Now is your chance to tell DSCC who you want us to vote for, by the donations 
we send
in.  This is quite a table turn, we should be honored for trust from our 
Democratic Congress and those to come. We must have and keep those who will be 
warriors for the Demcoratic Platform in what we believe it means to be An 
American Patiot, yet we have seen those warriors in our Democratic Congress 
holding the line for our U. S. Constitutional Laws and rights, without much 
success, but just to keep fighting stands for something. It has been a long and 
hard struggle, it is simple, those who do not believe in our U. S. 
Constitutional laws and order, and our rights, and were  humiliated in order to 
stand steadfast. At the present we have a veto king and a Filibustering GOP 
neo-con Senate and house, who obeys their king. We prefer to keep law and order 
for a 
lawless land cannot stand. We all know that, so weigh you standards and get 
busy. We need to put our money where our mouth is. It is costly, but to keep 
those we love and respect, and to get new ones that can and will follow the U. 
S. Constiutional laws, order and rights. Just to think about it, no one should 
not be allowed to offer a bill or law which is not covered by our Constitution, 
and it covers nearly everything one can think of.  Encluding treason, ie.
I reccommend we all get a list started, for there are a lot of new ones whom we 
hope will be replacing many of the Retiring Republican Senators, as well as our 
senators who fought the good fight, and stands up.  We have a lot of those, who 
are still on our side as AMericans. One reason impeachment is always apt, in 
this case to prevent future executive office holders to attempt the same thing 
of running RoughShod over our U.S.Constitution. Integrity and perserverance 
goes a long way. And don't forget the over 2/3rd of the Senate and Congress in 
2008, this is imperative, that way we have a chance at getting our country and 
U.S.Constitution Back and our rights, of course.
We are Americans who live in America and whose ancestors built America.  It is 
in our genes. So we have a job to do and it won't be easy, but now is the time 
to start getting it done. 
Turning the tablesTuesday, July 1, 2008 2:45 PM
From: "Harry Reid" To: "Theresa J. Steed"  
Dear Theresa J.,
>From the beginning I've wanted to be driven by you. Now, I 
>need you to make a choice. Which Senate challenger do you want to hear from 
>and raise money for?
You've raised ten of thousands of dollars for candidates - close to $1,000,000 
2006 - and directly helped Democrats take back the Senate. But today, the 
tables are turning - you're going to tell us who to raise money for. It's time 
for you to choose where we as a community direct our energy, enthusiasm, and 
Click here to vote in the first round, before the July 10th deadline! 
To pump up the excitement even more, we're going to have two rounds of voting - 
first round voting starts now, and ends on July 10th - and second round voting 
starts right after that. The winner of the second round will get to send two 
emails to the list, helping them build the resources needed 
to win this fall and reach our 60 Senator filibuster-proof majority. But hurry! 
The deadline to vote is July 10th. 
Vote before the July 10th deadline!
I'm looking forward to seeing which Senate challenger you pick. But I'm 
especially looking forward to throwing our support behind that challenger, and 
getting even closer to a 60 Senator Democratic majority. 
So, what are you still reading this for? Vote today!
Thanks for all you do, 
Harry Reid
This email was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe, go to:
Paid for by Friends For Harry Reid 426 C Street, NE Rear Bldg. Washington, DC 
Cry BabiesWednesday, July 2, 2008 1:53 PM
From: "Paul Begala" To: "Theresa Steed"  
Dear Theresa,
Apparently, it didn't take long for the "Grand Oil Party" to come unglued. 
After I called their fat-cat funders a bunch of dirtbags in my email to you on 
Sunday, they started squealing like a pig stuck under a gate. 
House Republicans are crying so hard over my "dirtbag" comment, you'd think 
they just found out they were forced to spend the Fourth of July quail-hunting 
with Dick Cheney. 
So I want to take a minute to do something I don't do often enough: apologize. 
I am very sorry for calling those fat-cat plutocrat Republicans "dirtbags." 
Doing so was grossly unfair. To bags of dirt. After all, dirt is good. Things 
grow from the dirt. I myself raise tomatoes and corn and pumpkins, jalapenos 
and cucumbers and lettuce - all from the good earth. 
No, it was too kind, too generous to call them dirtbags. Probably better to 
call them oilbags or toxic-waste-bags or chemical-pollutant-bags. So I'm sorry. 
Still, even though I used such a comparatively flattering term, the Republican 
whine machine was in full whimper. Yesterday, before their alligator tears even 
dried from crying about me calling them out, they mobilized their favorite 
shadowy attack squad, the Karl Rove-backed Freedom's Watch. 
