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> From: Sardar <sar...@spiritone.com>
> Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 18:39:20 -0700
> To: Sardar <recon1968br...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Review: When China Rules the World by Martin Jacques | Books | The
> Guardian
> How the west was lost
> A sympathetic analysis of China's onward march towards global domination
> impresses Michael Rank
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>   a.. Michael Rank
>   b.. The Guardian, Saturday 27 June 2009
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> Martin Jacques has written movingly and angrily about the death of his
> Indian-Malaysian wife in a Hong Kong hospital, claiming that the tragedy
> arose from a deep Chinese prejudice against anyone with a dark skin. So it
> comes as quite a surprise to discover that, far from warning of the dangers
> of a world likely to be dominated by a racist superpower, the author admires
> the Chinese enormously and views China's self-proclaimed "peaceful rise"
> with a remarkable degree of equanimity.
>   1.. When China Rules the World
>   2.. : The Rise of the Middle Kingdom and the End of the Western World
>   3.. by Martin Jacques
>   4.. 592pp,
>   5.. Allen Lane,
>   6.. £30
>   7..
>   1.. Buy When China Rules the World at the Guardian bookshop
> Jacques claims that "In an important sense, China does not aspire to run the
> world because it already believes itself to be the centre of the world, this
> being its natural role and position", and discusses sensitively and in depth
> what it means to be the "middle kingdom". He also argues that China is
> essentially a "civilisation state" rather than a western-style nation state.
> "The term civilisation normally suggests a rather distant and indirect
> influence and an inert and passive presence," he notes. "In China's case,
> however, it is not only history that lives but civilisation itself: the
> notion of a living civilisation provides the primary identity and context by
> which the Chinese think of their country and define themselves."
> One of the fundamental features of Chinese politics is the overriding
> emphasis placed on the country's unity, Jacques claims. This occasionally
> leads to contradictions which he does not entirely resolve, for he also
> stresses China's diversity, going so far as to claim that "China's provinces
> are far more differentiated than Europe's nation-states, even when eastern
> Europe and the Balkans are included". The question of unity and diversity
> leads to a stimulating comparison of China and India, a far more
> pluralistic - and democratic - nation, and Jacques notes how the enormous
> cultural differences between the world's two most populous countries have
> resulted in "an underlying lack of understanding and empathy".
> The book is based on a well-informed and subtle analysis of Chinese history
> and culture, and as the title implies, Jacques is convinced that it is not a
> matter of whether China will dominate the world over the next few decades,
> but how. He is careful to avoid over-confidence in his predictions, however,
> and notes that "China's present behaviour can only be regarded as a partial
> indicator, simply because its power and influence remain limited compared
> with what they are likely to be in the future". But he is surely right to
> say that American confidence that "the Chinese are inevitably becoming more
> like us" is misplaced and is based on a view of globalisation that is
> seriously flawed.
> Jacques is likely to raise eyebrows in some quarters by playing down China's
> military potential; he sees China's arms buildup as being aimed largely at
> blocking any possible Taiwanese moves towards independence rather than at
> achieving world domination, and he claims that its own technological level
> remains relatively low. In the face of US and EU bans on selling weapons to
> Beijing, its only potential foreign supplier is Russia, Jacques says, and
> Moscow is hardly eager to see a militarily powerful China.
> But it is China's fast-growing economic power which has the world transfixed
> right now, and Jacques is confident that this will grow further. In the long
> term he expects China "to operate both within and outside the existing
> international system, seeking to transform that system while at the same
> time, in effect, sponsoring a new China-centric international system which
> will exist alongside the present system and probably slowly begin to usurp
> it".
> In perhaps his most provocative remarks, Jacques praises China's communist
> leaders for their "remarkable perspicacity ... never allowing themselves to
> be distracted by short-term considerations". He appears to defend the
> party's failure to move towards democracy, stating that China has devoted
> itself to economic growth, having concluded that it cannot afford to be
> diverted by what it "rightly deemed to be non-essential ends".
> Jacques observes, as commentators such as Jonathan Fenby have also noted,
> how the party has confounded western assumptions that the consumer boom over
> the last 20 years, the internet and the flood of Chinese travelling abroad
> on business or for pleasure would inevitably result in moves towards
> western-style democracy. He is not perturbed by this and is indeed
> sympathetic to the "not misplaced view that any move towards democracy is
> likely to embroil the country in considerable chaos and turmoil".
> It is on race, not unexpectedly, that Jacques is most critical of China. He
> says "racialised ways of thought ... have been on the rise in both popular
> culture and official circles", and he expects this to continue, with China's
> "sense of superiority resting on a combination of cultural and racial
> hubris".
> Some flaws are inevitable in such a lengthy and wide-ranging book. Jacques's
> discussion of Japanese culture is cliché-laden (the Japanese are
> "exquisitely polite", "You will never seen any litter anywhere" and the
> country is virtually crime-free) and it is surprising that his discussion of
> China's historical scientific and technological achievements makes no
> mention of Joseph Needham's towering contributions to the field. There are
> also occasional factual mistakes: Japan annexed north-east, not north-west
> China in 1931, and Shanghainese is not a dialect of Mandarin. In addition,
> the author occasionally cites dubious statistics: for example, I find it
> impossible to believe that 100 million Chinese tourists will visit Africa
> annually in the near future.
> Despite such foibles, this is an extremely impressive book, full of bold but
> credible predictions. Only time will tell how Jacques's prophecies pan out,
> but I suspect his book will long be remembered for its foresight and
> insight.
> . Michael Rank is a former Reuters correspondent in China
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