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----- Original Message -----
From: CLG News
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:09 PM
Subject: US unsure whether to seek recovery of Halliburton's missing $1.48 bln in Iraq funds 18 Jan 2006

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
18 January 2006
All links to articles as summarized below are available here: 

Billions in Iraq Rebuilding Funds Go Missing --Government unsure whether it will pursue missing money, including $1.48 billion from Halliburton's KBR --Audit agency to consider if criminal investigation is warranted 17 Jan 2006 One question facing the government is whether to seek recovery of funds paid to the largest contractor, Halliburton Co.'s KBR unit, which was awarded multibillion-dollar no-bid contracts beginning shortly before the U.S. invaded Iraq... A series of 2004 audits by the Defense Contract Audit Agency, the Pentagon's contract-auditing arm, found expenses of $1.48 billion unsupported by adequate documentation on KBR's two largest contracts, which were valued at a total of $9.5 billion. In a recently disclosed letter, the audit agency said it has passed on findings about Halliburton to the Justice Department, to consider whether a criminal investigation is warranted.

Human rights in Iraq 'much worse' 18 Jan 2006 A major humanitarian watchdog group has said "the human rights situation in Iraq deteriorated significantly in 2005." [Well, it's 'deteriorated significantly' since the (illegitimate) Bush regime illegally invaded Iraq and overthrew an existing (legitimate) government.]

EU to probe CIA 'black prisons' 18 Jan 2006 The European Parliament has formally launched a probe into allegations of CIA 'secret prisons' for torturing suspects. EU Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Elmar Brok said: "There must be no Guantanamo on European soil.

EU lawmakers to check "no Guantanamo" in Europe 18 Jan 2006 The credibility of the European Union is at stake over accusations the CIA ran secret prisons in the bloc, a top European lawmaker said on Wednesday as the European Parliament formally launched a probe into the scandal.

European Parliament Will Probe CIA Treatment of Terror Suspects 18 Jan 2006 The European Parliament approved an investigation into reports the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ran secret detention centers for 'terror' suspects and transported them through European nations.

ACLU Seeks to Block NSA Domestic Spying 17 Jan 2006 A federal lawsuit filed Tuesday by the American Civil Liberties Union seeks to block Dictator Bush's domestic eavesdropping program, which the group calls unconstitutional electronic surveillance of American citizens.

ACLU Sues to Stop Illegal Spying on Americans, Saying President Is Not Above the Law --Prominent Journalists, Nonprofit Groups, Terrorism Experts and Community Advocates Join First Lawsuit to Challenge New NSA Spying Program (ACLU Press Release) 17 Jan 2006 "Saying that the Bush administration’s illegal spying on Americans must end, the American Civil Liberties Union today filed a first-of-its-kind lawsuit against the National Security Agency seeking to stop a secret electronic surveillance program that has been in place since shortly after September 11, 2001."

Peers vote against 'glorifying terrorism' law 17 Jan 2006 Plans to crackdown on Islamic extremists by banning the glorification of terrorism suffered a blow tonight after peers voted to quash the proposed new offence. A series of peers denounced the offence as pointless and said its removal from the Terrorism Bill would still allow suspects to be charged with indirect encouragement to commit acts of terror.

Lords defeat for 'glorifying terror' offence 17 Jan 2006 The Government has suffered another defeat over a flagship Bill as the Lords threw out plans for a new offence of "glorifying" acts of terrorism.

Ten killed in Iraq convoy attack 18 Jan 2006 At least 10 Iraqis have been killed and an African engineer kidnapped in an ambush in the west of Baghdad, an Interior Ministry official says.

Bomb kills two in US security team in Iraq 18 Jan 2006 A roadside bomb killed two U.S. private security contractors [mercenaries] and seriously wounded a third in the southern Iraqi city of Basra on Wednesday, the U.S. embassy said.

Gunmen shoot Baghdad 'caterers' 17 Jan 2006 Gunmen dressed as Iraqi police have shot dead seven mercenaries who were apparently working for a catering firm supplying security forces in Baghdad.

Suicide Bomber Kills Five, Wounds 18 in Iraq 17 Jan 2006 A suicide car bomber killed four Iraqi police officers and one child and wounded 16 civilians and two Iraqi police officers yesterday at an Iraqi police checkpoint near Muqdadiyah, Iraq, officials reported.

Russian Court Overturns Acquittal of Ex-Guantanamo Inmates 17 Jan 2006 A London-based lawyer today said a Russian court had overturned an acquittal verdict handed down earlier on two former Guantanamo Bay detainees accused of involvement in a gas-pipeline explosion.

US holding 8 women prisoners in Iraq 19 Jan 2006 US forces in Iraq said they were holding eight women prisoners, after the abductors of an American journalist threatened to kill her unless the authorities freed all Iraqi women within 72 hours... Some 14,000 men are held at Abu Ghraib and other jails on suspicion of insurgent activity.

