Testimony Reveals Need for 
Thorough Investigation of AIG Deals 

01/28/2010 - by William Black 

William Black calls for a deeper investigation of the conflicts of interest 
that shaped the AIG bailout. 

The truly extraordinary disclosures were that Paulson, Bernanke, and 
Geithner all purported to have had no involvement in one of the most 
expensive decisions in history - the decision to pay 100 cents on the dollar 
to the least deserving of recipients (and who, if Geithner's testimony were 
to be believed, did not need to receive that largess) - and the unprincipled 
and indefensible decision to try to get AIG to cover up that fact and the 
beneficiaries of that largess. Indeed, Bernanke testified that he entered 
into an oral recusal (such recusals have to be put in writing under Office 
of Government Ethics rules) that meant that at the most critical time in 
financial regulation in 80 years an "acting" official was left in charge of 
all regulatory decisions at the NY Fed. This is bizarre because he was one 
of the rare senior public officials that did not have a clear conflict of 
interest due to their Wall Street ties. 

Those senior officials, e.g., Paulson, that had clear conflicts of interest 
did not recuse themeselves and Goldman Sachs was the biggest single 
recipient of what two Fed Members aptly labeled a "gift" from the taxpayers. 
Worse, the acting Fed President reported to the NY Fed Board and its Chair, 
Stephen Friedman (of Goldman), who purchased a large block of Goldman stock 
in December 2008. (Rep. Issa has charged that this indicates he was trading 
on inside information that produced a large investment profit.) This was 
such an outrageous conflict of interest that other regional Fed banks were 
outraged. Worse, the Fed staff approved Friedman's conflict of interest. 
Still worse, he did not inform the Fed of his large purchase of Goldman 
shares in December 2008 (just after it received $12.9 B from the taxpayers 
(via AIG)). 

Note that (1) Friedman was a Class C "Public Interest" director for the NY 
Fed ("Hi, I'm from Government Sachs and I'm here to represent the public's 
interest"), (2) that Baxter was his leading defender (yep, the same NY Fed 
General Counsel that pushed the AIG cover up), and (3) and that the WSJ 
story logically should have noted that Geithner had recused himself during 
November and December 2008 because that fact would have been relevant to 
their study and they obviously wrote the story on the basis of interviews 
with senior NY Fed staff - but it does not. That makes it even more dubious 
that Geithner recused himself and/or it means that the NY Fed officials were 
trying to avoid public knowledge of the recusal. Baxter, as NY Fed GC, 
should have been involved in the recusal and screening procedures (again, 
mandated by OGE rules, particularly for nominees requiring Senate 

Analytically, the key development was the failure of the Committee to point 
out that all of Geithner's arguments about the financial catastrophe that 
was (purportedly) certain if AIG were to spin off its trading unit and place 
it in bankruptcy proved the opposite of his conclusion about leverage. 
Recall that Lehman had gone done and every big AIG counterparty was 
desperately seeking federal aid and regulatory forbearance. They knew that 
if they tried to collect on their CDS they would cause AIG to fail and that 
they would be risking (1) getting zero cents on the dollar on their CDS (or, 
at most, whatever grossly inadequate collateral AIG had pledged), (2) 
royally pissing off every developed nation in the world - at a time when 
they needed government bailouts, liquidity lines, and regulatory 
forbearance. In sum, the very facts Geithner stressed in his testimony 
provided the government with the ultimate in negotiating leverage, 
particularly if, as Geithner testified, none of the counterparties needed to 
collect on the AIG CDS to remain healthy - (personally, I find Geithner's 
claim dubious). Stiglitz's new book, Freefall, points out that other 
distressed sellers of CDS "protection" during this period negotiated 
settlements in which they paid 13 cents on the dollar. 

It was downright humorous to see Geithner purport to be affronted that 
anyone might be concerned that Goldman, and Goldman alums drawing federal 
paychecks, might serve Goldman's interests. As Liar's Poker emphasized, 
there's always a "fool" in the game. Thanks to Geithner, Bernanke, Friedman, 
and Paulson the U.S. taxpayer was that "fool" - and AIG was their tool. 
Actually, my favorite is their decision to use AIG to secretly bail out UBS. 
Switzerland is a rich nation, why should we pay to bail out transactions 
that were never federally insured? But it gets better. We bailed out UBS 
while we were prosecuting them for massive tax fraud involving exceptionally 
wealthy Americans that were seeking to evade some of the lowest marginal 
income tax rates in the developed world. So, in economic substance, U.S. 
taxpayers paid the "fine" that UBS purported to pay to end the prosecution 
and gave UBS roughly $4.25 billion extra as a lagniappe. (Oh, and the Swiss 
courts just decided to shaft us by refusing to comply with the disclosures 
of the indentities of the U.S. tax cheats required under the settlement with 
UBS.) So, we are now the global "fool." 

It is inconceivable that Bernanke should be reappointed before his role, and 
the role of his agency, in the twin AIG scandals (the give away and the 
cover up) are investigated. 

This post originally appeared on New Economic Perspectives . 

Roosevelt Institute Braintruster William K. Black is an Associate Professor 
of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He is a 
white-collar criminologist and was a senior financial regulator. He is the 
author of The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One . 


Causes of 2008 Financial Collapse' - Testimonies 

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