Africa seems to hold to a single notion, that AFRICOM basing would
always serve as School of the Coups. Therefore an absolute lockout
has so far been assured by centuries of popular experience guilded
by the inexplicable US neo-colonial insult to its undeserved mandate
granted by victims of colonialism during the colonialist collapse
following World War One. The US was still pandering Hashemite
monarchs in Iraq and Afghanistan a few short years ago, in the
manner of replacing Mossadegh in Iran with the shah in 1953.

Destabilization to a "failed state" that will support US paternalism
or even intervention is still possible in some countries to a great
degree, or just to a degree of schizophrenia or tumor in a strong
body, as in Nigeria, thanks to oil and drugs in Nigeria. Destabilizing
influences in Nigeria can harbor destabilizing expats from Liberia
for another day, or be exported as opportunity permits, even when
empire assets are not able to completely destabilize or ruin Nigeria.

Then the US seems to use what Africans openly and widely refer to
as cocaine colonialism from a base of islands off the west coast.
Drug colonialism as a destabilizing influence is also done covertly,
through Nigeria. If we read Rodney Stich's books, he talks about
Red Star Brewery in Lagos, and Nigerians useful to smuggling
heroin to and then through europe back to the US under guise of
Nigerian electronics, not go get sued but again just quoting the
name of Philips (TV) from Stich. 1980's books from retired NTSB
investigator Stich, who interviewed disavowed Air America pilots
such as Crittendon(Crittendon Air Transport). The way that the
heroin is used is to open a second front of drug colonialism over
land into other African countries, to create a pincer with the
offshore cocaine colonialism. Then, the US offers AFRICOM
USN help with the drug pirates, dialectic at its best, and problems
and solutions from the same people.

Another way to advertise for AFRICOM was exemplified by US Pres.
Obama in his speech in Ghana's parliament. You can listen to that
on youtube. He tags other issues but the main three I identify are
offers of WB/IMF type loans, which also cycle back into US corps,
and then in his speech, that would be loans cycled back to US
genmod terminator seed and pesticide and herbicide companies,
and then the third great hope for converting to monocrop cash
cropping with dependency on the US for seeds, chemicals, and
loans would be that AFRICOM basing would secure the US
investment there. Oil-rich democratic Ghana calls all of that
just grotesque neo-colonialism aimed to grab the oil money
that otherwise could support education, roads, datacom, and

Haiti used to feed itself with locally grown rice, but before the
earthquake had losts its rice farming to globalist trade policy.
African countries watch Haiti news, and a lot of them speak
French, too. Haiti is obviously the poorer for allowing the US
to dictate trade and aid policy, and the Africans see that Haiti
is unable to develop its oil or gold resources or engage in a
democratic political process. Africans have oil production,
and several breadbasket nations, and so are not getting
dubbed over by US propaganda over-ride as are the poor
Haitians. As far as listening to Obama, they know to listen
to his words, because he could be just another Afro-American
bringing the southern US plantation model back to Africa
like the Afro-American Liberians who only lost control of
their indigenous African slaves in 2004. Imagine Haitians,
who staged a rebellion every year or two for hundreds of
years, getting control of oil and gold, and then that is what
many African nations are looking like today. They, like the
Latin American nations which have tired of CIA puppets,
are not having any nouveau Bushwa Obama tricks, and
they know it, and they are having fun knowing that we
know it. Hilary's limited hangout in Congo speeches
might have been precipitated by Obama's failed speech
in Ghana parliament. Hilary recognized "cell phone
genocide for tantalum and tungsten in Congo".

The US also offers help with "emerging diseases", CIA
surplus biological weaponry including salmonella
typhimurium ST313 which will be wiping out whole
villages in Africa since CIA modified it to be human hosted
and to produce a lot more toxins, similar to a certain
unclassified successful experiment to make yeast bacteria
produce a lot more alchohol than usual. H1N1 has also
emerged from CIA front labs lately, and you could take
mercury and aluminum to help you with that(see what
mercury and aluminum are doing in vaccines
<>   )
same as HIV drugs all cause anemia and lower immunity and
antibiotics and antiparasitic and antivirals for US bees are
going to wipe out our remaining bees this year after pesticides
including nicotine weakened them in prior years. The anthrax,
tularemia, salmonella typhimurium ST313 which CIA has
developed at Ft Detrick and Walter Reed Army Medical Center
and then released in Africa and Arkansas(Russell Welch) and
US Congress(Daschle and Leahy) and Minnesota(H1N1) will
emerge more than ever from Minnesota as 911-Saudi-CIA
converts Mayo Clinic to produce more CIA "emerging diseases".
Whether emerging in offices of US Senators Daschle and
Leahy, or office of Arkansas state police, or in remote African
villages, new bioweapons will be emerging diseases thanks to
your tax dollars, true, but above all, thanks to your innocence.
FBI agents retorted,"everybody does it, but we're the good guys",
in defense of using Franklin-Boystown-Presidio-Finders-Lindbergh
babies to make pedo blackmail videos. Need help with your left
hand emerging genmod diseases, maybe the right hand can
help you?

