The Footnote of History Named Blair: Tribal Law At Large Internationally, Blair 
tried to 
Record ALL Activity of Earth as though Genetic Destiny. 

Former UKGB PMBlair, footnote of History, tried to claim Blair as Legacy, 
"Creator" & God of 
Life OF Earth.

Matrices, Electronic Records of Conversations, Printed & Inanimate things 
within the 
"Kingdom" of the Bumbling Idiot's (Blair's) mind, are recorded with the use of 
Terrorists, Rumor Mill & self proclaimed "Spies".

If there's a path in your Life you follow, most likely, due to the use of 
Database Matrices, 
what is known as "control freak" control of your contacts, resources, Business 
Organizations, it was of a Narcotics Terrorist's "Premonition".   

The Narcotics Terrorists set upon your physical person to use your physical 
resources to record & screen write your thoughts record everything in & around 
house, apartment & 4+Zip Code while linked to a Narcotics Terrorist "Scheduler" 
automatically uses the Osmosis effect of a Cortisone Laced Neural Network to 
News & Reports relevant to the Economically Terrorized Targets of the Blair 

Who is in the Narcotics Terrorist Blair Clan?
Hindi Pakistani, Irish Germanic, SA, CA, AU, NZ, Oxford Entertainers, Stage 
Actors & 
Screen Writers, Cartoonists, Sinister Old European Non Government Employees of 
a Sado 
Masochistic Drama Developing Neural Network.  ALL Emotional Stress is caused by 
Clan Emotional Terrorism.  

Hindi Pakistani internal differences within the (White Supremacist Oxymoron) 
Arian Anti 
Semitic Narcotics Terrorist Gay Community focused the Gay Community against the 
Pakistani exponentially indefinitely.  Hindi Pakistani had since been trying to 
popularity in Europe by catering to Anti Semitic Hardwired Self Destructive 
Germanic & 
Northern Europeans.

Hindi Pakistani haven't been liked in Asian Communities either as the Hindi 
willingly use the same eSystem attacking Non Westerners & past WWII Enemies as 
no progress had been made toward World Peace & in Diplomatic Relations.

The European Conversation on Terrorists & Terrorism was in fact about the 
Terrorists & exactly Hindi Pakistani out of control, unable & unwilling to 
control Hindi 
Pakistani aggression, Manic Aggressive BiPolar disorder.  The Hindi Pakistani, 
Entertainment Community & the Gay Community are the only problem of Western 
Countries claiming credibility as Constitutional Democracies.

What is wrong with Former UKGB PMBlair?
Former UKGB PMBlair had been diagnosed as the (out of the Loop) Criminally 
Schizophrenic Sociopath before entering the UKGB PM office.  Reportedly, to 
popular & "win" the popular vote, Blair copied & obsessed on the London 
Bordello Drama Queen as though equal to the UKGB Queen herself.  Target? Most 
of the 
targeting of this reported Bumbling Idiot Blair was destined to become is seen 
accurately & 
repeatedly profiled in the Television Drama, "House of Cards". (The UKGB PM 
profile of this 
undramatized focused film is unacceptable as the profile of a real UKGB PM.)

Footnote of History Named Blair
This footnote of History is necessary to disseminate as it would end Extreme 
Dehumanization & Unjustified Western Aggression against Western Allies. Enemies 
Western Countries didn't exist & after 28 years wouldn't exist if the Blair 
Scandal Mill didn't exist.

eNarcotic of the London Northern European Underground

How Westerners Competed for the past 35 Years

Event Horizon: Information Theft & Blair "Kingdom" Control & Dictation of 
Conversation & Stock Markets

Event Horizon2

GOP DNC Racist's "Information Superhighway"

Information on Alleged War Crimes & Criminal Activity here can be found at

Photos of Evidence & Narcotics Royalty Perspective

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