We live in a twilight time ruled by baronial oligarchs whose arguments are 
settled in ways that extend their own power by culling the herds they 
respectively manage in the name of security.


Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D
May 2, 2009

[The following lines are from the preface of book, Culture of Terror: the 
Collapse of America forthcoming in June].

Writing in 1927, Julien Benda termed his era “the age of the intellectual 
organization of political hatreds” marked by preaching “the cult of the strong 
State.” By intellectuals (he used the French word, clercs) Benda meant 
journalists and other media, artists, academics and independent scholars and 
critics who together were responsible for what he termed, “the great 
betrayal...the divinizing of politics,”[1] a development that grew from 
Enlightenment plans of ‘perfectibility,’ grew during the increasingly 
tumultuous 19th -20th centuries, dominated the latter and now defines the 21st 
century in the West, the era of political correctness and secular inquisition. 
Benda noted, “they preach that the State should be strong and [though they do 
not now say so explicitly] “contemptuous of justice.” That is a precise 
description of the ‘group justice’ and ‘equity’ doled out to those whom the 
State wishes to empower, planting seeds of bitterness, resentment and despair 
in everyone else; and, not incidentally, advancing an agenda of “group think” 
and “group consciousness” that displaces individual integrity, responsibility 
and understanding of free will. This great betrayal has taken our “progressive” 
culture, with “the giant” of applied science lurking over everyone’s sense of 
the possible and turned it to fatalism.[2]

These betrayals have led to “multiculturalism” and the balkanization both of 
nations, and families, the better to centralize power and to scramble all 
states into a World “Commonwealth” where power, control and resources are 
monopolized by an oligarchy; those closer to the labyrinth’s center having 
greater amounts of all material and social perks and greater immunity from 
“law.” The dogma of “relativism,” gussied up as “situational ethics” means in 
effect that the law is the will of those with most power and that reason is an 
instrument of will and thus of appetites; that the rationales of this new State 
are thus insane, acts of wanton atrocity, to quote Melville in the epigraph. 
This deification of the will is a radical subversion of the principles of law, 
justice and righteousness, as well as charity rooted in Scripture; its supreme 
arrogance also is a form of mass murder by suicide, a pattern of “social 
relations” that defines many aspects of the Modern and post Modern world. As a 
result, Western civilization has regressed to the authoritarianism that 
distinguishes other parts of the world, and western elites, “sordid buccaneers” 
to borrow a phrase from Conrad, have gutted its house as if to showcase their 
Gothic sensibility and piquant taste for ruins. The contrived collapse of the 
West is indeed “the bankruptcy of Hellenism” in a sense more profound than 
Benda suggested for the West’s pagan essence has been sloughing off its 
Scriptural dress as it grew; this is the story of its growth, -- and its 
decline into a system of world feudalism and spectacles managed ever more 
precisely to bedazzle the audience and make them forget what is being lost.

We live in a twilight time ruled by baronial oligarchs whose arguments are 
settled in ways that extend their own power by culling the herds they 
respectively manage in the name of security. Like a wolf pack their method is 
terror and only the most deeply rooted of human beings will survive this night 
to the next era’s dawn. As “the superb blond beast searches for prey and 
carnage” it consumes itself, regressing to animalism, to “a cult of success and 
contempt for misfortune” that is pitiless, sterile, and in love with death.[3]

I write this book, Culture of Terror: the Collapse of America prompted by 
shattering changes forced into the fabric of our lives since the 1960s even as 
study shows that that watershed decade was only the precipitate of 
utilitarian-utopian ideologies dating from the Renaissance and accelerated 
mightily by the Enlightenment and its Romantic sequel. These in turn are rooted 
in mystical and cultic principles and dreams of great antiquity. While the 
specific planning and social engineering dates to the mid-nineteenth century 
when Romanticism was developing through its grim later stage (the ‘Victorian’ 
age) into Modernism via Utilitarians, Hegelians, Marxists, Positivists, the 
Round Table group and its world commonwealth successors, the imperial 
principles and drive for power and expression are rooted in the West, and not 
simply in the Enlightenment with its drive to ‘perfect’ society and human 
beings through reason and nature. Like the Renaissance, the Enlightenment was a 
phase of Greco-Roman resurgence and its mania for self-construction and rule 
will lead us to consider why “the West” probably should be placed within 
quotation marks. But it has been the agonies inflicted by public lies and 
institutional injustice spread throughout culture that sparks the discussion in 
these essays. 

