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³CIA keeps testing drugs on people² ­ American author
Russia Today
March 10, 2010
In August 1951 a small French village near Marseilles became a part of a
CIA-funded experiment with drugs, and as a result five hundred people were
affected, US writer Hank Albarelli told RT.
The experiment caused at least three suicides and 40 people were taken to a
nearby psychiatric institute, Mr. Albarelli says.

RT: In 1953, US Army biochemist Dr. Frank Olson died suddenly in NY. City
military and federal officials said his death was a suicide, but more than
half a century later, a new book argues that his death came at the hands of
CIA. Joining us now is Hank Albarelli ­ author of ³A Terrible Mistake: The
Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA¹s Secret Cold War Experiments.²
Why did you decide to explore and investigate the death, or as you call it,
the murder, of Dr. Frank Olson?
HA: Well, initially I also thought that it was a death by suicide, but then
I had a minor curiosity about the case to begin with. I read everything I
could put my hands on. And everything I read I couldn¹t believe. The more I
read, the more I pricked my curiosity and then within months I wanted to
know the real story: what did happen to him?
RT: And what¹s the real story according to your research?
HA: According to my research ­ and I researched the case for a little over
10 years ­ he was murdered.
RT: Why?
HA: The motive is fairly complex. You¹d have to go to the heart of what
Frank Olsen was to begin with, and he was a civilian employee for the US
Army in a very top secret installation in Frederick, Maryland, called Camp
Detrick ­ that is what it was called at the time. And today it is known as
Fort Detrick. And Frank was a fairly arrogant man. He was a civilian, so he
didn¹t like being subject to military regimes or discipline or the security
that was necessary at an ultra-secret base like that.
And on top of this arrogance, he just didn¹t perform well in the job and
eventually became interested in leaving his employment with the US Army. But
he had a lot of secrets from the 10 years he¹d spent there, and combined
with his arrogance and unhappiness having a job at Fort Detrick, he began to
talk out of school, talking of secrets to people he shouldn¹t have spoken
to. Everyone who worked to Fort Detrick took an ultra secret oath and swore
to God and on the Bible that they would not talk about anything they worked
on, either while working there or after working there.
RT: What kind of work was he doing?
HA: Olson did the top level secret work that anyone can imagine. Everything
revolved around developing lethal and toxic weapons, combined with chemical
and biological agents. And around 1950, the CIA formed a direct alliance
with the division that Olson worked for the US Army.
RT: Mr. Albarelli, you say that US officials covered up Frank Olson¹s
murder, allowing CIA abuses to continue. Abuses, which according to you,
include drug experiments on men, women, children and foreigners. Can you
elaborate on that?
HA: That¹s correct. When Fort Detrick formed the alliance with the CIA, that
alliance was given a code name and that code name was MK NAOMI. It was a
part of broader project called MK ULTRA. It was a research project that
awarded some 147 grants to colleges, universities and research institutions
across the country, basically to do secret research with drugs: heroin,
mescaline, LSD, morphine. They were studying the effects and how these
various drugs could be weaponized. The technology that was developed under
MK ULTRA would be taken and implied to field operatives that would take
place either in Europe, rarely domestically, or in East Germany, and
sometimes in Russia.
RT: You say that CIA tested drugs on foreigners. How were they able to
successfully do that?
HA: The test that got Olsen in trouble and eventually got him murdered, that
he spoke out of school about, was the test that took place in August 1951 in
a small French village in southern France, not far from Marseilles. And the
CIA funded Fort Detrick to do experiments there involving aerosol LSD
sprayed in the small village. That affected 500 people in that village.
There were three suicides and 40 people were carted off to a nearby insane
resort as a result of that experiment.
RT: Why don¹t we just explain why it happened? You believe that military
wanted to produce LSD, how did they want to use it?
