"...there doesn't appear to be a high-frequency smoking gun in this document 

Sergey strikes back
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Posted by: Matthew Goldstein
Tags: Commentaries, Goldman Sachs, High-Frequency Trading, Sergey Aleynikov, 
The case of Sergey Aleynikov, the former Goldman Sachs programmer charged with 
stealing some of the top secret code to the investment bank's high-frequency 
trading program, is going on the offensive.

Aleynikov has filed a subpoena on his former employer, seeking access to some 
information-mainly his personnel file. And Goldman has responded by filing a 
motion in federal court to quash the subpoena. Goldman filed its motion on Aug. 
6, a source familiar with the matter says.

A hearing on Goldman's motion to put the kibosh on Aleynikov's request for 
documents will be heard Monday afternoon beofre Judge Paul Crotty.

The hearing on Aleynikov's motion comes as the attorney for the former Goldman 
employee and federal prosecutors continue to work towards trying to reach a 
potential plea deal in the case.

I'm trying to a copy of Goldman's motion. At this point, we don't know what 
information Aleynikov is seeking. But this could be a hot hearing.

UPDATE: Just got a copy of Goldman's motion and it appears much of what 
Aleynikov wants are personnel records regarding "performance reviews by peers 
and superiors, complaints, employee progress reports, training history records" 

Goldman says Aleynikov's request should be denied because the "crux of the 
complaint is an allegation of theft, not an employment or wage dispute."

Maybe the most interesting thing in Goldman's filing is that it has chosen 
David Boies' law firm to represent it. The attorney handling the matter is 
Matthew Friedrich, a former federal prosecutor and member of the Enron task 
force. Friedrich, who joined the law firm in late July, most recently was 
deputy chief of staff to former US Attorney General Michael Mukasey.

That's a pretty hire powered legal team for what appears to be a rather routine 
motion. Then again, Goldman can certainly afford to hire the best.

Meanwhile, Aleynikov's lawyer counters Goldman's  argument by arguing that the 
personnel file is necessary to show prosecutors that Aleynikov is a good person 
and was a valued employee'.' 

My take is that Aleynikov's legal team is trying to get as much ammunition as 
they can to negotiate a favorable deal for their client. That makes sense for 
Aleynikov. But there doesn't appear to be a high-frequency smoking gun in this 
document request

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