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Date: September 2, 2008 6:29:32 PM PDT
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Palin's Political Career a "Bridge from Nowhere" Leading Back to JACK ABRAMOFF

Sarah Palin linked to Jack Abramoff group and campaign ethics questions

September 26, 2006 –
Alaska Gubernatorial Candidates Spar over Big Ad Money

Television ads have sparked a war of words between the campaigns of Democratic candidate Tony Knowles and Republican Sarah Palin this week, with each side accusing the other of hypocrisy and dishonesty.

The Washington-based Republican Governors Association spent more than $100,000 on advertising time for Sarah Palin over the next week, according to records from local TV stations, as reported in the Anchorage Daily News.

One 30-second ad begins with vistas of Alaskan landscape and then a montage of Palin talking with people. A male voice then says: “It couldn’t have happened at a better time for Alaska. Sarah Palin, a bright fresh face with new ideas to hold down taxes and improve education, while moving Alaska forward.”

In a campaign press release, Knowles spokeswoman Patty Ginsburg criticized the group’s involvement, saying the ads belie Palin’s claims that she is running a grassroots, politics-free campaign.

“Her TV is being paid for by big drug companies, the insurance industry, big oil and tobacco,” Ginsburg said. “Check out and see where the RGA gets its money from. They include companies such as Pfizer, Anheuser-Busch and MassMutual Life Insurance, to name a few. One of the leading contributors to RGA has been Capitol Campaign Strategies, Jack Abramoff’s group.”

Former GOP lobbyist Abramoff is tied to a federal investigation into alleged illegal exchanges of gifts and favors involving lawmakers, their staff and other Washington officials.

Palin’s campaign fired back. “That’s rich coming from the Knowles camp,” countered Palin spokesman Curtis Smith. He predicted that the Democratic Governors Association is about to jump in the race, too, and said Knowles has questionable affiliations of his own.

“If Tony is so worried about affiliations, why did he appoint Bill Allen of VECO to head up his transition team in 1994? Not only is his company under investigation by the FBI, But isn’t he the leader of the ‘good old boy’ network Tony’s camp is chirping about?” read the press release from Palin’s Web site.

The bickering comes as polls have registered a shift in Palin’s favor. She came out of the August primary with name recognition and momentum from her upset of incumbent Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski.

Recent independent polls show Palin with leads of as much as 15 percent, according to Congressional Quarterly.

However, former two-term governor Knowles has proven campaign skills, and is hoping the strongest independent candidate, former Republican state Rep. Andrew Halcro will draw some votes away from Palin, according to CQ.

Tied to Abramoff’s interests and ads paid for by big corporations and 527 groups. Is that new politics? Does that make her a Washington outsider?

Her campaign’s response to these charges? “That’s rich coming from the Knowles camp.”

That’s leadership coming from the Palin camp. See the pattern in the response when Palin’s ethics are questioned? She’ll fit right in with the Bush – Cheney – McCain team.

To quote Joe Biden: “That’s not change. That’s more of the same.”

* * * *


Palin's Lobbyist Has Abramoff Ties

By Kate Klonick and Zachary Roth - September 2, 2008, 1:01PM
The Washington Post reports today that, while Mayor of Wasilla, Palin oversaw the hiring of a lobbyist, Steven Silver -- a former chief of staff to now-indicted GOP senator Ted Stevens -- to help win federal earmarks for the city.

But Silver appears to have additional ties that could further undercut Palin's image as a squeaky-clean reformer.

According to Senate lobbying disclosure reports examined by TPMmuckraker, from 2002 to 2004 Silver listed as a client Jack Abramoff's lobbying firm, Greenberg Traurig. On Greenberg's behalf, Silver lobbied the federal government on "issues relating to Indian/ Native American policy," "exploration for oil and gas" and "legislation relating to gaming issues" -- the very issues that Abramoff headed up for Greenberg at the time.

In other words, Silver appears to have been a part of "Team Abramoff."

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin began building clout in her state's political circles in part by serving as a director of an independent political group organized by the now embattled Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens. Palin's name is listed on 2003 incorporation papers of the "Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc.," a 527 group that could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors. She served as one of three directors [for 2 years] until June 2005.


Ted Stevens received about $17,000 from Abramoff and his clients, According to Tim McKeever, treasurer of Stevens’ campaign, the AP reported. Stevens forfeited the contributions from Abramoff and his clients by donating comparable amounts to charities.

Ted Stevens received $1,000 from Jack and Pamela Abramoff in the 2002 cycle; Stevens and his Northern Lights Leadership PAC got an additional $10,000 from Abramoff’s clients in the 2002 and 2004 election cycles. [source: Center for Responsive Politics]

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