They are launching vicious attack ads against 16 Democrats starting today.  We 
can't thank you enough for generously standing with us before and we wouldn't 
ask if it weren't so critical we fight back - but we need your help again.
Contribute $35, $50, or more to our EXTENDED DEADLINE Matching Campaign before 
July 4th to fight back against the Rove-Freedom's Watch attacks - Democrats 
will still MATCH and TRIPLE your gift. 
Of course the Republican hypocrites are launching their attacks today. Between 
my comment about their 'dirtbag' funders and my good friends at the DCCC hiring 
a 'W' impersonator to record radio ads that exposed their friends' support for 
Big Oil in Congress, we've clearly gotten under their skin. As we say back home 
in Texas, "a hit dog barks." 
They don't know how to handle a Democratic Party that is ready, willing, and 
able to hit back when the right-wing slime machine kicks into gear. This is 
exactly how we're going to win this year - but we need your help to keep it up. 
Contribute $35, $50, or more to our EXTENDED DEADLINE Matching Campaign before 
July 4th to fight back against the Rove-Freedom's Watch attacks - Democrats 
will still MATCH and TRIPLE your gift. 
The days of Democrats quietly enduring Republican smears are over - as are the 
days of Republicans living by a double standard. The Bush Republicans 
questioned the courage of a war hero like former Senator Max Cleland. They 
besmirched the war heroism of John Kerry. They spend years smearing Bill 
Clinton, savaging Hillary Rodham Clinton, and viciously attacking Speaker Nancy 
Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid. Now they're attacking Barack and Michelle Obama. 
But the second I call their fat-cat funders "dirtbags," they turn into a bunch 
of blubbering cry babies. 
This year, let's dry the crybabies' tears and celebrate Independence Day by 
giving Barack Obama the bigger, stronger Democratic Majority he'll need to 
declare our independence once and for all from the failed Bush-Cheney-Grand Oil 
Party policies for America. 
Contribute $35, $50, or more to our EXTENDED DEADLINE Matching Campaign before 
July 4th to fight back against the Rove-Freedom's Watch attacks - Democrats 
will still MATCH and TRIPLE your gift. 
Paul Begala 
P.S. Let's show the "Grand Oil Party" that their fat-cats are no match for tens 
of thousands of grassroots supporters. Help us raise $8 million before July 4th 
to Fight the Rove-Freedom's Watch attacks that are starting today - Democrats 
have EXTENDED THE DEADLINE and will still Match and Triple your gift.
If you are having trouble with any of the links, cut and paste the following 
into your browser:
To unsubscribe from this email list, please use the link below: 
To make sure you always get our emails add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your address 
Find out more about adding us to your address book here. 
Paid for by Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003
(202) 863-1500 -
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Every step of the wayWednesday, July 2, 2008 1:33 PM
From: "Sen. Chuck Schumer" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Dear Theresa J.,
Thank you so much.  More than 15,000 members of the DSCC grassroots answered 
our call to action and helped us meet our lofty $2.25 million end-of-quarter 
goal.  In the end, we beat it by nearly 50%!
Your contributions will help the DSCC elect the gridlock-proof Senate majority 
Barack Obama will need to change this country.  It's a shame that I can't sit 
down with each and every one of you to show you personally how much I value you 
joining our nationwide campaign.  Instead, I recorded a special video message 
just for key members of the DSCC's phenomenal grassroots community.
Click here to watch the video.
We rely on your support to give us everything we need to take advantage of 
every opportunity and fight for every vote.  There are sure to be a few states 
where we'll need you to jump in at a critical juncture between now and Election 
I am so glad to know we can count on you to stand with us, every step of the 
Chuck Schumer
Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and 
not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email 
list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject line. 
$4 gas for 4 more years?Tuesday, July 1, 2008 11:01 AM
From: "Noah T. Winer, Political Action" To: "Theresa J.Steed"  
People need to know John McCain is not going to help with gas prices or clean 
energy. On July 9th, at our National Day of Action for an Oil-Free President, 
we'll tell them right when gas is on their mind: at the pump. 
Sign up to host an event now: 
Click here 
Dear MoveOn member,
High gas prices have lots of people's blood boiling. But what really makes me 
angry is $4 gas AND no real progress on alternative energy.
That's what President Bush's leadership has done for us. We need to make sure 
voters know that John McCain won't be any different. And what better place to 
communicate that than right at the gas pump?
On July 9th, we are holding a National Day of Action for an Oil-Free President. 
