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Subject: Aid to Israel is Out of Hand

Common Dreams NewsCenter
  Wednesday, January 11, 2006  
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Published on Sunday, January 8, 2006 by the Topeka Capital-Journal (Kansas)
Aid to Israel is Out of Hand
by George Bisharat

American and Israeli diplomats have recently revived discussions over our potential financial support of Israel's August withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. Last summer, Israel sought $2 billion, but suspended its request following the Katrina disaster. With popular and congressional attention to New Orleans now dissipating, Israel is again asking American taxpayers for help, although it has scaled back to $1.2 billion in light of popular sentiment and signals from Congress. This amount is supplemental to Israel's share of our regular foreign aid that has run $3 billion to $4 billion annually for decades.

Our officials have not publicly responded to the Israel request. When they do, their answer should be a polite but firm "No". It is reason enough to deny Israel's request that its settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are illegal. The U.N. Security Council has held so, as has the International Court of Justice. As part of its non-binding but authoritative judgment on Israel's wall, the International Court of Justice concluded last year that Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories violate international law. While the dollars Israel now seeks would fund housing and infrastructure for new communities in Israel for the settlers, paying for these, in effect, compensates Israel for giving back its illegal settlements. Some 94 percent of Americans polled by CNN in July opposed the Israeli request, even before Katrina and heightened public awareness of our own acute domestic needs.

Still, there are times when principle must surrender to pragmatism. $1.2 billion would be a bargain were it to yield momentum toward a genuine Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Every indication, unfortunately, is to the contrary. Since the decolonization of the Gaza Strip, Israel has only intensified its colonization of the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

There, 430,000 Israeli settlers live in settlements built on land seized from Palestinians -- and they are expanding every day. A city holy to three great religions is being transformed into the exclusive capital of one group -- Jews. Meanwhile Palestinian Christian and Muslim families are slowly squeezed out of neighborhoods they have inhabited peacefully for decades if not centuries. A European Union study released last week determined that Israeli policies toward Jerusalem are not motivated by security, but by demographics, violating international law and Israel's obligations under the Roadmap to Peace.

Israel touted the Gaza disengagement as a step forward. Yet in October 2004, Dov Weisglass, advisor and close confidant of Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, admitted in an interview in Israel that withdrawal was a way to avoid peace negotiations with Palestinians, consolidate control over the West Bank, and foil the creation of a Palestinian state. No such pronouncements are necessary, however, to the Palestinians. They witness Israel's continuing relentless seizures of Palestinian lands, demolition of Palestinian homes, construction of the separation wall, and expansion of Jewish-only settlements. Palestinian Christians and Muslims are rendered homeless, stripped of their property, and deprived of any semblance at equal rights with their Jewish counterparts.

Historically, politicians of both major American parties have been extremely generous to Israel, a country with a per capita income equal to some in Europe. Its annual $3 billion to 4 billion often exceeds a third of our total foreign aid -- more than all of sub-Saharan Africa combined. Will our leaders, this time, honor the apparent sentiments of the majority of Americans, or pursue the electoral benefits that seemingly generate their knee-jerk support of Israel?

As American taxpayers, we must assert ourselves. Our one-sided support of Israel is a key reason for global enmity against us. When we aid and abet Israel's continuing take over of Palestinian lands, we only deepen our culpability, and frustrate our ambition to restore American credibility in a crucial region of the world.

Fostering a genuine Middle East peace -- one based on justice and equal rights for Jews, Christians and Muslims throughout the Holy Land -- would greatly advance our national interests. Such a resolution may cost well more than $1.2 billion, but will be worth every penny. We should save our hard-earned tax dollars to support that peace, not the entrenchment of Israeli colonialism, and the future of conflict and violence it guarantees.

Professor George Bisharat teaches at Hastings College of Law in San Francisco. He specializes in the Middle East. Email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

© 2006 Topeka Capital-Journal


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Neoconservatism's Jewish Origins and Agenda

The Forward

Acknowledging the Jewishness of neoconservatism has always triggered the red,
flashing lights of antisemitism, especially since the start of the Iraq War
(with extra points if it's Pat Buchanan doing the acknowledging). But there is
some truth to the suspicion. If there is an intellectual movement in America
to whose invention Jews can lay sole claim, neoconservatism is it. It's a
thought one imagines most American Jews, overwhelmingly liberal, will find
horrifying. And yet it is a fact that as a political philosophy, neoconservatism was
born among the children of Jewish immigrants and is now largely the
intellectual domain of those immigrants' grandchildren. Understanding what might be
Jewish about this movement (or "persuasion" as its godfather, Irving Kristol,
prefers it be called) should be possible without being accused of conspiracy
theorizing about secret cabals pulling strings for Israel.

