Faithful Readers,"Celebrating the central Christian holiday, and even saying "Merry Christmas" has become a political act in 2005.Why has this happened? The answer isn't pretty.The world financial elite wants to eradicate Christianity. Their forerunners crucified Christ. Christianity gives everyone a piece of the pie of life and elitists want it all for themselves."This new article is at Should you wish to be deleted from my mailing list, then please let me know  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Henry Makow welcomes your comments and suggestions. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) We wish you and yours a Happy New Year!
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the leeches coming out of the rotting woodwork! and guess who is behind this
property surge, and protecting the landlords!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "GlobalCirclenet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:25 AM
Subject: [globalnetnews-summary] Hostility Greets Katrina Recovery Plan

Hostility Greets Katrina Recovery Plan
Residents Assail Eminent Domain and Other Facets of New Orleans Proposal

By Manuel Roig-Franzia
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 12, 2006; A03

NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 11 -- Angry homeowners screamed and
City Council members seethed Wednesday as this city's
recovery commission recommended imposing a four-month
building moratorium on most of New Orleans and creating
a powerful new authority that could use eminent domain
to seize homes in neighborhoods that will not be

Hundreds of residents packed into a hotel ballroom
interrupted the presentation of the long-awaited
proposal with shouts and taunts, booed its main
architect and unrolled a litany of complaints. One by
one, homeowners stepped to a microphone to lampoon the
plan -- which contemplates a much smaller city and
relies on persuading the federal government to spend
billions on new housing and a light-rail system -- as
"audacious," "an academic exercise," "garbage," "a no-
good, rotten scheme."

"You missed the boat," homeowner Fred Yoder, who lived
in heavily flooded Lakeview, told committee members.
"Give me a break: We don't need a light-rail system.
We're in the mud."

The plan released Wednesday is the first stage of what
is sure to be a multi-layered, multi-level effort to
resuscitate New Orleans. Mayor C. Ray Nagin, who can
accept or alter the proposal, will have to present the
plan to a state commission that will control allocation
of billions of federal dollars, as well as to Donald E.
Powell, President Bush's hurricane recovery coordinator,
and the White House. The commission's recommendations
are heavily dependent on federal money, counting on $12
billion to buy storm-damaged homes and $4.8 billion for
infrastructure improvements, including an ambitious
light-rail proposal to connect downtown New Orleans with
the city's airport, Baton Rouge and the Mississippi Gulf

The furious reaction to the plan is the latest agonizing
episode in this city's troubled campaign to reinvigorate
itself after the devastating floods caused by Hurricane
Katrina last August. Nagin, already politically weakened
by widespread criticism of his response to the flooding,
now faces the difficult challenge of guiding decisions
about whether some parts of the city will cease to

Some activists have long accused the commission -- which
was appointed by Nagin -- of trying to find ways to
abandon predominantly black neighborhoods, such as the
Lower Ninth Ward. Wednesday's unveiling did nothing to
assuage their fears, even though commission members
promised to give all neighborhoods an opportunity to
prove that they should be rebuilt by convening planning
groups in coming months. The proposed moratorium would
be in the city's most damaged neighborhoods, and
officials would use the four-month period to gauge
whether enough residents will come back to make the
areas viable.

"If this plan goes forward as it is, many people's worst
fears about our African American heritage and population
will come true," said Sue Sperry of the New Orleans
Preservation Resource Center. "It's almost like it will
be extinguished from this earth."

Within minutes of the plan's unveiling, Nagin was
already showing signs that he might back away from the
commission's most controversial proposal. He told WWL-AM
that he had some "hesitancy" about the building
moratorium. He promised to seek more public input before
making a final decision.

At least two of the commission's proposals -- the
creation of the Crescent City Rebuilding Authority to
buy flood-damaged homes and the implementation of a
master redevelopment plan -- will require changes to the
city charter, a prospect sure to be contentious because
of the mayor's long-standing animosities with the New
Orleans City Council. The city is also waiting on the
Federal Emergency Management Agency to determine base
elevation levels required before flood insurance can be
issued. The commission is hoping that Congress will
approve a quasi-public recovery authority proposed by
U.S. Rep. Richard H. Baker (R-La.) that would sell bonds
to buy flood-damaged homes, then work with private
developers to rebuild neighborhoods.

Despite the hurdles ahead, the commission urged fast
action on a broad set of recommendations, including
stronger levees and a restructured school system. John
Beckham, a consultant who helped devise the plan, urged
residents to "imagine the best city in the world."

Beckham -- who declined repeated requests Wednesday to
identify the private foundation that hired him to draw
up the plan for the commission -- told the audience that
New Orleans could have "a park in every neighborhood,"
"a bustling downtown" and a city connected by bike paths
and public transportation systems.

Beckham was introduced by the commission's urban
planning chairman, Joseph C. Canizaro, a real estate
developer and major fundraiser for Bush, who chuckled
when he was booed by some in attendance. "This is just a
beginning," Canizaro told the audience.

Mindful that Bush will have a tremendous influence on
how much money finds its way to Louisiana, Beckham
displayed some of the president's pledges on large
screens. He reminded the crowd that Bush said Sept. 15
that "we will do what it takes" to rebuild New Orleans
and of his promise in December to build levees that are
better and stronger than before. On Thursday, Bush will
visit the city for the first time in three months.

The commission's recovery plan anticipates a city that
will be only a fraction of its pre-Katrina size of
nearly half a million residents. Beckham said the city
now has about 144,000 residents and is projected to grow
to 181,000 by September and 247,000 by September 2008.

The shrunken city will need a restructured and more
efficient local government, Beckham said, drawing smirks
from City Council members seated behind the committee.
The City Council, which has clashed with Nagin
repeatedly -- most recently trying to use zoning laws to
block sites he selected for temporary housing trailers
-- has effectively been cut out of the power loop in the
recovery process and does not have authority over the
recovery plan. Before the commission's report had even
been announced, five City Council members -- responding
to leaks of the plan's main components to the city's
influential newspaper, the Times-Picayune -- held a news
conference to condemn the committee in the same hotel
where the recovery plan was to be unveiled.

Council member Jackie Brechtel Clarkson called the
proposal "a blatant violation of property rights."

"I think it's unprecedented in America," said Clarkson,
who is also a real estate agent.

The council members were flanked by leaders of the large
Vietnamese community that flocked after the Vietnam War
to New Orleans East, one of the areas that would be
affected by the moratorium. "It just hurt us -- again,"
said the Rev. Luke Nguyen of Mary Queen of Vietnam
Church. "We have 700, 800 families already returned,
ready to gut and fix their houses."

Nguyen streamed into the reception hall, shouldering
past activists and homeowners bristling with anger. On a
table nearby, the commission had placed placards,
declaring, "We're Home." Nguyen did not bother to pick
one up.
© 2006 The Washington Post Company
| Ney Under Pressure to Resign Chairmanship
Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) is pressuring Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio)
to relinquish the chairmanship of the House Administration Committee in the
wake of a guilty plea from lobbyist Jack Abramoff that tied Ney to a
far-reaching conspiracy to bribe public officials.
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NSA Used City Police to Track Peace Activists
The National Security Agency used law enforcement agencies, including the
Baltimore Police Department, to track members of a city anti-war group as
they prepared for protests outside the sprawling Fort Meade facility,
internal NSA documents show.

Gore to Address "Constitutional Crisis"
In a major address slated for delivery Monday in Washington, the former Vice
President is expected to argue that the Bush administration has created a
"Constitutional crisis" by acting without the authorization of Congress and
the courts to spy on Americans and otherwise abuse basic liberties.


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