MNN.  Mon. April 21, 2008.  Attacks on Indigenous people continue.  
Canada isn?t satisfied to waste billions of dollars a year on war 
missions overseas.  It?s using the same armored fist at home. Today 
the town of Deseronto on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory was surrounded 
by the armed forces of the Ontario Provincial Police.  Deseronto is 
an illegal nonnative enclave. 

With eyes wide open, Emile and his father Theodore Nibourg of Napanee 
Ontario, who own the ?Smiling Wilderness Restaurant? on the 
TransCanada Highway, decided they wanted to build a $35 million 
condominium on Mohawk land in Deseronto overlooking the Bay of 
Quinte.  Never mind that they don't own the land, Canada refuses to 
acknowledge Indigenous property rights.  The Nibourgs are real estate 
developers of commercial and residential properties out of Kingston 
They are fully aware of the Culbertson Land dispute which has been 
the focus of negotiations between the federal government and the 
since 1995.  [Nibourgs at cell 6135610984 fax 6135447868 

Last year the Thurlow Aggregates Quarry Site run by Tim Letch of 
Intergrorup Finance of Kingston was shut down by the Rotiskenekete.  
There was evidence of extensive illegal dumping including large 
amounts of asphalt.  Not only was the dumping illegal it also 
violated environmental protection laws by contaminating ground water 
with toxic waste.  Tim Letch was involved in some way in the condo 
development.  The Nibourgs appeared to have pushed Tim Letch out of 
the picture.  

In a press release from the Sadie's Lane Longhouse at Tyendinaga 
supporting the occupation, according to the Two Row Wampum agreement, 
they said that, "It's our land and we are prepared to help defend 
it".   [Contact Jan Hill 6133966742 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

A Rotiskenekete said, "We are prepared to stay as long as necessary 
to defend our land.  Mr. Nibourg or anyone else trying to develop our 
land in Deseronto better think again".  The peaceful encampment is on 
a large grassy knoll, overlooking the Bay, surrounding a large tipi.  
The full moon was glistening off the water.  There was drumming, 
singing and good humor.  Flashing Rotiskenekete patrol cars ringed 
the encampment.  According to the OPP budget plan, they need to find 
some Mohawk fall guys to arrest to illegally enforce their foreign 
laws.  Everybody except us cashes in - police doing overtime, justice 
system, Indian Affairs, bureaucrats, media, the town, and maybe the 
developer.  All because they know we will do what we are supposed to 
do, defend our land!       

This morning at 5:00 am an overwhelming force of armed OPP are "just 
monitoring" the situation.  The Mohawks of Tyendinaga camped on the 
property last night.  This morning they set up blockades on highway 2 
just east of Deseronto.  "They've got East and West bound roads 
blocked", said Constable Jackie Perry of Napanee provincial police.  
He said vehicles can go north on Deseronto Road at the 
On April 11th the Nibourgs had started cutting trees on the 
property.  The Rotiskenekete appeared on the scene, stopped them and 
told them to leave.  Nibourgs seem to think that the OPP is their 
private army.  Ignoring the legal rights of the Mohawks at 
Tyendinaga, they declared, "If you Mohawks don't leave, we are going 
to call the OPP and have you kicked out".  He appeared to be setting 
up a confrontation.  

A few days later Nibourg decided to apologize and asked for a meeting 
with the Rotiskenekete.  Obviously, he had his eye on the lucrative 
pay out received by Henco Inc. for their illegal development at Six 
Nations Caledonia. He was quite blunt about it.  He offered to use 
them as pawns to extort money from the Ontario Government.  He asked 
the Rotiskenekete to occupy the said land and block the roads in 
order to escalate the situation.  Then he would ask the government to 
pay him for the land, his expenses and his forecasted profits.  Then 
he would agree to stop the construction.  We understand he doesn't 
even need the money to build this because he's planning to be bought 

Regarding Deseronto, the government violated our lands rights by 
fraudulently giving out permits for nonnative people to build on our 
land also referred to as the Culbertson Tract of 1873.    The 
Rotiskenekete told Nibourg, "No.  There will never be a development 
on our land".  We want our land that Deseronto sits on returned to 
us.  We demand that the government deal with the nonnative residents 
of Deseronto by compensating them and paying for their relocation.  
told Nibourg, "You will be the last to be dealt with".  The 
Rotiskenekete added, "We don't want to be used as a tool for 
money from any foreign governments, including the governments of 
Canada and Ontario".    

Then Nibourg said that he would be back with a construction crew on 
Monday, April 21st, to start building.  The Mohawks have stopped 
construction, are occupying our land and have blocked the roads to 
keep him and any of his coconspirators away 
from creating another ?Caledonia? so they can cash in big!  
Supporters of the Mohawks are welcome.  Residents may pass through 
the occupation without hindrance.  We are anxious that everybody 
understand this issue from the Mohawk perspective.   

The Rotiskenekete will carry out the peace and the tenets of the 
Kaianereh?ko:wa [Great Law of Peace].     

Contact:  Rotiskenekete:  6138491314; 6138274991; 

Kahentinetha Horn                                               
MNN Mohawk Nation News





Choppers flying overhead. Low flights over our heads at Culbertson 
Track and the quarry. On the water there a dozen OPP surveillance 
Six Nations Rotiskenekete have just shut down the court house in 
Brantford, Ontario Kenny Hill 5192093849. 

