Unplugging the New World Order
January 4, 2009 
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
-<Unplugging NWO>-Livni spilling Gaza Blood>Real Goal of Gaza Slaughter>

If they had a webcam in the monkey house at the local zoo, 
would you watch it? 

Then why watch TV or go to the movies? 
Why cruise the Internet or listen to most music? 
It's the same thing: the chest pounding, screeching, 
defecating, and fornicating of monkeys. 
Of course we outdo monkeys with mindless killing and mayhem.

Because of the mass media, the world increasingly resembles 
a hive, resonating at the same frequency. 
When the stock market is down, everyone is down. 

When money is the religion, an economic downturn signals a crisis of faith.

But there are other causes for the pessimism: 
the spreading knowledge that our institutions have been subverted 
and society has no way of self-correcting. 

It feels like the world is a roller coaster and we are holding on for dear 
Perhaps we need to let go.

I believe in upholding the truth as I see it but wonder if I would be 
more effective if I devoted more energy to my private life. 
It's as though the external world is negating my private world 
even though it hasn't physically impinged on it yet. 
I feel as though I have impoverished myself by my constant focus 
on the monkey house. I don't think I am alone in this.

As Wordsworth said, sometimes the world is "too much with us" 
and we need to find balance. Our minds are like blotters, 
hoping to find a reflection of our ideals in the world. 
We need to turn the back of the mirror to the world, 
and spend more energy reflecting our ideals in our personal lives. 

I envy people who can make God, Jesus or Mohamed 
the focus of all their thoughts. I often resolve to read the lives 
and saying of mystics. Clearly I need another focus. 
Family. Sports. I consider taking up cooking and baking as a hobby. 
I'd like to hear from readers about how they change their focus. 


Recently feeling fatigued, I resolved to unplug the world for 24 hours. 
I would be Robinson Crusoe on an island of my soul! 
I put on a Gregorian chant and tried to meditate. 
It's all about where we direct our attention minute-by-minute, I told myself. 
I would focus on God. Order. Peace. Truth. Sanity.  
A calm came over me. 

At the same time, I had to resist temptations which floated 
to the surface of my consciousness like debris from a sunken ship. 
They made me realize how addicted I am to my computer terminal. 
Out of that monitor flows the encouraging email, the book sales, 
the stock quote etc. the corn niblets that come down my chute. 
I had to agree with the yogis who say all misery results 
from seeking satisfaction outside ourselves. 

Yet that's all we do: manipulate the world 
to do the things that make us feel good. 
When will we realize we cannot feel good unless we are good?  

How we hate to be alone with ourselves. 
That's why we are constantly talking on cell phones or watching TV. 
Why do we self-evade? As Paul Elmer More said, 
"we exhaust a great effort and expense to be poorly entertained."  
Let us enjoy our Selves.

After about four hours, I was feeling quite detached and refreshed, 
and getting bored. So I broke down and checked my e-mail 
and the latest headlines on Rense.com! 


If we are engaged in a spiritual war, perhaps detaching from the world 
for set periods of time is the way to fight it. 
They seem to want to degrade us and keep us in a state of high anxiety. 
They have been promising to invade Iran for six years. 
Is the real agenda to keep us at the edge of our seats? 

I'm all for fighting the good fight. 
But maybe we can partially win if we don't let the enemy 
into our homes and our hearts. 

Comments for "Unplugging the New World Order"

Brandon said (January 4, 2009):

My own tendency to become obsessed with the New World Order 
has derailed my personal well being more than once.
Close to a year ago, I spent six months straight holed up in my house 
doing nothing but reading and researching and watching documentaries 
and video clips. I let my body get horribly out of shape, I chewed tobacco, 
and barely took time to eat regular meals. 
My school work fell behind. 
Eventually, my brain went into complete overload to the point 
where I stumbled around in a daze trying to sort through 
the vast complexity of the conspiracy. 
>From here, the negativity I was dwelling on sent me into 3 months 
of being more depressed than I've ever been. It was hard to escape 
the hole I dug myself into but I eventually took up weightlifting as a hobby 
and it seriously helped my mental wellbeing. 
I feel stronger and more confident than I have in a long time. 
I still study the new world order but in moderation now. I don't let it 
consume my existence and I study it from a "Detached observer" 
vantage point, whereas I used to become so emotionally affected by it 
I would break down at times and sob for the world. 
I found that becoming mired in the evil is exactly what the conspiracy wants. 
They want to enslave even our very thoughts.