With local outreach events at gas stations around the country, we'll make sure 
voters know the facts: John McCain's campaign is run by oil lobbyists,1 it's 
funded by oil companies,2 his policies are straight out of Big Oil's playbook,3 
and he won't solve our energy crisis.
If you're concerned about energy and climate change, will you host a local 
outreach event in Conroe as part of the Day of Action? Hosting is easy, and 
we'll help you every step of the way. Start by clicking here:
The Oil-Free President rallies are simple events—people will be holding signs, 
handing out fliers, and reaching out to the media. Taking the facts right to 
people at the pump is a powerful way to get the message out: if you want a 
change in our energy policy, McCain is not for you. 
Gas prices have risen to an all-time high—from $1.50 to $4.00 a gallon during 
Bush's presidency. And the oil industry is making billions on $4.00 gas, while 
nothing much is being done about oil independence or global warming. Big Oil 
has made it clear who their candidate is in this race by investing $1 million 
in John McCain's campaign. And McCain has repaid that friendship by supporting 
millions of dollars in tax breaks for oil companies4 and pushing gimmicks like 
offshore drilling and gas tax holidays that provide no immediate relief or 
long-term solutions.
People need to know Barack Obama represents real change on energy.5 While Obama 
is presenting substantive plans for reducing carbon emissions, curbing our 
dependence on oil, and going after oil speculators, John McCain is selling us 
snake oil.
With voters desperate for relief, McCain's promises could sound pretty good. We 
have to make sure our neighbors realize McCain is Big Oil's friend—not ours.
Can you help get that message out by hosting a gas station event for the 
National Day of Action for an Oil-Free President on July 9th?
Hosting the events right after Independence Day is also great timing. People 
will have gas prices on their minds after holiday travel. And it is just the 
right time to remind everyone the only way we'll make progress on the energy 
crisis is if we have a president independent of Big Oil influence, who will 
stand up for us.
Thank you for all you do.
–Noah, Andrea, Stephen, Anna, Lenore and the rest of the team
1. "John McCain, His Big Oil Lobbyists, and His Big Oil Policies," Progressive 
Media USA Research, June 16, 2008
2. "McCain Heads to Texas to Sell His Soul to Big Oil," ThinkProgress, June 16, 
3. "The Big Pander to Big Oil," New York Times, June 19, 2008
4. "John McCain On The Side Of Oil Companies," Progressive Media USA Research, 
April 23, 2008
5. "FAQ: The Obama Energy Plan,", June 9, 2008
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 3.2 million members—no 
corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures 
that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Theresa 
J.Steed on July 1, 2008. To change your email address or update your contact 
info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.   
A Special Message from Sen. Feingold on FISA
Feingold, Dodd Take Steps to Filibuster FISA
The Nation. June 25, 2008.
Dodd opposes telecom immunity
Connecticut Post, CT June 27, 2008.
Feingold to filibuster warrantless wiretapping bill
The Capital Times. June 25, 2008.
"I urge you to support Sen. Feingold's amendment to remove telecom immunity 
from the FISA legislation. If this amendment fails I urge you to oppose cloture 
and filibuster any FISA bill that includes retroactive immunity for George 
Bush's illegal wiretapping program.
The "compromise" passed in the House is unacceptable and these companies should 
be held responsible for their actions. "  
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TrueMajority is a project of USAction, a 501(c)(4) organization under the IRS 
code. Contributions are not tax-deductible. Members of USAction / TrueMajority 
have rights andprivileges listed here. / USAction, 1825 K St. NW, Suite 210, Washington, DC 20006 
(802) 735-9110
TheTime to start is now! Today

CountdownMonday, June 30, 2008 8:15 AM
From: "Senator Carl Levin" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Dear Theresa j.,
Midnight is a critical fundraising deadline for our campaign.  It is important 
that the reports we file indicate strength both in the number of donors and in 
overall contributions. 
Please consider making a secure donation of $25, $50 or as much as you can 
afford TODAY. Click here to make a secure donation.
Michigan is a battleground state, and this will be a hard-fought campaign. Your 
support will help ensure that, come 2009, we can start repairing the damage of 
the Bush/Cheney administration and moving our country forward again. 
Your donation before midnight tonight will help that effort. Please click here 
to  contribute $25, $50 or more TODAY.
Thank you for your support. 
Carl Levin
To remove yourself from the Friends of Senator Carl Levin email list,
please click here to unsubscribe.
Paid for by Friends of Senator Carl Levin. 
Donate $25, $50 or more TODAY.Thank you for your support. Sincerely,Carl 
LevinTo remove yourself from the Friends of Senator 


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