HA: Initially there was a lot of excitement about LSD. About how to use LSD
as a weapon in the field which would eliminate violence which occurs mostly
in war time, in other words, people wouldn¹t be killed and property wouldn¹t
be destroyed. So you can launch a massive LSD-aerosol attack on enemy
troops, they¹ll go crazy for a few hours when people could capture them. It
sounds very naive in retrospect but there were several papers written by the
army in1941 and 1950 to that effect and it was at that point when the army
decided to go forward and experiment with the drug. But this interest
rapidly transformed into an interest in terms of using LSD for interrogation
purposes, thinking that it would put someone in a state that a person would
tell the truth. They thought that maybe it could be used as a truth drug.
RT: I was really surprised to read two familiar names in your book ­ Donald
Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. Tell me how they were involved in all of this.
HA: Olson was murdered in 1953. And his murder was covered up from 1953
successfully until 1975. Only his family had suspicions about his death. In
1975, the Rockefeller Commission brought it in a report to the president
that a civilian employee for the US Army has been dosed with LSD in 1953,
and subsequently committed suicide nine days later in New York City. That
provoked everybody¹s attention because the report did not name who that
civilian employee was. That part of the story was covered up from 1953 to
1975. Rumsfeld and Cheney, to put it bluntly, were part of that cover-up.
RT: What were their roles at the time?
HA: At the time in ¹75, Rumsfeld was the President Gerlad Ford¹s chief of
staff, while Cheney was his closest assistant, a special assistant to the
Chief of Staff.
RT: What was the most shocking fact that you¹ve uncovered and you
investigated for ten years?
HA: It¹s a good question. By the time I was finished with the book I thought
that nothing could shock me any longer. I think that the most shocking thing
and the thing I did not want to believe initially was the experiment in
France. I didn¹t want to believe that. I didn¹t want to believe that my
government would do something like that. But on top of that there were
countless experiments that were conducted from 1953 until approximately 1970
on thousands of nameless individuals. The US Army alone tested LSD on over
5,000 servicemen at Edgeward Arsenal alone.
RT: How do you think the servicemen could agree to something like that?
HA: They offered them bennies [benefits ­ed.] like giving them extra leaves;
maybe having another weekend to go home, some extra vacation time, maybe an
early out. But what were they told? They were told that they were going to
volunteer for drug experiments. But they were told that it was a relatively
harmless drug and it wouldn¹t have much of an effect and that it was in the
process of being approved by the FDA. And that just wasn¹t the truth ­ the
drug was never in the process of being approved by the FDA. Nobody had any
intention of ever approving the drug.
RT: Do you think that the CIA is still testing out drugs?
HA: Absolutely. I don¹t think they are testing LSD any longer, but new drugs
­ absolutely.
RT: Do you have any fear for yourself and for your family, because you
really are making a lot of allegations.
HA: Well, I have made a lot of allegations. It¹s not really allegations, I
mean the proof is there for anybody who wants to pick it up and read it. If
they want to pursue it themselves, they can actually find even more than
what¹s in the book. I don¹t have any concerns. My mother and my wife have
some concerns. I am a historian. I mean, I wrote a book about things that
happened in the ¹50s and ¹60s and the early ¹70s, and that unfortunately is
still happening today.
You know, some of the stuff that¹s happening today with torture and
renditions ­ if it continues on the path it¹s going on, that could be ­ 10
or 15 years down the road ­ that could be anybody. That could be you, that
could be I, that could be our children, our grandchildren, who knows who
that¹s going to be?
RT: Do you think that president Obama has any control or authority over the
HA: My perception of Obama is similar to my perception of Bill Clinton when
he was president. I don¹t think Obama has a strong interest in the CIA, the
same as Clinton, until maybe the latter years of his presidency when he was
forced in terms of what was going on in Afghanistan. But Obama really hasn¹t
had time to focus on the CIA or any of the multiple related issues. But the
CIA, in my perception basically runs itself regardless of what the president
RT: Can the CIA undermine the president, if they don¹t like what the
president is doing, saying or advocating?
HA: Absolutely. They can undermine the president. And I think the proof of
that is what happened with JFK [John F. Kennedy]. I don¹t believe that Lee
Harvey Oswald alone assassinated JFK. And it¹s my belief after studying the
assassination for years and years, that the CIA had a direct hand in that.

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