Balance is the key to healthy living I've discovered. 
This doesn't come easily to me because I'm an extremist at heart 
but balance benefits everyone more than they could imagine. 
Intake information, ponder it, do what you can, but otherwise LIVE 
and THRIVE, focus on the betterment of yourself and the ones you love. 
Focus on the uplifting of your soul.
 Doing these things will piss off the powers that be MUCH MORE than getting 
sucked into the claptrap of the heart and mind that they daily spring at us.

Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. 
He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. 
He welcomes your feedback and ideas at he...@savethemales.ca.

Livni spilling Gazan blood for power? 

Sunday, 04 January 2009 02:57 Agencies 

Bookmark it:

An Arab League official says Zionist Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni 
is using the bloodshed in Gaza to secure a post as prime minister. 

In a Friday interview in Cairo, Mohammad Sabih said Livni 
is hoping that "spilling bloods" of innocent Gazans can help her replace
 Ehud Olmert as Zionist prime minister in the upcoming elections. 

"The Gaza onslaught will become the bane of her already substantial 
criminal record," said the Palestinian representative in the Arab League. 

The Zionist aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip entered its second week 
on Saturday. The strikes have so far left at least 436 Palestinians dead 
and more than 2280 wounded -- many of whom are women and children. 

Tel Aviv says its air strikes are aimed at stopping rocket attacks 
on Zionist communities. Hamas began launching rocket attacks 
against the Zionist entity after a six-month ceasefire 
with the Palestinian movement was violated by Tel Aviv. 

The military operation was launched six weeks before the Zionist elections 
scheduled for February 10. Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak 
are both vying for the post of prime minister. 

Polls show that the Zionists demand harsher military measures 
against Gaza and have stepped up their support for the Beiteinu party 
which takes a hard-line approach on the Palestinians -
- the natives of the land -- who reside in the besieged strip. 

Zionists weigh Gaza incursion tactics
Zionist war experts have begun discussing various tactics 
for a ground incursion into Gaza after officials in Tel Aviv g... 

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Popular Hezbollah leader Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah says 
the Arab leaders of the region are collaborating with the "Israeli... 

Zionist regime defies court, keeps media ban
The Zionist regime has maintained its ban on international journalists 
entering the Gaza Strip in defiance of a recent S... 

Hamas repels Zionist troops at border
The armed wing of Hamas says its fighters have foiled 
an attempt by Zionist ground forces to cross the border into the G... 

ZioPedia Newsflash 

All There Is To Know About Zionism 

Were the Arabs Nazis During WW II? 
(by Christopher Jon Bjerknes, published 
Saturday, 03 January 2009 00:00) 

S ome highly dubious characters in the "Patriot Community" 
are spreading the myth that the Arabs were Nazis and therefore 
the Nazis could not have been Zionists (think "Sam Danner" 
and "Obama might be another JFK" when judging the quality 
of the judgement of some of those promoting this mythology)....
Read more... 

The Real Goal of the Slaughter in Gaza 
(by Jonathan Cook, published Saturday, 03 January 2009 00:00) 


An Israeli soldier reads from a Jewish religious book at a staging area near 
Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip. 
Hamas cannot be defeated, 
so it must be brought to heel 
E ver since Hamas triumphed in the Palestinian elections 
nearly three years ago, the story in Israel has been that a full-scale...
Read more... 

Blaming the Victims - The Dominant Media Vilify Hamas 
(by Stephen Lendman, published Saturday, 03 January 2009 00:00) 

The blame game - no one plays it better than the dominant media, 
and they're at it again over Gaza. Expect no comments below 
in their spaces, yet honest journalism would headline them.
After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Franklin Roosevelt 
addressed Congress - with an appropriating updating for...
Read more... 

The Racial Myths of Zionism (by Abdul Wahab Al-Massiri, 
published Saturday, 03 January 2009 00:00) 

Even though the Zionists do not accept a religious definition 
of the Jew, it should be pointed out that their anti-religious stance 
is neither necessary nor essential. 
The Zionists do not hesitate to make full use of mystic elements 
and to take full advantage of any religious sanction they can...
Read more... 

Reflections on the Israeli Holocaust in Gaza 
(by Khalid Amayreh, published Friday, 02 January 2009 14:00) 

The virtual holocaust Israel is now waging against the Gaza Strip 
is taking its toll on innocent civilians. The shocking scenes speak 
for themselves. The gruesomeness transcends reality; 
it exceeds by far the most eloquent of words.

America's Half-Blood Prince 
(by Steve Sailer, published Saturday, 03 January 2009 00:00) 
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