UFOs or Hoaxes? [12-16-09]
>From ZetaTalk.com: (UFOs project pyramid Hologram over the Kremlin in Russia! 
>Will same soon occur over the US Capital in DC and other cities worldwide?)
Daytime view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c49CAhRSoz4 night time view 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD4sxqiP3Ic on December 9, 2009 [and from 
another] Just so everyone knows. It is not a balloon! Nothing but nothing ever 
is suspended over or flies over the Kremlin. Period. It don't happen. I have 
been there many times. I sell aircraft in Russia and I know the rules. Putin 
cannot even helicopter to the airport from the Kremlin. [and from another] 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuanP2P41_I One problem with hologram 
theory..holograms don't reflect light, this object does as well as being shaded 
properly from the ground lights. [and from another] 
http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message941220/pg1 I'm a master of 
Maya, Softimage, After Effects and such. There is no way to do that using all 
those programs mentioned above. I've spent hours trying and it is impossible. I 
gave up! First of all, the footage is taken from the inside of a moving car and
 through the glass. Also, you would need to mask electrical cables as on 0:10 
and that is crazy to do. There are many other aspects that would require 
something extraordinary to accomplish. Street light reflections are very 
dificult to mask as well. I've downloaded the vido to play it frame by frame 
and and all I can say is: Wow! Folks, tt is real as it gets! [and from another] 
It's a tetrahedron by the way-not a pyramid. [and from another] After watching 
the video over and over again. I can say that a tethered blimp is out of the 
question. If it were a blimp or balloon there should be a constant and 
permanent axis of rotation. In this case a cable from the roof to the object. 
But, and here it's the big but (no pun intended) the object is rotating freely. 
There is no fixed axis on it.
[Zeta Response]  This is a real UFO, captured on more than one video. The shape 
of the tetrahedron, which shows a triangle from four different sides, was 
generated by space ships nearby, coordinating with one another, thus a type of 
holograph. Unlike a human generated holograph, however, this display could be 
seen from all directions, with a precise 3D appearance. The fog like appearance 
was generated by changing the molecular structure of the air inside the 
tetrahedron. What was the message being beamed to the residents of Moscow 
during the display? We have mentioned before that Moscow is in lowlands, with 
few hills nearby for an escape during flooding. Moscow will be distressed early 
in the time between the present and the pole shift, due to flooding. What will 
the residents do, when the hills they would scramble to are hundreds of miles 
away? Flood waters erode support from under buildings, so they tilt and fall. 
Serious thought needs to be done by
 those who live there, to plan for such an emergency, which could come upon 
them suddenly during a deluge. 

Also: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y13iq0MGKfE> 

New Umknown Phenomena: Mystery Neon Swirling lights!
 12-9-09 Mystery blue light (UFO?) over Norway.
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMUhS-S0rGk&feature=youtube_gdata> Mystery 
swirling light over Russia!
Monster Fireballs 
(Bible: There will be signs in the sky even though the US Media is NOT 
reporting them!)
<http://cbs4.com/local/hot.air.balloon.2.1339903.html> Nov 29, 2009 
Unidentified Falling Object Seen Near South Miami
Sonic Booms in the Miami Metro?
George A. Filer - MUFON Eastern Region Director


You Are The Judge!

The Wicked ENDTIME - Not the RIGHTEOUS. 

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