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> From: Sardar <sar...@spiritone.com>
> Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 19:40:17 -0700
> To: Sardar <recon1968br...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Psychology Today Hit Piece Labels Conspiracy Thinking A Psychotic
> Illness
> I wonder how much this fool got paid by his Illuminati controllers?
>                                 Sardar
> Psychology Today Hit Piece Labels Conspiracy Thinking A Psychotic Illness
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> Paul Joseph Watson
> Prison Planet.com
> Wednesday, September 2, 2009
> In an article entitled Dark Minds: When does incredulity become paranoia,
> Psychology Today writer John Gartner attempts to make the case that the
> concerns of "conspiracy theorists" are not based in reality but are a
> product of mental instability, while himself fulfilling every criteria for
> what he claims classifies such people as psychotics - ignoring evidence that
> contradicts his preconceptions while embracing the ludicrous "conspiracy
> theory" that powerful men and governments do not conspire to advance their
> power.
> Probably somewhat upset about how our coverage of the dangers associated
> with the swine flu vaccine has contributed to a global revolt against mass
> vaccination programs being readied,  Psychology Today's gravy train of big
> pharma advertisers will no doubt be pleased to see the publication wastes no
> time in savagely attacking radio host and film maker Alex Jones, dispensing
> with any notion of fairness and zealously going after him as early as the
> second paragraph.
> The nature of this vicious hit piece ( PDF link) is confirmed when Gartner
> laments that Jones refused to provide him with phone numbers for friends he
> grew up with, presumably frustrated that he couldn't dig up some dirt from
> an old girlfriend to throw into the mix of what is nothing more than a
> personal attack on Jones' character, and a complete departure from any
> debate about the issues Jones covers on his radio show, which is the phony
> pretext that Gartner used in order to secure the interview in the first
> place.
> Gartner has trouble believing that eugenicists occupy powerful positions,
> even in the aftermath of the John P. Holdren story when Obama's top science
> advisor was exposed as having advocated forced abortion, sterilization and
> mass drugging of the public. Despite the fact that we sent Gartner dozens of
> pieces of evidence for his article, he cites a single national security
> memorandum and dismisses it as "a bland policy report".
> Mr. Gartner was obviously too lazy to read the entire document and/or too
> stupid to comprehend it.
> The document to which he refers is National Security Study Memorandum 200, a
> 1974 geopolitical strategy document prepared by Rockefeller's intimate
> friend and fellow Bilderberg member Henry Kissinger, which targeted thirteen
> countries for massive population reduction by means of creating food
> scarcity, sterilization and war.
> The document, declassified in 1989, identified 13 countries that were of
> special interest to U.S. geopolitical objectives and outlined why population
> growth, and particularly that of young people who were seen as a
> revolutionary threat to U.S. corporations, was a potential roadblock to
> achieving these objectives. The countries named were India, Bangladesh,
> Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand,
> Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia.
> The study outlined how civil disturbances affecting the "smooth flow of
> needed materials" would be less likely to occur "under conditions of slow or
> zero population growth."
> "Development of a worldwide political and popular commitment to population
> stabilization is fundamental to any effective strategy. This requires the
> support and commitment of key LDC leaders. This will only take place if they
> clearly see the negative impact of unrestricted population growth and
> believe it is possible to deal with this question through governmental
> action," states the document.
> The document called for integrating "family planning" (otherwise known as
> abortion) with routine health services for the purposes of "curbing the
> numbers of LDC people," (lesser-developed countries).
> The report shockingly outlines how withholding food could be used as a means
> of punishment for lesser-developed countries who do not act to reduce their
> population, essentially using food as a weapon for a political agenda by
> creating mass starvation in under-developed countries.
> "The allocation of scarce PL480 (food) resources should take account of what
> steps a country is taking in population control as well as food production,"
> states the document.
> Later in the document, the idea of enforcing "mandatory programs" by using
> food as "an instrument of national power" is presented.
> This is the quintessential example of powerful men conspiring to use
> eugenicist policies in order to advance their power. Gartner's lazy claim
> that the document is just a "bland policy report" is manifestly absurd.
>   a.. A d v e r t i s e m e n t
>   b..
> This isn't a conspiracy theory, this isn't a "connection" that we invented
> out of fresh air to make our brains release dopamine, as Gartner's bizarre
> hit piece goes on to claim, it's there in black and white, but Gartner has
> either failed to read the whole document or has performed his own act of
> psychological gymnastics and summarily dismissed the evidence because it
> does not fit with his preconceptions - the very charge he levels at
> "conspiracy theorists" in his hit piece.
> Gartner says conspiracy theorists are "immune to evidence" and yet he
> displays that very trait in this instance.
