military keynesianism in a MadMadMadMad Friedmanic world

Vietnam War ending before Agent Orange liability suits from vets, St
Louis archive burned, in a Friedmanic world of military keynesianism as
the neo neo colonialism raping taxpayer wallet and equity and
productivity resource via fractional reserving that collateral  into
military keynesianism

"We always lose", Colby to McGehee, mad mad mad mad but no, it's Victory
Refined. 20 years in Vietnam, McCain's 100 years in Iraq, no Gulf of
Tonkin, no domino, no Chinese invasion of Vietnam, no Vietnamese
occupation of Cambodia, no wmd in Iraq likewise, Agent Orange mad, DU
dust mad, one-bid treasure under Big Dub for trillions of dollars may
look mad to you, but it's not mad to military keynesians, it's Victory
Redefined, it's treasure under Big Dubya, it's frivolous jousting
contest fakewar the glory of kings, in a Milton Friedmanic world,
Milton's Paradise Lost for me and you and democracy and constitutional
government, Milton Friedman's paradise gained for hell, Dick Cheney,
one-bid treasure under Big Dub.

Don't MKforget to vote.

--- In, "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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