-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 1:19 pm
Subject: 'Perfect storm' food crisis grips globe 

'Perfect storm' food crisis grips globe

By Marc Lacey in Port-au-Prince, Haiti




Hunger smashed in the front gate of 
Haiti's presidential palace. Hunger poured on to the streets, burning tyres and 
taking on soldiers and the police. Hunger sent the country's prime minister 

Haiti's hunger, that has become fiercer than ever in 
recent days as global food prices spiral out of reach, rising by as much as 45% 
since the end of 2006 and turning staples such as beans, corn and rice into 
closely guarded treasures.

Saint Louis Meriska's children ate two 
spoonfuls of rice apiece as their only meal and then went without any food the 
following day. His eyes downcast, his own stomach empty, the unemployed father 
said: "They look at me and say 'Papa, I'm hungry', and I have to look away. 
humiliating and it makes you angry."

That anger is palpable across the 
globe. The food crisis is not only being felt among the poor but is also 
the gains of the working and middle classes, sowing volatile levels of 
discontent and putting new pressures on fragile governments.

In Cairo, 
Egypt, the military is being put to work baking bread as rising food prices 
threaten to become the spark that ignites wider anger at a repressive 
government. In Burkina Faso and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, food riots 
are breaking out as never before. In reasonably prosperous Malaysia, the ruling 
coalition was nearly ousted by voters who cited food and fuel price increases 
their main concerns.

"It's the worst crisis of its kind in more than 30 
years," said Jeffrey D Sachs, the economist and special adviser to the UN 
secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon. "It's a big deal and it's obviously threatening 
a lot of governments. There are a number of governments on the ropes, and I 
think there's more political fallout to come."

Indeed, as it hits 
developing nations, the spike in commodity prices has pitted the world's poorer 
south against the relatively wealthy north, adding to demands for reform of 
nations' farm and environmental policies. But experts say there are few 
quick fixes to a crisis tied to so many factors, from strong demand for food 
from emerging economies such as China's to rising oil 
prices to the diversion of food resources to make 

There are no scripts on how to handle the crisis either. In 
Asia, governments are putting in place measures to limit hoarding of rice after 
some shoppers panicked at price increases and bought up everything they 

Even in Thailand, which is the world's largest rice 
exporter, supermarkets have put up signs limiting the amount of rice shoppers 
are allowed to buy.

But there is also plenty of nervousness and 
confusion about how best to proceed and how bad the impact may be, particularly 
as already strapped governments struggle to keep up their food 

"This is a perfect storm," President Elias Antonio Saca of El 
Salvador said last week at the World Economic Forum on Latin America in Cancun, 

"How long can we withstand the situation? We have to feed our 
people, and commodities are becoming scarce. This scandalous storm might become 
a hurricane that could upset not only our economies but also the stability of 
our countries."

In Asia, if Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi of 
Malaysia steps down, which is looking increasingly likely amid postelection 
turmoil within his party, he may be that region's first high-profile political 
casualty of fuel and food price inflation.

In Indonesia, fearing 
protests, the government has revised its 2008 budget, increasing the amount it 
will spend on food subsidies by about $280m.

"The biggest concern 
is food riots," said HS Dillon, a former adviser to Indonesia's 
Ministry of Agriculture. Referring to small but widespread protests touched off 
by a rise in soybean prices in January, he said: "It has happened in the past 
and can happen again."

The Philippine government has started selling 
subsidised rice at military bases to ensure soldiers and their families have a 
sufficient supply of cheap grain, while other supplies are being stockpiled for 
the poorest members of society.

Last month in Senegal, one of Africa's 
oldest and most stable democracies, police in riot gear beat and used tear gas 
against people protesting over high food prices and later raided a television 
station that broadcast images of the event.

Many Senegalese have 
expressed anger at President Abdoulaye Wade for spending lavishly on roads and 
hotels for an Islamic summit meeting last month while many people are unable to 
afford rice or fish.

The rising prices are altering menus, and not for 
the better. In India, people are scrimping on milk for their children. Daily 
bowls of dahl are getting thinner, as a bag of lentils is stretched across a 
more meals.

In Cairo's Hafziyah Street, peddlers selling food from behind 
wood carts bark out their prices. But few customers can afford their fish or 
chicken. Food prices have doubled in two months.

Ahmed Abul Gheit, 25, 
sat on a wooden chair by his own pile of rotting tomatoes. "We can't even find 
food," he said, looking over at his friend Sobhy Abdullah, 50. Then, raising 
hands toward the sky as if in prayer, he said: "May God take the guy I have in 

Abdullah nodded, knowing full well that the "guy" was President 
Hosni Mubarak.

It is the kind of talk that has prompted the 
government to treat its economic woes as a security threat, dispatching riot 
forces with a strict warning that anyone who takes to the streets will be dealt 
with harshly.

Niger does not need to be reminded that 
hungry citizens overthrow governments. Its first postcolonial president, Hamani 
Diori, was toppled amid allegations of rampant corruption in 1974 as millions 
starved during a drought.

More recently, in 2005, it was mass protests in 
Niamey, the Nigerian capital, that made the government sit up and take notice 
that year's food crisis, which was caused by a complex mix of poor rains, 
infestation and market manipulation by traders.

"As a result of that 
experience the government created a Cabinet-level ministry to deal with the 
cost of living," said Moustapha Kadi, an activist who helped organise marches 
2005. "So when prices went up this year, the government acted quickly to remove 
tariffs on rice, which everyone eats. That quick action has kept people from 
taking to the streets."

In Haiti, where three-quarters of the population 
earns less than $2 a day and one in five children is chronically malnourished, 
the one business booming amid all the gloom is the selling of patties made of 
mud, oil and sugar, typically only consumed by the most destitute.

salty and it has butter and you don't know you're eating dirt," said Olwich 
Louis Jeune, 24, who has taken to eating them more often in recent months. "It 
makes your stomach quiet down."

But the grumbling in Haiti these days is 
no longer confined to the stomach. It is now spray-painted on walls of the 
capital and shouted by demo 


In recent days, President Rene Preval 
of Haiti – who has already seen his prime minister voted out – has patched 
together a response, using international aid money and price reductions by 
importers to cut the price of a sack of sugar by about 15%. He has also trimmed 
the salaries of some top officials. But those are considered temporary 

Meanwhile, most of the poorest of the poor suffer 


In the sprawling slum of Haiti's Cite Soleil, 
Placide Simone, 29, offered one of her five offspring to a stranger.  
"Take one," she said, cradling a listless baby and motioning 
toward four rail-thin toddlers, none of whom had eaten that day. "You pick. 
feed them."

• Lydia Polgreen in Niamey, Niger; Michael 
Slackman in Cairo, Egypt; Somini Sengupta in New Delhi; Thomas Fuller in 
Bangkok, Thailand; and Peter Gelling in Jakarta, Indonesia contributed to this 

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