Today 11/25/1008 Barack Obama said he wanted to "jolt the economy".

Naomi Klein chronicles in Disaster Capitalism that the MKULTRA neocon
neolib economists are always using Ewen Cameron MKULTRA analogy, based
on electroshock by ad hoc deliberate, premeditated economic sabotage
and then creating a new economy on tabla rasa, a blank slate. A
"jolt", then, would be an increment of electroshock that comes before
"the bottom", tabla rasa, blank slate for a new order. That means that
a succession of "jolts" in economic Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib are
predicted by deployment jolt verbiage. Jolt also means failure, not
success, worse, not better, defeat, not victory, and looting, not
growth. In fact, jolt and looting are probably synonyms.

On TV, I saw the number at $350 billion for Citigroup. Then in my
email, I read $500 billion for Citigroup. Looting, jolt, increments of
electroshock heading toward tabla rasa, blank slate, then a new order.
Is "The Brick" looting as electroshock before restructuring, or,
restructuring published on tabla rasa?

Vance Packard did not call it disaster capitalism, and may not have
named specific companies including Lockheed-Martin which profit from
both war and reconstruction, but Packard did precede Naomi Klein with
his Vietnam-era theory that a government-corporate partnership was
engaging in what he called "demolition and urban renewal", and Naomi
Klein aptly refers to as Disaster Capitalism.

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