Abramoff Used DeLay To Fund Anti-Intifada Activists

By Joshua Frank

It shouldn't come as much of a shock that Jack Abramoff, the infamous DC
super-lobbyist who has been accused of ripping off millions from his Native
American clients, is a rabid Zionist. Abramoff, in the late 1990s, set up a
pro-Israel charity front called the Capital Athletic Foundation. Sounds jovial enough.
"The pitch ... was hard to resist," Michael Isikoff recently reported for
Newsweek, "a good way to get access on Capitol Hill, he told his clients ... was
to contribute to [his] worthy charity..." So Abramoff dangled a carrot in
front of his clients, advising them to donate to his philanthropic venture. Why
not, it was for a good cause. Plus, he boasted, it would buy them access to Rep.
Tom DeLay. It may indeed have bought them access, but what Abramoff's
customers didn't realize was that a large portion of their money would never be spent
on gearing up inner city kids to shoot some b-ball -- rather, their dollars
were shipped overseas to help arm Israeli settlers in the occupied territories.

Abramoff Sent Money To Israeli 'Sniper School'

Washington Post

Lobbyist Jack Abramoff used money from a Mississippi tribal client to set up
bogus Christian anti-gambling groups and to fund pet projects including gear
for a "sniper school" in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, according to documents
released yesterday by Senate investigators. The revelations came in e-mails
and testimony made public yesterday by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee at
its third hearing on the activities of Abramoff and Michael Scanlon, a public
relations executive and former spokesman for House Majority Leader Tom DeLay
(R-Tex.). Abramoff, who is also at the center of a corruption investigation by
the Justice Department, laundered tribal money by directing the Indians to
donate to tax-exempt groups that the lobbyist later used for his own purposes, the
Senate committee said. One project involved Abramoff's effort to arrange for
military equipment, including night-vision goggles and a "jeep," for the
sniper training conducted by a high school friend.


Abramoff Diverted Money To Illegal Zionist Settlements in Palestine


Abramoff, a legendary lobbyist particularly close to DeLay, is also a fierce
supporter of Israel-"a super-Zionist," one associate says. That may explain
why Abramoff's paramilitary gear ended up in the town of Beitar Illit, a
sprawling ultra-Orthodox outpost whose residents have occasionally tangled with their
Palestinian neighbors. Yitzhak Pindrus, the settlement's mayor, says that
several years ago the town was confronting mounting security problems. "They [the
Palestinians] were throwing stones, they were throwing Molotov cocktails,"
Pindrus says. Abramoff's connection to the town was Schmuel Ben-Zvi, an American
emigre who, the lobbyist told associates, was an old friend he knew from Los
Angeles. Capital Athletic Foundation public tax records make no mention of
Ben-Zvi. But they do show payments to "Kollel Ohel Tiferet" in Israel, a group
for which there is no public listing and which the town's mayor said he never
heard of.

War By Other Means

By Yossi Yonah

On the eve of every Jewish New Year, Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics
publishes a report on changes in the population. It showed the total number of
Israelis to be almost seven million, excluding 188,000 foreign workers. Of
these, 5.3 million are Jewish and 1.4 million are "Arabs" (Muslims, Christians and
Druze). Another 299,000 citizens are defined as "others", which means
immigrants, mainly from the former Soviet Union, who are not Jewish. These calm facts
disguise an explosive battlefield. Israelis are obsessed with numbers, with
"demographic balances" and with the "demographic threat". To safeguard Israel's
status as a Jewish state they are determined, by various means, to ensure a
sizeable Jewish majority. Complicating this straightforward divide, some
Israelis worry about the Jewish mix inside Israel, looking back with nostalgia to
the country's original "European" character. To paraphrase Carl von Clausewitz's
dictum, Israel's demographic policies are nothing but a continuation of war
by other means.

America's Nuclear Ticking Bomb

The San Diego Union-Tribune

New U.S. policies for the use of nuclear weapons were formulated in the
administration document "Nuclear Posture Review" of 2001 and became more sharply
defined through a Pentagon draft document "Doctrine for Joint Nuclear
Operations." They envision the use of nuclear weapons against adversary underground
installations, against adversaries using or intending to use weapons of mass
destruction against U.S. forces and for rapid and favorable war termination on U.S.
terms. Iran's nuclear program has become a central theme in Israel's
electoral campaign, with former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu openly advocating a
pre-emptive attack against Iran's nuclear installations, and his main rival,
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, explicitly not ruling out that possibility. Given
the U.S. presence in Iraq and its close alliance with Israel, the United
States would necessarily become militarily involved in the aftermath of such an
Israeli attack.

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