Nationwide Protests to Oppose War with Iran Alison Raphael, OneWorld US 
Fri Jul 18, 11:50 AM ET
WASHINGTON, Jul 18 (OneWorld) - Street demonstrations, teach-ins, vigils, and 
"freezes" are among the events planned for this weekend as part of a nationwide 
protest against what are widely perceived to be moves by the George W. Bush 
administration toward military conflict with Iran. 
"Freezes," involving a large number of people standing in place for five 
minutes, are planned for key locations in New York City such as Grand Central 
Station and Penn Station, as well as Chicago's Millennium Park and Santa 
Monica, California.
The term and new form of street action derive from the state of U.S.-Iran 
relations. The Bush administration says Iran must freeze its uranium enrichment 
program in order to "defrost" relations between the two countries and avoid 
further sanctions.
Elsewhere anti-war and religious groups, students, trade unions, and others 
will participate in "Call to Action: No War with Iran" co-sponsored by New 
York-based United for Peace and Justice and Washington, D.C.-based Peace 
Actions are planned in such diverse locations as Champaign-Urbana, Illinois; 
Melbourne, Florida; Philadelphia; San Francisco; and Waterloo, Iowa.
Two thirds of Americans asked during a recent Gallup poll whether they favor 
diplomatic initiatives or military action against Iran said they wanted the 
U.S. government to pursue peaceful negotiations.
While demonstrators around the United States drive home that point, a 
high-ranking U.S. diplomat will attend a meeting Saturday in Switzerland with 
an Iranian diplomat -- a rare break with Bush administration practice that has 
largely shunned direct talks with Iranian officials.
William Burns will attend the Geneva meeting involving Iran and a group of 
European Union countries trying to break through the current impasse, but White 
House spokesperson Dana Perino has characterized Burns' presence as a "one-time 
U.S. participation."
The meeting is aimed at convincing Iran to accept a package of incentives 
offered last month by Western nations, in exchange for ceasing to enrich 
To date Iran has rejected the package, and earlier this month held highly 
publicized missile tests to show its level of seriousness. At the same time, 
rumors were rife that Washington is working behind the scenes with Israel to 
prepare a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
Some experts argue that these rumors, whether or not they are true, have a 
negative impact by fueling Iranian nationalism, entrenching the stance of 
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, heightening tensions, and ultimately leading to 
intransigence and events such as the Iranian missile tests.
Media reports suggest that a pro-Israel lobby group is pressuring Congress to 
impose a naval blockade on Iran, which would be considered an act of war. 
In response, protestors in Columbus, Ohio plan a "Peace Boat Blockade" for 
Monday, involving a march on the offices of Republican Congressman Patrick 
Tiberi, who supports the blockade, carrying toy boats, submarines, and 
airplanes to "demonstrate the crazy policy that this blockade symbolizes."
The demonstrations are scheduled for Jul. 19-21. Following the series of street 
actions planned for Saturday and Sunday, Monday has been designated 
"Congressional Education Day." Protestors will lobby Congress to hold back 
plans for war with Iran.
OneWorld TV: U.S. Presidential Candidates Threaten War on Iran
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Re: Fortress WashingtonSunday, July 20, 2008 10:31 AM
Now that the Bush administration has made a shambles of everything for the past 
seven and a half years, Bush is calling for Congress to perform miracles and 
save this nation from total collapse. Never in all this country's history has 
such incompetence and abuse of power prevailed until he entered the White 
House.  The Republican majority in Congress attempted for eight straight years 
to remove President Clinton from office without justification. Then, for six 
straight years the Republican majority supported the disastrous Bush 
administration, in effect, a rubberstamp, do-nothing congress. What an example 
of pure hypocrisy and abuse of power. All the power was delivered to Bush on a 
silver platter, to use it without any oversight by the Republican majority. And 
today, with only a one vote Democrat majority in the Senate, it still goes on.  
The Bush administration has in many instances, revealed it believes it is 
unanswerable to anyone, and above the
 laws of the land. This is definitely the stand taken by rule
rs or dictators, not a U.S. president.  The Bush administration has violated 
the Constitution in order to protect itself from the people, and use secrecy to 
hide the abuse of power and prevent the disclosure of illegal activities.  If 
ever a party deserved to be relegated to the minority party for another 40 
years it is the Republican Party.  RB   In an excerpt of article by Mickey 
Edwards he states:   "The Constitution is supposed to protect the people from 
government. But now government protects itself from the people.  How has this 
administration undertaken to protect itself from the people? By claiming the 
executive branch and other federal agencies are largely immune from 
Congressional oversight and not answerable to it.  Constitutional scholars have 
responded with alarm to President Bush's use of "signing statements" to declare 
his right to decide whether or not he will obey the law, a practice both the 
American Bar Association and the
 non-partisan Constitution Project have condemned as unconstitutional. 
