Dear Friends:

I am currently loading three movies to

The first is Akha TV 9, Commentary on Prisoners of a White God.

The second is Akha TV 10, Free Harry Nicolaides, a request to the Thai 
Government to get its act together, do the right thing, and free our friend 
Harry Nicolaides from prison. He was sentenced to 3 years on Monday after being 
in prison since he was arrested in Sept on the charge of Les Majeste, a foolish 
draconian law in Thailand. 

His crime? Quoting a rumor about the Crown Prince in Thailand in his book 

One paragraph.

And then also a video from the Mien - Akha new year in Portland Oregon last 

I don't have these up on yet because its been a tough winter, and 
I don't have the cash to pay our monthly fee on the server so they cut it off.

What would really help is if we could get a sponsor for the website, we have a 
very secure and dependable server.

Anyway, that is why you won't find out there at the moment.

Due to the amount of material we have out there on our site, and the bandwidth 
we use, we have a monthly fee of $124.00  Our only other set fee on the Ride 
for Freedom is our phone bill which will cost us $150 a month for phone and 
computer related modem (two seperate items.)

We had a card reader but canceled that when we found it just too difficult to 
get person to person credit card donations, so we rely on our paypal account 
for that service to donors now.

We want to get set off on the Ride for Freedom by the end of the  month, so I 
have been doing what I can to make that happen.

Thanks, and we always appreciate your help, patience, volunteerism and other 

Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage 
Donate Via Credit Card Paypal: Box 6073 Salem, OR. 
97304 USA.


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