.
Most are short but, powerful. 'Got a few minutes?

"Soldier" Brags of Torture, Rape & Murder

Napolitano: A Nation Of Sheep

Psychiatry Kills p.1

Impeach Bush

Zeitgeist clip

I am working on a list of clips like this to be put on a DVD for distribution 
from my site:

Think what a powerful tool this type of DVD might be if given to a friend or 
neighbor who is not computer savy. Imagine a menu of ten or twenty clips which 
drive home the points of concern.

Please, help me accumulate just the right clips for my first attempt by sending 
me links to the best five clips you have.

Here are a few more:

JFK speech about the Conspiracy
New Orleans gun confiscation
lady strip searched in police custody
Trooper tasering lady with expired license
George Carlin... "the don't care about you"

Please add to this list.



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