Dear Group,
By golly, most of the information given including  jrswriter comments are 
utterly correct concerning why Haiti is so Poor! Without a doubt, there is a 
long-standing gross conspiracy to destroy or undermine the entire Haitian 
nation and their Afro-descendant citizens. This is a sign of the BEAST, and as 
usual, the warmongering west is synchronized in doing all that they can to keep 
Haiti and us all in some form of bondage and pain even in america today as 
I did not know about Haiti having OIL deposits, which were found recently! If 
this is so, such will prove fatal to the independence of Haiti, as the west and 
america like whoring drug addicts, will become even more desperate antagonists 
than before if OIL is thrown into the mix!

Thanks for the information. Now we know what has caused Haiti to be so poor 
beyond a shadow of doubt! However, if there is one thing that we all can look 
forward to it is this, the vicious colonialist clock has but three more 
remaining years or less on it before the whole wicked edifice will come 
crashing down. Thereafter, all the greedy wicked on this present world will be 

Why Haiti Is So Poor: By jrswriter

The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS!  

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