MNN. Apr. 22, 2008. Last night the nonnative Deseronto squatters, 
whose town is on Tyendinaga Mohawk land along the Bay of Quinte, made 
human chains along the road leading up to the demonstration. They 
held up signs for the Mohawks to see, with messages, like "power to 
people [themselves]" "Remove your masks" and "You are a disgrace to 
your race". Pictures available. Are they copying us or what? They get 
the tactics but not the principle. 

Band council chief R. Don Maracle distanced himself from the 
blockaders saying ""Blockades are not the way to settle land claims. 
People need to understand that it takes time to resolve these issues. 
They need to remain calm to allow [me] to negotiate peacefully in a 
climate that is not hampered by protests and blockades", he told the 
local radio station. 

R.Don Maracle would be right except for two things. One, a negotiator 
needs to be picked by the people for the purpose. You can't assume 
the right to negotiate because you've been elected to a colonial band 
council office who function on colonial capitalist brains. 

Two, negotiations have to be in public to meet the requirements of 
both Haudenosaunee Law and international law. Agreements cannot be 
the result of the informed consent of the people if the people have 
not been informed. In camera closed door negotiations are not 

The land in question is the Culbertson Track of 1832 which was never 
given up. The Ontario government knows full well that there's a 
problem with squatters on the Tract since 1832. How long do they 
expect us to wait for them to uphold the law. 
The roads trespass on our land. It's our land. It's our business 
where we stand on it. The OPP, the squatters, the trucks carrying 
toxic waste to the quarry and the construction crews are all 
trespassers. The illegal colonial governments and agents defame us by 
accusing us of saying we're the law breakers instead of doing their 
duty to protect us from their unruly law breaking people. Why are the 
cops breaking the law? 

The squatters roamed around all night shooting verbal threats left, 
right and center, "You better take down your blockade or else!", with 
the OPP standing behind them probably setting them up and urging them 
along. The OPP are following the same "Whiskey Trench" tactics used 
by the SQ during the Mohawk Oka Crisis of 1990 at Kanehsatake and 
Kahnawake. They're just standing there watching as their citizens 
break the law. By doing this they are encouraging them to act like 

What needs to happen in a proper democracy is that the legal rights 
and principles have to be set out and recognized by all responsible 
parties. In keeping with the requirements of both international law 
and the Great Law of Peace/Kaianereh'ko:wa, we have set out our 
rights. The British Crown agreed to recognize and protect our right 
to our land on the Culbertson Tract. Ontario has not set out its 
rights. It has provided no legal authority for its claims. Instead 
it's using armed force to support those who would violate the law. 
This is totally dishonorable behavior. This isn't the 19th century 
When are Canadians going to leave colonialism behind? It''s been 
formally recognized as illegal for almost a century now. 

They should know by now that their strong arm strategy to wear us 
down and scare us into submission by defaming us and our ancestors 
just won't work. We have been unwavering since the time of first 
contact. We never agreed to be British subjects. We never became 
Canadian citizens. We never agreed to accept the injustices that have 
been visited upon us. We will continue to ask questions about their 
illegal actions. We will overcome this nonsense. 

The Rotiskenekete did take down some of the blockades last night in 
good faith as we feel we had made our point about the fraud that is 
taking place. The condominium construction on the Bay of Quinte is 
illegal. Ontario should stop feeding into the scam artists who are 
trying to use us to extort cash pay outs out of them. They should 
simply uphold the law and evict the squatters. Succumbing to these 
tactics is unfair to Ontario tax payers. 

When the Deseronto squatters started attacking us, it was left to the 
Mohawks to defend ourselves and our land by putting the blockades 
back up. The OPP should have been cooperating with these efforts to 
ensure the safety of everyone. 

The OPP came in yesterday morning and set up a perimeter further out. 
This morning at 8:00 am they moved closer. 

The OPP came to every area where there was a Mohawk blockade pushing 
threats from OPP Headquarters that they are ""coming in"" 
and ""taking us out"". Constables Ron Van Straalen and C. Flynn of 
the OPP at Napanee Detachment are in charge [6133543369, Fax 
We had 4 sections blocked. The roads are open, #2 highway going 
through Deseronto to Napanee. 

Emile Neibourg, the real estate agent created this situation. He is 
trying to extort a pay out from Ontario by threatening to build 
condos on our land. Caught on video was the police saying, "We know 
that he created this to deal with this land issue". Then he can help 
Canada say, "We don't have any money to pay the Mohawks for the 
disruption of their land, or to relocate the Deseronto squatters. We 
gave it all to Mr. Neibourg. The OPP has become a tool of corporate 
corruption. They''ve been turned into a private army of the 
opportunistic scumbags who will stop at nothing to line their 

To our brothers and sisters, ""We need help. Pressure the OPP and the 
governments of Ontario and Canada to stop the violence and stop the 
corruption on sovereign independent people. Nobody has spoken to us. 
They just came in and attacked. Is this the new OPP protocol? These 
OPP look like they are itching to converge on us at the quarry and 
take us out. They want to try out their new Faschist Fantino tactics. 
Their ultimatum is, "get out of here!!" They know we are right. They 
refuse to talk to us. Ontario citizens should be asking why their 
government is letting itself be used for this organized thuggery. 

Rotiskenekete 6138491314 –– 6138274991 email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OPP Eastern Regional Headquarters 6132844500 fax 6132844597 
lg.beechey chief supt. Commander, Eastern Region, Smiths Falls. 
MBQ R. Don Maracle, 6133963089, CELL 6133919249 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
6133963424 ext. 106 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jan Hill 6133966742
Emile Neibourg 6135610984 fax 6135447868 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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