Another dead message carcase accomplishing nothing but another
content-free scrolldown by Roscoe. We don't want another scrolldown war.

The rest of us recognize that "Bernays" and "advertising" are familiar
keywords indexing into our vast database of common knowledge.

Have you heard of Ed Lansdale? Chomsky's Manufactured Consent? How
about Orwell?

Actually a yahoogroups search on Bernays did not return any hits.
That's not right. I do not suspect overt censorship, but rather when
yahoogroups cut off fifteen years of our work that must have cut off


--- In, roscoe drummond
>  Assuming that you read and understood the article, I should think
that your response to what you went to the trouble of placing on this
group site would be of interest to others. That is again, assuming
that you read, understood, and were willing to "open-up" and share
your personal views.

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