In writing and assembling this work I am haunted by the sense that we already 
inhabit an era in which ever fewer numbers of people read works requiring 
thought and encouraging reflection. Many indicators suggest that spoken and 
written language already has endured a process of reduction such as Orwell 
described and that, as a result, inhibits thought and compassion. The slogans 
and clichés that mask hollowness of heart and lusts for power not only conduce 
to a reign of lawless law, “a new science of degradation” but to an age in 
which lies become truth and fewer, always fewer people have the depth of 
knowledge to notice or the depth of heart to care. In the vacuum created in 
hearts and minds, fear enters, “panic and terror,” offspring of Venus 
(Aphrodite) and Mars (Aries) and the world is swept by a series of expertly 
generated panics that lower hopes and increase alienation from the soul and 
from each other’s souls. “Cruel are the times” when lying becomes a universal 
principle and we fear to speak truth, partly because the truth may immobilize, 
it is so terrible.[4]

“Wisdom comes only through suffering” the Greek tragedians asserted perhaps 
over-stating a good case. But it is true that those who funded and crafted our 
major institutions in law, academics, finance, commerce and diplomacy have a 
cruel contempt for those upon whom they experiment on the way to building their 
“collectivist world order” which will be depopulated and impoverished the 
better to bring in “a new world money, a specially contrived money” to be put 
into place “as the World Order establishes itself.”[ii] As I write, in spring 
2009 these words seem masterfully predictive, but only because Wells was one of 
a large number of influential people looking for a world that would be 
“scientifically and rationally managed” that is, controlled, for the sake of 
peace, naturally. And to have their peace they promoted gender war, abortion, 
corruption of identity, attack on the idea of identity itself, and attacked 
sovereignty or “uncoordinated enterprise that is the world’s disease,” the 
“demonic element” in the world;[iii] they worship nature, a nature “unspoiled” 
by human beings and the development that enables human beings to live, 
flourish, enjoy growing families and share a stake in the world’s growing 
riches, something the anarchic masters, their fellow travelers and useful 
idiots will not allow. Preaching love, promoting their gospel of perfect 
universal love, they are masters of hate.


1. Julien Benda, La Trahison des Clercs (1928 William Morrow; 1969 W.W. Norton, 
R. Aldington translation), 96-145, passim 
2. David Bromwich, Politics by Other Means: Higher Education & Group Thinking 
(Yale Press 1992) on the “authoritarianism” in this process, “a national mood 
in which we are not trusted to accomplish anything” while the government and 
administrators ‘suggest’ or mandate how we are to think and act. On the “giant” 
in the room that gives our feeling of “what is desirable” and possible, see 
Crane Brinton, a History of Western Morals (1959; Paragon reprint 1990), 278-82 
passim. Brinton does not pursue the autocratic depth of “Western hubris” and 
its link to utopian tyranny as this text seeks to do.
3. ibid. 145; see J.M. Coetzee, Waiting for the Barbarians (Penguin 1982) below 
on “the new science of degradation…”
4. Shakespeare, Macbeth 4.2.18-22, Ross trying to warn to Lady Macduff but 
fearful of that fear may draw wrath upon her less because it is groundless than 
because it is justified. 

[i] Orwell, 1984 chapters 3-5, passim; “all history was a palimpsest, scraped 
clean and reinscribed as often as necessary” to suit the control of the State. 
Life is “a series of victories over your own memory; ‘reality control,’ they 
called it; Newspeak, doublethink.” “Every year fewer and fewer words and the 
range of consciousness [and empathy] always a little smaller” till “the past 
was erased, the erasure was forgotten and the lie becomes truth” (chapter 
[ii] H. G. Wells, the New World Order (1940; reprint 2007), 71-2, 132-9; “this 
great Union is to have a union money… a strategic money, a new world money, a 
specially contrived money…”
[iii] Kerr (Lord Lothian) in “The Demonic Influence of National Sovereignty” in 
the Universal Church and the World of Nations. His view was echoed by William 
Paton as “the central problem of unchecked national sovereignty.” Paton was an 
ecumenical follower of Curtis and Kerr put it in World Community (London 1938); 
John Foster Dulles shared actively in promoting “a unified world society living 
in peace and justice” as did many others like Clarence Streit whose book, Union 
Now: Federal Union of the Democracies of the North Atlantic (NY Harper, 1939) 
was criticized by Wells, supra, chapter 7, as being inadequate in its goals. 
See Martin Erdmann, Building the Kingdom of God on Earth (2005), 76-83

Eugene Narrett received his BA, MA and PhD from Columbia University in NYC. His 
writings on American politics and culture and on the Middle East and 
geopolitics have been widely published. These include four books, the most 
recent being WW III: the War on the Jews and the Rise of the World Security 
State (2007) which examines the historical roots and purposes of the war on 
terror as a late stage in the undoing of the West. His previous book, Israel 
and the Endtimes (2006) lays the basis for these questions. 

Dr. Narrett has appeared on scores of radio programs, both major networks like 
WABC, Radio America, Eagle Forum Radio and Westwood Communications, as well as 
regional and local stations. He has been honored for his essays on art and 
literature and on behalf of the pro-life movement. 

Since receiving his doctorate in 1978, Dr. Narrett has been teaching literature 
and art and creating interdisciplinary courses in the Humanities. He lectures 
on a variety of topics relating to western civilization, geopolitics and the 
multi-faceted war on the family that is a striking feature of the postmodern 

© 2009 Eugene Narrett - All Rights Reserved


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