Groups like this one, Yahoo, Google political groups are used as a
literal "Brain trust" for those outside the Clinton Campaign or (outside
of your campaign) claiming direction of your opponents Campaign.

Clinton tried it & failed with the, "Words are important", argument that
fell flat.

Watch out!  The issues & tact of your groups may be used as a Clinton

1. Record your conversations, on the phone, on the Internet,
2. Record your TV watching,
3. Record your daily conversations & exposure to information to catch
the Clintons & your Campaign oppponent in the act of Extreme Invasive
Surveilance of an Illegal Electronic Space Satellite Governance System.

Why the Aryan Centric Western Campaigns don't solve problems with their
National Exposure of so called Issues
The Campaign "Directors" on the outside are of the Narcotic
Organizations of Europe who don't have any ideas of the their own on top
of NOT CARING about the Issues & Problems of the United States & Allied

Who is claiming the Director's chair of any Campaign?
- Gay Community
- Scientologist skilled Hindi Pakistani Stalkers
- Narcotics Community
- GOP in the Bush Loop of the "eyes have it" California Syndrome
- EU Politicians  & Commercial Royal Presidents & CEO's
- UK Actors, Reporters & writers acting as Royalty from India & Pakistan
claiming to have kidnapped the world's Billionaires & Millionaires &
claiming to direct their spending in the stock market & claiming to
direct YOUR Spending also

How to avoid their influence?
1. Question Legislation & Decisions made, MAKE SURE YOU ARE AT LIBERTY
2. ASK QUESTIONs, Don't assume Collusion or Culpability.
3. DO NOT TRUST EUROPEANS & Hindi Pakistani <b>as a safety
precaution</b>. Internationally televised events are used to eNetwork
brains eKidnapped & direct thought.  ANY Pakistan news was used to
eNetwork India  & Pakistan with NON NEWS & converage of a NON ISSUE that
ended up monopolizing the United States State Department & WH attention.
THESE EU Hindi Pakistani Narcotics Political & Commecial Organizations
've been claiming Rule of Earth & influence of Life OF Earth, Natural
Resources & Weather.  Appearance of Aryan or Western Media Dominance is
important.  Clinton Idea theft & Campaign Stalkers ALL LINKED TO
NARCOTICS ACTIVITY. Why would 2000-2005's California Billboards look
Aryan Western when California's Demographic is less that 10% Aryan

Next up, TaserCop Syndrom Breifing

Information here on Alleged Crimes & Criminal Activity is also at

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