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Date: August 2, 2008 4:01:35 AM PDT
Subject: More Amerithrax Oddities

In January 1999, new SAIC consultant Steven Hatfill and his collaborator, SAIC vice president Joseph Soukup, commissioned William C Patrick (a retired leading figure in the old US bioweapons program) to report on the possibilities of terrorist anthrax mailings in the United States. (There had been a spate of hoax anthrax mailings in the previous two years.)

Barbara Hatch Rosenberg said that the report was commissioned "under a CIA contract to SAIC".

However, SAIC said Hatfill and Soukup commissioned it internally — there was no outside client.

Patrick produced his 28-page report in February 1999. Some subsequently saw it as a "blueprint" for the 2001 anthrax attacks. The report suggested the maximum amount of anthrax powder -- 2.5 grams -- that could be put in an envelope without producing a suspicious bulge. This was just a little more than the actual amounts -- 2 grams each -- in the letters sent to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy.

But the report also suggested that a terrorist might produce a spore concentration of 50 billion spores per gram. This was only one- twentieth the actual concentration -- 1 trillion spores per gram -- in the letters sent to the Senators.<6>


Cheney & his staff took Cipro starting on the evening of 9/11

On the night of the Sept. 11 attacks, the White House Medical Office dispensed Cipro to staff accompanying Vice President Dick Cheney as he was secreted off to the safety of Camp David, and told them it was "a precaution," according to one person directly involved.

That's right, Dick "Dress Navy SEALS up as Iranians" Cheney started taking Cipro one week prior to the first anthrax attack.


... Ivins became deeply involved in the FBI anthrax investigation, helping to analyze the anthrax-laden letters sent to members of Congress and participating in strategy meetings about how to find the person responsible.

"If he in fact was the correct person, he was actually put in charge of analyzing the evidence of his own crime," said ABC News consultant Brad Garrett, a former FBI agent who worked on the anthrax case until his retirement from the bureau last year.

"All of the scientists there who worked with us were supposed to have been investigated and given polygraph tests," Garrett said.

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reports that on October 2, 2001 - just two days before the first anthrax case was reported in Boca Raton, Florida and a week and a half before the first anthrax was sent through the mail to NBC News in New York - Advanced Biosystems received an $800,000 grant from NIH to focus on very specific defenses against anthrax:

On April 4, ABC News investigative reporter Brian Ross broadcast on ABC World News Tonight that after six months the FBI still had hardly any clues and no suspects in its anthrax investigation. A Soviet defector, the former First Deputy Director of Biopreparat from 1988 to 1992 and anthrax expert, Ken Alibek (formerly Kanatjan Alibekov), now a U.S. government consultant, made the astounding claim that the person who is behind the anthrax attacks may, in fact, been advising the U.S. government. After having passed a lie detector test, Alibek was cleared of any suspicion.

Interestingly, Alibek is President of Hadron Advanced Biosystems. On October 2, 2001, just two days before the first anthrax case was reported in Boca Raton, Florida and a week and a half before the first anthrax was sent through the mail to NBC News in New York, Advanced Biosystems received an $800,000 grant from NIH to focus on very specific defenses against anthrax. Hadron has long been linked with the CIA. The links include charges by many former government officials, including the late former Attorney General Elliot Richardson, that the company's former President, Earl Brian, illegally procured a database system called PROMIS (Prosecutors' Management Information System) from Inslaw, Inc. and used his connections to the CIA and Israeli intelligence to illegally distribute the software to various foreign governments.


The reported "suicide" and then "accidental death" of noted Harvard biophysics scientist and anthrax expert, Dr. Don C. Wiley, on the Interstate 55 Bridge that links Memphis to West Memphis, Arkansas, was probably a well-planned murder, according to local law enforcement officials in Tennessee and Arkansas.

Memphis police suspected Wiley was murdered. However, the local FBI office in Memphis stuck by its story that Wiley's death was not the result of "foul play."

