"Why take the politically suicidal course of openly dismantling these
programmes, when such simply engineered bankruptcy will have the same
effect? In the meantime, the cash has been diverted to the
'military-industrial complex' – how VERY handy." -Joel Bowman

Author Naomi Klein calls it Disaster Capitalism, and associates it with
neocon neolib economics, Milton Friedman, Chicaco School, Hayek and
Montpelerin Society, Berkeley Mafia. She says we have seen it before:
Chile, Argentina, Indonesia, Hurricane Katrina, to name a few.

What has always been "handy", as Joel Bowman calls it, about diverting
state revenues into the military, is that Milton Friedman's ivory tower
utopian pseudo-economics can only live in a laboratory petri dish unless
it has the full backing of a dictatorship with its police and military
might. Even then, as CIA director William Colby said a few years ago to
CIA hall of fame super hero Ralph McGehee,"We always lose", when the CIA
puts a dictator in power like Generals Pinochet of Chile and Suharto in
Indonesia, or George Bush in Coup2K and 2004, to enforce neocon neolib
Milton Friedman pseudo-economics.

Friedman's economics have always only ever been a circle of propaganda
around a dot that could not motivate. The real economics are still a
form of pseudo-economic pseudo-science, but will show you who to hang
from the lamp posts, so to speak. The real economics of pseudo-Darwinist
looting are explained by George Herbert Walker Bush in the 1980's and
1990's as follows: "If the American people knew what we were doing, they
would chase us down the street and hang us from the lamp posts...what we
are doing is capital transfer to those who are higher, tighter, and
righter...the velvet glove is off the iron fist". Hanging is a reference
to Nuremburg, where George's father Prescott Bush ought to have been
hung for his role in neocon-style non-defensive war, and to English
history, where the goldsmiths were hung from the lamp posts when they
were caught in fractional-reserve banking. The oligarchy looting under
cover of feigned "disinterested", pseudo-scientific albeit hired
hierarchicalism, is the dot inside the circle of economic propagandists
known as neocons.

Oligarchy looters are the dot in a circle, flesh in hierarchicalist
apologist pot, the d*** in the b****. Grocer store checkout journalism
has us looking at the celebrity b****. Well we might, in order to at
least look in the right direction, but who is d***** the b***? The
oligarchy, just as you can see from historical examples where the ivory
tower utopian  pseudo-economics of Milton Friedman, Chicago School,
Berkely Mafia, Hayek, Montpelerin Society have been implemented as Naomi
Klein's Disaster Capitalism.

Ask the people of Chile, Argentina, Indonesia, and Germany where Sam and
Prescott Bush picked Hitler in the 1920's to play Disaster Capitalism
with US Robber Barons diverting plunder to fund the same doomed utopia
for a few short years, same old same old,  if we should let the same
thing play out here which they have already been through, deja vu. What
could they say? Listen to William Colby on the utter futility of
propping up Milton Friedman: "We always lose". It's a fact proven
elsewhere many times over.

Another fact is that the people of victim countries will always
eventually win over any of four generations of  Bush looting and
Merchants of Death Bureau. We here in the US are tempted to think that
voting is hopeless and we can never beat the looters and vandals, but on
the contrary, our victory is inevitable. Look at Chile, Argentina,
Paraguay, Indonesia. We always win, Colby was really saying. Neocon
economics cannot survive outside of a petri dish.


20080428 Agora Financial newsletter (email)

Joel Bowman, reporting from Dubai in the Persian Gulf...

Plenty of grist for the Rude mill in today's edition. But first, you
have at most 2 hours to grab you spot at the Agora Financial Reserve
table. The doors to our most elite publication – a lifetime
subscription to all of our research letters and trading services,
including the high-enders like the Resource Trader Alert, Energy &
Scarcity Investor and The Strategic Short Report – closes at midday

Before you get into your regular Rude, take a moment to review this
report and decide if this lifetime opportunity is right for you. Here's
a link for all the info you need:
Agora Financial reserve Membership: Closes Midday .

"Mr. S of NY is correct," opines one Rude reader, replying to an astute
reader's guest Rude Endnote in yesterday's weekend edition.

"This administration could not have done a better job of destroying
American strength and leadership than if they had come into office with
that express purpose... or, did they actually intend this result?

"Their dogmatic perseverance at implementing perverse,
pseudo-conservative politics, destruction of the rule of law at home and
abroad, transfer of wealth from 'lower' classes to selected
super-wealthy classes, and the milking of the American taxpayer for the
benefit of their cronies the corrupt capitalists, all the while spouting
slogans from a particular religious cult, fear mongering of terror and
wrapping themselves in the flag, turning the country over to the tender
mercies of hostile foreign creditor nations.

"All this will be the wonder of future historians when they discuss how
a great, free country can destroy itself in such short time with little
or no protest from its citizens." TG.

"Further to Mr. H's remarks," writes another Rude reader, "I'm currently
re-reading John Dean's "Worse than Watergate", written in the dim
historical days of 2004, prior to this current shower's re-election. In
it, Dean postulates most cogently that the deficit blow-out is a
deliberate, cynical plan by which to impoverish the US Federal Treasury
to the extent that the crucial entitlement programs (Medicare/Medicaid
and Social Security) can simply no longer be afforded.

"Why take the politically suicidal course of openly dismantling these
programmes, when such simply engineered bankruptcy will have the same
effect? In the meantime, the cash has been diverted to the
'military-industrial complex' – how VERY handy.

"While I don't agreed with an ever-ballooning state benefit system (in
whatever country you care to name), I also believe that dismantling of
such schemes should only be undertaken in an honest and transparent way
– a la Ron Paul, for example.

"Who would truly WANT to be the next President of the IOUSA? Currently,
it looks like a competition for who's to be the Captain of the Titanic."

We bare these thoughts in mind while taking in today's column. Read on
below as Bill Bonner examines what it means to be a true contrarian in a
field of sheep. Enjoy...

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