The threat to our constitutional system is that by disregarding the law and 
proclaiming himself the sole decider in a 'unitary' executive branch, Bush has 
declared that Congress cannot tell any federal agency what to do, even when 
Congress creates federal programs and appropriates money to run them. A 
Government Accountability Office study found agencies were in fact defying the 
law in a potentially large number of cases.  In 2006 after the administration 
fired a number of U.S. attorneys. Empowered to determine whether laws had been 
broken or new laws were needed, Congress last year asked Harriet Miers, the 
president's former legal counsel, and Josh Bolton, his chief of staff, to 
testify before the House Judiciary Committee. They refused. They were than 
subpoenaed to testify. They refused to obey the subpoena and were cited for 
contempt of Congress. The attorney general declared that the Justice Department 
(part of the 'unitary executive') would not
 enforce Congress's contempt citation. The White House claime
d Miers and Bolten were immune from questioning by the people (for that's what 
Congress is) on the grounds of 'executive privilege,' a legal tenet that 
applies only when the president is involved in the conversation: Miers, Bolten 
and the president himself all said he was not.  The government's gathering of 
confidential information -- telephone conversations and records, online viewing 
habits, etc.--from citizens and non-citizens alike, as part of the 
administration's Homeland Security program. It obtained this information by 
demanding that corporate executives turn over their customers' private records, 
in violation of privacy and other laws. When news of the government's actions 
leaked, the companies were faced with the possibility that their customers 
would sue them, and the administration feared the companies might thereafter 
refuse to cave to government threats. In response, the administration insisted 
that Congress grant retroactive 'immunity'
 from lawsuits to the companies that had complied with the il
legal demands. On the face of it, this was to be immunity for private 
companies. In fact, however, granting such protection would in effect give 
carte blanche to the government to continue to make such demands without the 
companies facing any consequences, thereby protecting the government from the 
risk that its demands would be refused.  In a short time Americans will go to 
the polls to select a new president. It is essential that all the 
candidates--Democrat, Republican, Green and Libertarian, but especially John 
McCain as the nominee of President Bush's party--be asked forthrightly whether 
they believe government should be protected from the people, or, as the 
founders intended, the people be protected from an overzealous government. That 
is the single most important question facing the nation as we move further into 
the 21st century."     
Climate Report Cites Role of Cheney's Office 
By Siobhan Hughes 
Word Count: 623  |  Companies Featured in This Article: Exxon Mobil 
WASHINGTON: Bush administration officials agreed that greenhouse gases could 
endanger the public and should be regulated under clean-air laws, but later 
reversed course amid opposition from Vice President Dick Cheney's office and 
the oil industry, a congressional report said.
The report, by the U.S. House Select Committee on Energy Independence and 
Global Warming, offers a look at the breadth of Bush administration support for 
regulations before such plans abruptly stopped. The report draws heavily on an 
interview with a former Environmental Protection Agency official who had told 
Congress that Mr. Cheney's office tried to censor federal testimony on the ...
Russia to Pick Energy Firms  Jul. 21, 2008
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EPA says climate rules are the job of U.S. Congress| Environment  Jul. 11, 
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Digg Story: Send Karl Rove to Jail!Sunday, July 20, 2008 9:54 AM
Thought you might want to check this out.
digg user Ralphdraw3 would like to share this story with you: 
"Send Karl Rove to Jail!"
We've never had such a direct opportunity to hold Rove accountable. Since Rove 
regards the law with such contempt, it's high time the law and Congress hold 
him in contempt as well.  We demand the House Judiciary Committee let Rove know 
he can't decide which subpoenas he obeys and which he ignores.
+1,101 people dugg this story

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CITIZEN charged with Felony ID Theft but Illegals set free
Posted by: "Steve Hampton" [EMAIL PROTECTED] protectourbordersnow
Date: Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:31 am ((PDT))
Here is another fine example of how ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS get a FREE PASS while 
Americans are charged to the full extent of the law ==> Felony. So, it seems 
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are given a FREE PASS, while we go after American Citizens. 
