Citizens For Legitimate Government 

31 Jan 2010 

Secret US-UK plan to oust Saddam in coup two years before invasion -- Secret 
document signalled support for Iraqi dissidents and promised aid, oil and trade 
deals in return for regime change 01 Feb 2010 A secret plan to foster an 
internal coup against Saddam Hussein was drawn up by the Government two years 
before the invasion of Iraq, The Independent can reveal. Whitehall officials 
drafted the "contract with the Iraqi people" as a way of signalling to 
dissenters in Iraq that an overthrow of Saddam would be supported by Britain. 
It promised aid, oil contracts, debt cancellations and trade deals once the 
president had been removed. Tony Blair's team saw it as a way of creating 
regime change in Iraq even before the 9/11 attack on New York . The document, 
headed "confidential UK/US eyes", was finalised on 11 June 2001 and approved by 
ministers. It has not been published by the Iraq inquiry but a copy has been 
obtained by The Independent and can be revealed for the first time today. [ 
'First the war was about WMDs. Now, the war is against Hussein and for 
liberation. Tell that to the children whose limbs have been blown off, or whose 
skulls have been exploded by shrapnel. The only WMDs are those of the so-called 
"coalition" forces, exploding like the evidence in search of the crime.' 
--Michael Rectenwald, March 30 Anti-W-ar Rally Pittsburgh Speech , 30 Mar 2003. 
Heads up! Look for al-CIAduh 'burrowers' to carry out a big false flag 
(Vancouver?) to serve as a distraction for this nugget. --LRP ]


Ex-Prime Minister Blair Faces Iraq Inquiry 

Iraq war was a crime of aggression: The damning verdict of top Whitehall 


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