I spotted frame shifting in newspaper articles so as to divide
You may remember that I called that 50-50 Framing, and then at election
time fraud makes the diff either way. In Tavistock group dynamics, they
like to use Bernays Big Lie to establish a myth and thereby an urgent
need for consensus, such as "globalism", and then lay out game choices
consisting of Either/Or Dilemma, which when I noticed that twenty years
or more ago, I called Either/Or Monster, an all-encompassing, dominating
leviathan devouring all tiny humans in one lesser-of-two-evils or
mandated choice. Then George Lakoff says that people will decide one
way or the other according to which of two family metaphors they hold
up to politics, either Strict Father Morality or Moral Nurturing

The game can be started by counterfeiting, similar to 50-50 Framing in
journalism. A program that does too much fundamentally right will be
supplanted by similar sounding words and labels and banner but some
or all dynamic principles reversed to produce opposite results. Newt
Ginrich's Moral Majority and all US Vietnam hamlet programs succeeding
Village Defense were counterfeits based on reversing principles and
leaving out essentials. Ed Lansdale in Vietnam attacked every
pillar to make room for a second gaming choice, communism, which had
game but needed strategic aid from Lansdale to make it a war(game). In
Iraqwar, after the troops roared into Baghdad, Bush released 380 tons of
HMX super high explosive made by his dad's buddy, Carlos Cardoen, for
Saddam Hussein in the Iraq-Iran war. HMX roadside bombs bloodied the
US bully image, making it a war(game) according to something like
50-50 Framing. Another adjustment had to be made since there was no
sharia/wahhabi al-CIA-duh in secular muslim and Kurd and Shiite Iraq.
International muslim recruitment by fostering of resentment through US
unprovoked aggression, use of white phosphorus, Abu Ghraib scandal,
sufficed to paper over the fact that there was no al-CIA-duh in Iraq
before the US created a second choice, making a game of it.

In US labor relations I found a replication of British Empire group
in Africa. I sent Bill Fletcher, author of a history of the US labor
Solidarity Divided, a copy of CIA director William Egan Colby's
file because he used to work at National Labor Relations Board.
method enforces a need for consensus by Bernays Big Lie of globalism,
and then unions accept the need for a consensus and accept a non-neutral
("the government[NLRB] was not neutral -BF") mediator, NLRB figures such
as Colby or those he controlled at NLRB, and then the mediator and the
oligarchy's management use Big Lie globalism and need for consensus
to play unions down on work pace and wages. Similarly, Bernays Big Lie
was used against labor to bring in the communist threat in foreign
so labor would play the game with need of consensus on foreign policy,
and then union leaders would endorse Republican political candidates
who were anti-union and classwar enemies, and Democrats who were
pro-war but racist and segregationist in the union arena.

David Christie, writing for LaRouche, is one of a number there who are
talking about game theory, group dynamics, network analysis, in context
of internet social networking.


David Christie, "INSNA: 'Handmaidens of British Colonialism,' " LaRouche
PAC, ibid <http://larouchepac.com/files/pdfs/071127-lpac_myspace.pdf>
David Christie-  The British  Use of Human Beings:
Social Networking & The Empire          +  Video

+ Jan.  19, '08 David Christie:  Social Networking


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