--- On Fri, 8/1/08, Scott Munson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Scott Munson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [cia-drugs] Brasscheck TV The lone anthrax gunman is dead
Date: Friday, August 1, 2008, 7:54 PM

Brasscheck TV:  The lone anthrax gunman is dead
http://www.brassche cktv.com/ page/392. html

You can rest easy now. 

The FBI reports that the lone anthrax gunman
is dead.

He's the guy the FBI has been unable to catch
for seven years while they engaged in a program
of evidence destruction and witness intimidation. 

No worries now. He's been "caught."

Dead. Suicide of course. 

Background on this remarkable tale before
the US news media drowns us all in BS. 

http://www.brassche cktv.com/ page/392. html

============ ========= =========

Arctic tourists evacuated because of global warming
earthfirstalert- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
http://www.canada. com/theprovince/ news/story. html?id=df4096b2 -211f-4458- 
9387-93bd95729ff 8
<http://www.canada. com/theprovince/ news/story. html?id=df4096b2 -211f-4458- 
9387-93bd95729ff 8> 

JFK's Executive Order 11110  vs. the FED>- it is STILL VALID !!! + GND
cia-drugs-subscribe @yahoogroups. com
http://www.rense. com/general76/ jfkvs.htm

Speculators new run....food http://www.infowars .com/?p=3618 

Eustice Mullins tells it like it is Federal Reserve / Euro central banks / 
World Order
ctrl-subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
http://www.indybay. org/newsitems/ 2008/07/30/ 18521095. php

Study shows toxicity of maize approved for human consumption
http://current. com/items/ 89139842_ study_reveals_ signs_of_ toxicity_ 
of_ge_maize_ approved_ for_human_ consumption? xid=46
<http://current. com/items/ 89139842_ study_reveals_ signs_of_ toxicity_ 
of_ge_maize_ approved_ for_human_ consumption? xid=46>

http://newswithview s.com/Peterson/ rosalind10. htm
http://www.epa. gov/sunwise/ uvindexmap. html

Brasscheck TV:   The weapons of mass destruction secret
http://www.brassche cktv.com/ page/382. html

Revealing News: EPA Silences Staff, War Censorship, Cell Phone Risks, More
http://www.WantToKn ow.info/008/ 080731_epa_ silences_ staff_war_ censorship_ 

PRIORTY REPORT:  Air Force General Shoots Self, Senator Aide Shoots Self.
http://www.roanoke. com/news/ breaking/ wb/171148

US, China Race to 1984     impeach-bush- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
Those privacy-hating Chinese communist tyrants (and US Teleco Immunity)
http://www.salon. com/opinion/ greenwald/ 2008/07/30/ china/index. html

http://www.legitgov .org/#breaking_ news Dropping like flies! 
Suspect in 2001 anthrax attacks dies of apparent suicide

Suspect in 2001 anthrax attacks dies of apparent suicide
US_bioterror_ events-subscribe @yahoogroups. com
http://www.legitgov .org/#breaking_ news

Physics 911, by Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven, 9/11/2001
http://www.physics9 11.net/georgenel son

Travelers' Laptops May Be Detained At Border: No Suspicion Required Under DHS 
earthfirstalert- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/ article/2008/ 08/01/AR20080801 

Flashlight Machine Gun      Magpul Industries SHOTSHOW 2008 Part 2
http://www.strategy page.com/ military_ videos/military_ photos_200831017 
487.aspx _

- - - -

Air Force Purge Shows Brzezinski's TLC Rules DC
doctorplum-subscrib [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
http://www.rense. com/general82/ ztz.htm

US Air Force still not secured from neocons
http://www.waynemad senreport. com/articles/ 20080724

CENTCOM's Master Plan and U.S. Global Hegemony
BushShouldHaveBeenI mpeached- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
http://www.informat ionclearinghouse .info/article203 34.htm

CENTCOM's Master Plan and US Global Hegemony (Lew Rockwell)
Global_Police_ State-subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
http://www.lewrockw ell.com/higgs/ higgs84.html

Russia's energy drive leaves US reeling   cia-drugs-subscribe @yahoogroups. com
http://asianenergy. blogspot. com/2008/ 07/russias- energy-drive- leaves-us- 

UBS & Liechtenstein: Only the Tip of the GENUINE "Gnomes of Zurich" Iceberg
Attack of the Global Pirate Bankers http://www.thenatio n.com/doc/ 20080804/ 

Zbigniew Brzezinski to be the real power behind an Obama throne
cia-drugs-subscribe @yahoogroups. com
http://onlinejourna l.com/artman/ publish/article_ 3536.shtml I am indead happy 
to hear that and soon will catch many more theifs and killers


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