Wiley may have been the victim of an intelligence agency hit. That jibes with local police comments that the FBI and "other" U.S. agencies stepped in to prevent the local Memphis police from taking a closer look into the case. Employees of St. Jude's Childrens' Hospital in Memphis, on whose board Wiley served, were suddenly deluged with unsubstantiated rumors that Wiley was a heavy drinker and despondent.

It is a classic intelligence agency ploy to spread disinformation about "suicide" victims after their murders. The favorite rumors spread include those about purported alcoholism, depression, etc.

It looks now that a lot of different people had insider knowledge about a possible anthrax attack. It appears that the anthrax was produced and even sent before September 11th, with prior knowledge about this attack as well. Whether the idea was to work as a copycat effect or more, the obvious goal was definitely not to kill many people. It could be, that two people had been behind the anthrax mailings: the "supplier" and the "refiner/mailer". If Hatfill was the supplier, then who was the mailer?

And why did they use two different refinements, one for the media and a more <deadly> anthrax for the Senators? Why didn't the FBI interview other former USAMRIID scientists, e.g. Thomas Monath from Acambis, former Oravax? The FBI said that the anthrax spores sent to Tom Brokaw, the New York Post and American media were not as highly refined as those sent to Senators Daschle and Leahy. This indicates that some refining of the spores was done between the mailings.

Another oddity is that someone told FBI agent Barry Mawn to stop the investigation on Tom Brokaw. It later came out, that Mawn already complained, that the anthrax might have come from the States. Mawn later retired from the FBI in March 2002. The same agent, who classified the famous "passport in the rubble" (by Satam Al Suqami) was obviously part of a plot. Nothing is known about his current whereabouts. Mawn was replaced by Kevin P. Donovan.

Mawn tried to get a job at Massport, Logan Airport, but decided to do something else. In the same month, FBI's assistant director Van Harp said in an CNN interview: "This anthrax, we do not believe, was made up in a garage or a bathtub."

Ignored by the mainstream media, Battelle was already an early suspect in October 2001 as well. First it was Michael P. Failey, a former Battelle employee, who was arrested twice.

But who else had knowledge about possible suspects? Or better, who knew too much?

On November 12th 2001, famous BioScientist Don C Wiley (->) vanished in Memphis.

His dead body was found six weeks later, 200 miles away, next to the Mississippi river. His death started a series about strange circumstances of suddenly killed BioScientists. Is it a coincidence, that only 2 days after Wiley vanished, Stephen Hatfill (Batelle) took a plane to England? And what about the strange death of Vladimir Pasechnik on November 21st, former director of the Institute of Ultra Pure Biochemical Preparations (BioPrep), who produced Anthrax as well? In December 2001 Battelle Memorial Institute confirmed, that the federal government is expected to spend with them $75.5 billion on R&D in 2002, a 4.7 percent increase over the prior year.

In the meantime, as Newsweek found out, Fort Detrick cleared his records, and Hatfill started a job at Louisiana State University. He still claims to be innocent, but didn't offer any new explanations yet. On August 11th 2002, Hatfill gave a public statement, that he is innocent. His lawyer Victor M. Glasberg (Glasberg & Associates), who defended a Ku-Klux clan member in September 2001, accused "lunatics on the Internet" of promoting the wrong guy. "...An Alexandria lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union yesterday defended a Ku Klux Klan member's right to wear a hood in public. Saying that the "ACLU has no love for the Ku Klux Klan, but does for the First Amendment," Victor M. Glasberg argued"

The FBI said that Hatfill is one of "around 20" people they are looking at. Who else? How much did Hatfill know? Is he just a scapegoat? What did Hatfill work on at the SAIC in 1999? What did Jerome Hauer work on at the SAIC in the same year? Did they work together? (Hauer) (Hatfill)

(Note: More at "Anthrax 9/11 -gate" ->) Compare: )

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