
CIA caused French village to go mad in the Fifties by spiking baguettes with

By Ian Sparks
Last updated at 5:42 PM on 13th March 2010

The CIA caused an entire French village to go mad nearly 60 years ago by
spiking their baguettes with the mind-bending drug LSD, a new investigation

Hundreds of residents in Pont-Saint-Esprit, southern France, were driven to
mass hysteria and hallucinations in the 'cursed bread' incident in August

Five people died and dozens were sent to mental asylums in strait jackets in
one of the most bizarre mysteries in France.

Pont-Saint-Esprit: Villagers here were driven to mass hysteria and
One man tried to drown himself, screaming that his belly was being eaten by
snakes.   An 11-year-old boy tried to strangle his grandmother.

A man shouted 'I am a plane' before jumping out of a second-floor window and
breaking his legs. 

Another saw his heart escaping through his feet and begged a doctor to put
it back.  

Baffled villagers had always blamed the incident on a local baker whose
bread could have been tainted with mercury or psychedelic mould.

French staple: A woman with baguettes
But U.S. journalist H P Albarelli says he has now uncovered CIA documents
revealing the agency caused the madness to test the effects of LSD in a
secret mind-control experiment.

The incident, which took place at the height of the Cold War, was initially
investigated by a Swiss pharmaceutical company Sandoz who have been revealed
as the same people who secretly supplied the CIA with LSD.

One note uncovered by Albarelli is a transcript of a conversation between a
CIA agent and a Sandoz official who mentions the 'secret of
Pont-Saint-Esprit' and explains it was caused by diethylamide the D in LSD.

Mr Albarelli added: ŒThe real smoking gun was a White House document sent to
members of the Rockefeller Commission formed in 1975 to investigate CIA

ŒIt contained the names of a number of French nationals who had been
secretly employed by the CIA and made direct reference to the Pont St.
Esprit incident.¹  

Locals in Pont-Saint-Esprit still want to know what caused the mass insanity
Villager Charles Granjoh, 71, was one those affected.

He said: ŒAt the time people brought up the theory of an experiment aimed at
controlling a popular revolt.

ŒI almost kicked the bucket and I'd like to know why.¹


Comments (14)

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The USA & it's Central Intelligence Agency is the evil of the World.

- BlastarrbxIII, Birmingham, England., 13/3/2010 14:29

Click to rate     Rating   126
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Horrible, but not surprising. They've done some truly evil things. It makes
you wonder what the CIA is up to now, doesn't it?

- Christine, San Diego, USA, 13/3/2010 14:19

Click to rate     Rating   204
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This and more yet there's still people naive enough to think that there
couldn't possibly be another explanation for 9/11.

- Jack Tar, Liverpool. England, 13/3/2010 14:09

Click to rate     Rating   89
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How much more of the CIA doings are still hiding. Isn't compensation called
for? Shouldn't someone be jailed for this crime against innocent people, or
do they have carte blanche to do as they please. Really, nothing much has
changed. Covertly a law unto themselves.

- eva, Wellington, New Zealand, 13/3/2010 13:57

Click to rate     Rating   144
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In the picture - which is "the French staple" - the baguettes or the
great-looking blonde?

I think we should be told.

- Grumpyoldman, Europe, 13/3/2010 13:42

Click to rate     Rating   108
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nothing suprises me what the ones in power will do they are vermin

- dave, safe distance from hull, 13/3/2010 13:29

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