Remember, Illegal Immigrants are caught EVERY single day doing the SAME thing, 
but its extremely rare (to NONE) that ANYare arrested for "Felony" ID theft, a 
HUGE problem in America because of ILLEGAL Immigration. With Millions of 
Illegal Immigrants using the IDs of other Americans, it hurts countless numbers 
of Americans. But the Democrats see "Illegal Immigrants" simply as voters, 
illegal or not, with out seeing the greater harm to ALL Americans. See report 
Rapper DMX arrested at Phoenix mall 
Sat Jul 19, 9:46 PM ET 
PHOENIX - Rapper DMX has been arrested at a Phoenix mall on a felony charge of 
taking the identity of another. 
Phoenix police Sgt. Andy Hill did not have details of the charge, as it stemmed 
from a Maricopa County Sheriff's Office case.
The sheriff's office did not immediately return a request for comment.
Hill says DMX, whose real name is Earl Simmons, was being taken Saturday for 
booking into the Maricopa County jail.
The musician/actor has had a recent string of run-ins with the law, including 
an arrest at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport earlier this month on outstanding 
warrants after he failed to appear in court.
The week before, he was arrested in Miami on charges of attempting to purchase 
cocaine and marijuana.
Steve Hampton
Member of 
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Judge restores protection for N. Rockies wolves By MATTHEW BROWN, Associated 
Press Writer 
1 hour, 46 minutes ago
BILLINGS, Mont. - A federal judge has restored endangered species protections 
for gray wolves in the Northern Rockies, derailing plans by three states to 
hold public wolf hunts this fall. 
U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy granted a preliminary injunction late Friday 
restoring the protections for the wolves in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. Molloy 
will eventually decide whether the injunction should be permanent.
The region has an estimated 2,000 gray wolves. They were removed from the 
endangered species list in March, following a decade-long restoration effort.
Environmentalists sued to overturn the decision, arguing wolf numbers would 
plummet if hunting were allowed. They sought the injunction in the hopes of 
stopping the hunts and allowing the wolf population to continue expanding.
"There were fall hunts scheduled that would call for perhaps as many as 500 
wolves to be killed. We're delighted those wolves will be saved," said attorney 
Doug Honnold with Earthjustice, who had argued the case before Molloy on behalf 
of 12 environmental groups.
In his ruling, Molloy said the federal government had not met its standard for 
wolf recovery, including interbreeding of wolves between the three states to 
ensure healthy genetics.
"Genetic exchange has not taken place," Molloy wrote in the 40-page decision.
Molloy said hunting and state laws allowing the killing of wolves for livestock 
attacks would likely "eliminate any chance for genetic exchange to occur."
The federal biologist who led the wolf restoration program, Ed Bangs, defended 
the decision to delist wolves as "a very biologically sound package."
"The hunting of wolves clearly wouldn't endanger threatened wolf populations," 
Bangs said Friday. "We felt the science was rock solid and that the delisting 
was warranted."
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No time to waste!Saturday, July 19, 2008 11:46 PM
From: "PDAs Stop Global Warming team" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Warm-up Congress to Global Warming Legislation
Dear Theresa,
After eight long years of denial and avoidance in dealing with climate change, 
Congress has no time to waste in passing meaningful legislation that will 
finally begin to address the most serious issue facing the human race—global 
warming and climate change.  Bi-partisan support for the Climate Principles 
letter will help to ensure that legislation is guided by best practices rather 
than campaign donations from industry’s worst offenders. 
 Please ask your member of Congress to sign onto the Climate Principles letter, 
which describes the basic principles that should be addressed in Global Warming 
It has come to our attention that there is some confusion about the meaning of 
cap-and-trade in global warming legislation. Please read this article, which 
aims to explain both and to show that they are different things. 
(There are currently four different global warming bills in Congress—we 
currently support HR1590. The Stop Global Warming Issue Organizing Team is 
monitoring the status of the others.)
Please, ask your Representative to sign the Climate Principles letter today. 
In solidarity,
PDA’s Stop Global Warming Issue Organizing Team
P.S. Join our team! Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC that works both inside the 
Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and justice. Our goal: 
Elect a permanent, progressive majority in 2008. PDA's advisory board includes 
seven members of Congress and activist leaders such as Tom Hayden, Medea 
Benjamin, Thom Hartmann and Rev. Lennox Yearwood. More info: 
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