"We didn't create this crisis but now we have to pay for it," said Manthos 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: muckblit 
  To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 8:59 PM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Proof That The Greek Rioters Don't Even Know What 
They're Fighting For

  Greek Protests Mount as Parliament Passes Budget Cuts (Update4) 
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  By Maria Petrakis and David Tweed

  March 5 (Bloomberg) -- Striking Greek workers shut down transport and tried 
to storm parliament as lawmakers passed 4.8 billion euros ($6.5 billion) in 
budget cuts, including wage reductions, needed to trim the region's biggest 
budget deficit. 

  Police with riot shields fired tear gas as demonstrators wearing biker 
helmets and ski masks pelted them with stones outside parliament in Athens 
where lawmakers approved the measures. Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou 
told parliament the cuts will show European Union allies and investors that 
Greece is making good on its deficit pledges. 

  "We didn't create this crisis but now we have to pay for it," said Manthos 
Adamakis, who was protesting with other catering workers outside the five-star 
Grande Bretagne Hotel on Syntagma Square in downtown Athens. 

  Tram, rail, subway and bus services shut in Athens and other cities as 
employees rallied against cuts to bonuses and holiday payments. A walk out by 
air-traffic controllers forced the cancellation of all 58 flights to and from 
Athens International Airport between midday and 4 p.m. and the rescheduling of 
another 135, according to a spokeswoman. 

  Europe's Turn 

  Papaconstantinou said European allies should now act to pledge aid should 
Greece need help financing its growing debt. "Obviously, the EU must undertake 
responsibility, which it hasn't done yet," he told lawmakers. 

  EU nations are working on a contingency rescue plan for Greece to be funded 
by European governments, according to two people briefed yesterday in Berlin by 
an EU official. 

  Yannis Panagopoulos, the head of GSEE, Greece' largest union, received first 
aid after being attacked by protesters at the rally outside parliament. Manolis 
Glezos, an 87-year-old World War II resistance fighter famous for pulling down 
the Nazi Swastika flag from the Acropolis in 1941, was also hospitalized after 
being affected by tear gas during the scuffles. 

  Groups of youths caused damage to shops, ministries and bank branches during 
the protests, the Attica Police, the city's police force, said in a statement 
on its Web site. Five people were arrested for involvement in the violence and 
seven police officers were injured, it said. 

  GSEE and civil servants' union ADEDY called a 24-hour general strike for 
March 11. ADEDY has already held two 24-hour strikes this year after the 
government backtracked on pledges to grant civil servants a wage increase. 

  EU Praise 

  Yesterday, the PAME union, aligned to the Communist Party of Greece, took 
over the Finance Ministry building and the General Accounting Office. 

  EU officials have praised the budget package announced this week and Greek 
bonds gained. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is due to meet Prime 
Minister George Papandreou in Berlin later today, told reporters in Munich that 
the Greek measures are a "courageous step" that's already yielding results. 

  "Opinion polls show that a very large majority of Greeks understand that this 
in the interest of the country," European Central Bank President Jean-Claude 
Trichet said today in an interview with Belgium's RTBF radio. "It's normal that 
there are demonstrations when decisions are taken. What counts is the main 
interest of the country." 

  Still, most Greeks oppose the plan to cut wages and increase value-added tax, 
according to the first opinion poll published since the austerity moves were 
announced on March 3. 

  Wage Cuts 

  Seventy-two percent of 530 people surveyed by Public Issue for Skai 
Television said they disagreed with a drop in bonus- vacation payments, while 
68 percent opposed a value-added tax increase. Sixty-two percent said Greece 
will see social unrest in the next year, according to the poll broadcast 

  The additional budget cuts aim to save 1.7 billion euros through a 30 percent 
reduction to three bonus-salary payments to civil servants, a 7 percent overall 
decrease in wages at wider public-sector companies and a pension freeze. The 
reductions are accompanied by an increase to 21 percent from 19 percent in the 
main VAT tax as well as in alcohol and tobacco duties. 

  Teachers are also striking, closing some schools, and workers at the Public 
Power Corp SA, the country's biggest electricity company and controlled by the 
state, also called a 24-hour strike today. 

  To contact the reporter on this story: Maria Petrakis in Athens at 
mpetra...@bloomberg.net; David Tweed in Athens at jtw...@bloomberg.net 

  Last Updated: March 5, 2010 12:03 EST 
  --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis" <thehatefuln...@...> 
  > Are they accidentally attacking the wrong shit, or are they fake 
protestors? The Black Bloc strikes again! -Vmann
  > So are these pro-austerity protesters? Doubtful, it's far more likely 
they're just confused... but feel free to correct us if information comes out.


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