Similarly, the Africans can read Oliver North's diary and simply
call it "cocaine colonialism". The Russians did not do that much
with LSD, STP, DMT, PCP, mescaline, psilocybin, and everybody
is not making pedo blackmail videos using the Lindbergh baby.
If the US did give you an vaccination for Ebola, it would still be laced
with enough aluminum and mercury slow your students down in
school. If the US weakened the immunity of your bees by loaning
you money to buy US ag chemicals, bee diseases would not be
cured by poisoning any surviving bees with antibiotics in order
to get you to lower your trade barriers. Thabo Mbeki may have
eternally discredited himself by convincing Nelson Mandela to
burden the victims of apartheid with the costs of apartheid,
including apartheid pensions, but Mbeki was right to question
whether feeding pillcakes to the thin man will fatten him or
kill him. Always look in the mouth of grinning wooden gift horse
on wheels. Dental amalgam? Thimerosol and aluminum in any
vaccine for biowar emerging from U Minn or Mayo or Walter
Reed? Timeout, will dead bees sting Illuminati before the US
corpse hits the ground, or will he just clatter like Bones when
he hits? Clue: the Israelis have two years to disappoint the
four powers Brzezhinski said are no substitute for Palestinians.
Hint: two years, what takes Viguerie and the Newtist Colony
two years? Bees dying. Nouveau Bushwa Change. Electronic
voting? Even send-plantation-model-back-to-Africa can still
be found in a petri dish marked Liberia at the CIA-Saudi
Mayo Bioweapons Clinic. What could that warlord be thinking,
after 2004? Maybe he is addicted to waterboarding. "Some
people don't know what to do with themselves", CENQUAL
gunnies say. Maybe old warlords don't always just fade away.
They can become tragicomic waterboard surfers for a few
dollars more. Or FBI pedo blackmail video pimps. Or, how
about cocaine colonialist pirates closer to home? Might be
a pension in that.

Two years, and slowly maybe Athenians will figure out that's
really Geronimo's skull on their tee shirts and tats. Nihilism
now, but what then, Mr. Blue? Atta and Goss from the same
town, Vigeurie and Petruskie from the same town, and the
same week that we discover al-CIA-duh has always used
the al-CIA-duh website, Gitmo guys get laptops. Yet, George
Lakoff may still be wondering why the ultra-rich might
wish to own two plastic action figures. Seeing oneself from
afar may be predicted on prior art. Abstraction as basis for
organization may just coiff the whole Samson dude.


--- In, micha...@... wrote:
> We are all on same page.  AFRICOM important.  Did I post the letter I
> wrote to General Ward of AFRICOM?  I think I did.
> From looks of Chad and Sudan and even strangness in Nigeria I think
> is doing their own Peace of Westphalia but keeping it inside. 
> they do out in open becomes a target.
> And I certainly support Turkey.  I don't know what Sweden is doing,
> friends there and they too are embarrassed.
> France and England just as responsible for Armenia. Armenia teaches
> not to trust a jump country.  Keeping enemies close does not mean
> betraying them while in their lap, lol.
> m

> > From: "muckblit" muckb...@...
> > To:
> > Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 11:11:22 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada
> > Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Power in south
> >
> > The level of political, intellectual discourse by the common people
> > in Latin America and Africa leaves us behind. They are not afraid
> > of the old CIA puppet dictators. No African nation wants AFRICOM.
> > People mob farm foreclosure auctions in Latin America and either
> > shut them down or buy the farmer's land cheap for him. Then it
> > surprised me to hear that the same paradigm was practiced here
> > during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression.
> >
> > I thought we were still being beat up by importing smart people
> > from India and Pakistan. Paks have taken Brighton Beach from
> > the Russians. Why do we need broadband if we can just let all
> > the B-1B foreigners replace us at a third the cost? Can't we all
> > just be morons? Being middle class has so many obligations,
> > including an orderly thought process so as not to spam the
> > internet.
> >
> > -Bob
> >
> > --- In, michael1@ wrote:
> >>
> >> Many in the US might be so shocked at level of inside control that
> > they
> >> think unstoppable. The real solution will come from the outside.
> >> Third World. To many this is hard to believe. This is why I posted
> > about
> >> the opera in Mexico.
> >>
> >> Another sign all over the net is the expensive decision to get
> > broadband
> >> to as many citizens as possible in the US and in the UK. Why?
> >>
> >> Because we are falling more and more behind in invention. Less and
> > less
> >> percent of patents and on and on.
> >>
> >> So the broadband decision shows the level of desperation.
> >>
> >> Michael
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Complete archives at
> >
> > Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
> >
> > OM
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >

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