Holy Roman Empire[1]
    962 – 1806  ↓
Flag    Coat of arms
Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor    Coat of arms of Maximilian II
Location of Holy Roman Empire
The extent of the Holy Roman Empire around 1600, superimposed over  
modern European state borders.
Capital     Varied over time
Language(s)     Latin, Germanic, Romance and Slavic dialects
Religion    Roman Catholicism
Government  Monarchy
Emperor     For the full list of Holy Roman Emperors, see Holy Roman  
Legislature     Reichstag
Historical era  Middle Ages
  - Otto I crowned
     Emperor of Italy   
2 February, 962
  - Conrad II assumes
     crown of Burgundy  
  - Peace of Augsburg   25 September 1555
  - Peace of Westphalia     24 October 1648
  - Disestablished  6 August 1806
Preceded by     Succeeded by
    East Francia
Old Swiss Confederacy   
Dutch Republic  
Confederation of the Rhine  
Austrian Empire     
First French Empire     
Kingdom of Prussia  
United States of Belgium    =

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