I don't believe in sovereignty. 

American System vs. Anglo-Dutch System Dialogue
Economist Magazine Russia Editor: "I Advocate the Lisbon Treaty 100%...I hate 
the Westphalian System!" 

Edward Lucas, the current editor for Russian and Eastern European affairs for 
the Economist Magazine, the official publication of the British Empire, has 
written a new book, "The New Cold War: Putin's Russia and the Threat to the 
West". During a book signing, prior to a lecture he was to deliver at the 
Watson Institute at Brown University in Providence, RI, two LaRouche PAC 
organizers, Alexandra Peribikovsky and Matthew Ogden, drew him into a pointed 
dialogue during which he exposed his lust for the Lisbon treaty process, in 
order to eliminate the sovereignty of nation-states and bring to an end of the 
era of Westphalia.

Because the dialogue yielded some juicy quotes from this explicit British 
imperialist, a paraphrase follows, with some direct quotations included:

LPAC: What do you think of the Kennebunkport process, launched at the meeting 
of Putin with Bush?

LUCAS: (Thick British accent) Bush said he looked into Putin's eyes and saw his 
soul; I would have seen the letters KGB.

LPAC: Many people have compared the Kennebunkport proposal to Reagan's SDI.

LUCAS: I think the concept of strategic defense is highly over-rated. (He began 
to go into his spiel about so-called pipe-line politics, the title of one of 
the chapters in his new book).

LPAC: While Putin was involved in the meetings around Kennebunkport, many 
leading people in Moscow were repeatedly discussing the legacy of Franklin 

LUCAS: Well! I think Putin has his own reasons for bringing up FDR!

LPAC: Both the Kennebunkport proposal and the SDI are reminiscent of 
Roosevelt's post-war Russian-American alliance. In fact, the Russian-American 
partnership goes all the way back to the Civil War and even the American 
Revolution. And, ironically, America was always allied with the Russians, 
against the British!

LUCAS: World politics were different back then.

LPAC: In the context of the crash of the entire world financial system, what do 
you think about the United States entering into an alliance with Russia and 
China, to stabilize the dollar, like Roosevelt did during the Bretton Woods?

LUCAS: Why should Russia be a party to that sort of conference? Economically, 
Russia is now a third-rate power. They have no economic power. They're at the 
level of a Holland, or a Belgium. Why should the Dutch, or the Belgians, have a 
seat at the table discussing a new world system?

LPAC: Brussells wants to dictate the new world system, actually! The Lisbon 
treaty would give the president of a United Europe a seat in Belgium.

LUCAS: (direct quote) "I am a strong advocate of the Lisbon Treaty. I support 
it 100%! We should end all of this discussion and debate about an EU 
Constitution, and just do it! Just make it happen!"

LPAC: So you advocate the elimination of sovereignty for the nations of Europe?

LUCAS: "The nations of Europe don't need sovereignty! They no longer need to be 
separate states; Europe needs to create its own internal market."

LPAC: That reminds me of the idea of a Pan-Europe, a One Europe, of Edward 
Mosely, the British fascist from the 1940's...

LUCAS: Oh, you mean Oswald Mosely.

LPAC: What you're advocating would mean the end of the Westphalian System.

LUCAS: (direct quote) "I HATE THE WESTPHALIAN SYSTEM! The world needs to move 
beyond the age of Westphalia!"

LPAC: You don't believe that governments should exist to promote the general 
welfare of its people?

LUCAS: "I believe in international security organizations, like 
NATO...International governing institutions."

LPAC: You know, here in the United States of America, we Americans value highly 
the idea of national sovereignty.

LUCAS: I don't know much about the American system of politics, but I don't 
believe in sovereignty. By the way, are you two part of some specific political 
party or group? I am beginning to notice a certain consistency in your 

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