> It isn't long before Gartner regurgitates the tired old cliche about people
> needing to create conspiracy theories and some semblance of order to make
> themselves feel better in a chaotic world. He even claims that "finding
> meaning in sometimes insignificant events" creates dopamine, an
> overproduction of which can lead to schizophrenia. Of course, none of this
> has any relation whatsoever to powerful people planning the future of the
> planet that they rule (a ridiculous "conspiracy theory" in Gartner's mind),
> but Gartner's objective isn't to disprove the claims of Alex Jones in a
> logical manner, it's to denounce the messenger using convoluted and
> ham-fisted psychological rhetoric that isn't even applicable.
> But what's good for the goose is good for the gander. The greatest purveyors
> of myths and "conspiracy theories" about political events have and always
> will be authorities and governments. Scientists who recently investigated
> why so many people believed the falsehood that Saddam Hussein was behind
> 9/11 found that Americans wanted to believe that Iraq was connected to 9/11
> because it helped them make sense of current reality. How is that any
> different from the claim that conspiracy theorists invent connections to
> help them better comprehend current events?
> Beyond the accusations of who invents what to justify their worldview -
> conspiracists and debunkers alike - are the facts. History is littered with
> political conspiracies that actually happened and were not the manifestation
> of unstable minds.
> Indeed, history tells us that the bigger the lie, the bigger the conspiracy,
> the more likely the masses are to believe it, and governments throughout the
> ages have harnessed this trick to pursue their agendas since time began. In
> such an environment, those who aggressively question the official authodoxy,
> or "conspiracy theorists" as Gartner labels them, should be welcomed as a
> key bulwark against the kind of tyranny and oppression that has blighted the
> world at numerous intervals in the past, aided in no small part by the quack
> psychologists in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany that classified
> skepticism of the state as a mental illness, an implication Gartner
> regurgitates in his hit piece.
> It was not deception on behalf of "conspiracy theorists" that convinced
> Germans to follow Adolf Hitler, the lies that built the Nazi tyranny came
> directly from the state. It was not the beliefs of "conspiracy theorists"
> that hoodwinked Americans into thinking Iraq had weapons of mass
> destruction, that particular "big lie" came directly from the lips of the
> President of the United States.
> "We're all conspiracy theorists to some degree," writes Gartner and never
> has a truer word been spoken. Gartner has to be the biggest conspiracy
> theorist of all because he seems to hold the ludicrous belief that powerful
> men do not get together and plan things, which in Gartner's mind is a
> viewpoint indicative of a psychotic mind.
> As is always the case, the debunker, in this case Gartner, completely fails
> to grasp that his stance is completely out of touch with modern day
> sentiment. He poses as some kind of authority figure casting down his
> disdain upon the bedraggled minority of "conspiracy theorists" below, yet he
> is in the minority. It is Gartner's twilight zone world of angelic
> governments who commit no sin except within the twisted minds of dangerous
> psychotics, in light of admitted conspiracies that continue to be exposed on
> an almost daily basis - the phony terror alerts, the cronyism of the banker
> bailout, the torture scandal, that represents a genuine display of psychotic
> thinking.
> Gartner is really scraping the barrel when he unearths a 7-year-old incident
> about a disturbed man attempting to enter Bohemian Grove carrying guns in an
> effort to portray conspiracy theorists, an in particular Alex Jones, as a
> physical danger to society.
> In reality, the kind of warped thinking that Gartner embraces, that
> skepticism of government is a form of mental illness, is one of the most
> dangerous threats to a free society that ever existed.
> As we have seen before in history, the designation of political opinions
> deemed to be antagonistic towards or even merely skeptical of the state as a
> psychological illness is a hallmark of tyranny.
> In the former Soviet Union, psikhushkas - mental hospitals - were used by
> the state as prisons in order to isolate political prisoners, discredit
> their ideas, and break them physically and mentally. The Soviet state began
> using mental hospitals to punish dissidents in 1939 under Stalin.
> According to official Soviet psychiatry and the Moscow Serbsky Institute at
> the time, "ideas about a struggle for truth and justice are formed by
> personalities with a paranoid structure." Treatment for this special
> political schizophrenia included various forms of restraint, electric
> shocks, electromagnetic torture, radiation torture, lumbar punctures,
> various drugs - such as narcotics, tranquilizers, and insulin - and
> beatings. Anne Applebaum, author of Gulag: A History, indicates that at
> least 365 sane people were treated for "politically defined madness,"
> although she surmises there were many more.
> These kind of "treatments" for the "mental illness" of being a conspiracy
> theorist or merely being skeptical of government were brutally enforced by
> quack psychologists in both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, a fact that
> Gartner, trapped in his bubble of delusion and ignorance of any evidence
> that contradicts with his preconceptions, claimed to be completely unaware
> of when we confronted him with it.
> Quack psychologists like Gartner who define distrust of authorities and
> alternative explanations for the "official story" put out by governments who
> have repeatedly proven themselves to be liars as a form of psychosis are
> themselves as mentally unstable as their much vaunted peers - people like
> the insane cocaine addict Sigmund Freud and the Nazi child abuser Alfred
> Kinsey - and represent a far greater danger to society than the "conspiracy
> theorists" that they so readily seek to denigrate.
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