Six female detainees set free in Iraq 18 Jan 2006 Iraq's ministry of justice has told the BBC that six of the eight women being held by occupation forces in Iraq are to be released early.

Jazeera airs video of kidnapped journalist 17 Jan 2006 The abductors of U.S. journalist Jill Carroll have threatened to kill her if the United States does not free Iraqi women prisoners within 72 hours, Al Jazeera television said on Tuesday.

US freezes assets of Syrian intelligence chief 18 Jan 2006 The United States on Wednesday froze the U.S. assets of Syrian military intelligence director Asef Shawkat, accusing him of fomenting terrorism [?!?] against Israel and backing Syria's intrusion in Lebanon.

Rice Rejects Renewal of Talks With Iran 18 Jan 2006 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday brushed aside suggestions about a possible resumption of negotiations with Iran on its nuclear program.

Oil price rises on corpora-terrorists' greed ['Iran worries and rebel attacks in Nigeria'] 17 Jan 2006 Mounting tension between Iran and the West over the country's refusal to abandon nuclear research and worries over rebel attacks on oil installations in Nigeria drove crude prices higher yesterday.

Nigerian freedom fighters threaten new oil attacks [*Excellent!*] 17 Jan 2006 Nigerian freedom fighters who have sabotaged oil facilities and kidnapped workers in the southern Niger Delta threatened on Tuesday to stage a series of attacks over the next few days to show oil companies their power.

Test Failures Slow U.S. Missile 'Defense' 18 Jan 2006 But after an embarrassing series of test failures in the ambitious, expensive and highly criticized program to build a national missile-defense shield, the U.S. military is slowing the deployment of interceptors while it conducts more testing.

E-Weapons: Directed Energy Warfare In The 21st Century 11 Jan 2006 There is a new breed of weaponry fast approaching—and at the speed of light no less. They are labeled "directed-energy weapons" and may well signal a revolution in military hardware—perhaps more so than the atomic bomb.

Protesters at King March Oppose Air Force Flyover 17 Jan 2006 (San Antonio, TX) Protesters wore yellow and black armbands and chanted during speeches Monday in disapproval of the inclusion of Air Force jets at the end of this military city's 20th annual march honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

STMicro to market chip to detect bird flu in humans 18 Jan 2006 STMicroelectronics said on Wednesday it planned to market a disposable laboratory microchip that can confirm within about an hour a human case of bird flu at a limited cost. [This chip can enable the Bush regime to implement a full-blown police state, as the government will forcibly quarantine those who have avian flu.]

Within 7 months, 3 Sept. 11 workers die 18 Jan 2006 James Zadroga spent 16 hours a day toiling in the World Trade Center ruins for a month, breathing in debris-choked air... All three men died in the past seven months of what their families and colleagues say were persistent respiratory illnesses directly caused by their work at ground zero.

Nuke power plant reactor down because of vibration in main emergency cooling line 18 Jan 2006 One of the three reactors at the nation's largest nuclear power plant has been shut down because of vibration in the unit's main emergency cooling line.

Reactor Shut Down At Arizona Power Plant 18 Jan 2006 Utility workers have shut down a reactor at the country’s biggest nuclear power plant. Officials at Arizona Public Service Company say a growing vibration in a coolant pipe led them to stop the reactor.

Sen. Clinton: House 'has been run like a plantation' --New York senator calls Bush Administration 'one of the worst' 17 Jan 2006 Sen. Hillary Clinton on Monday blasted the Bush administration as "one of the worst" in U.S. history and compared the Republican-controlled House of Representatives to a plantation where dissenting voices are squelched.

Mississippi Republican Lott Seeks Fourth Senate Term 17 Jan 2006 Mississippi Republican Trent Lott said he will seek a fourth term in the Senate.

Lott's fourth term bid fuels leadership speculation 17 Jan 2006 Trent Lott, a Mississippi Republican and former majority leader in the US Senate, said on Tuesday he would seek a fourth term in November, quickly igniting speculation that he might try to return to the Republican leadership.

Racist GOP power-grab in Tennessee: Tenn. Senate Nears Voiding Election 18 Jan 2006 The Tennessee Senate took a major step toward voiding a disputed special election... Meeting as a special committee Tuesday, the Senate voted 17-14 in favor of a resolution that would nullify Ophelia Ford's special election victory... Ford decried the move Tuesday as a racist power grab by the Republican Party and hinted at a possible lawsuit. "It's been a Democratic seat for many, many years," Ford said. "I'm black, it's an 85 percent black vote in that district. It's about racism, it's about Jim Crowism and we're going to let the federal courts decide."

High court dodges abortion ruling 18 Jan 2006 The Supreme Court steered clear of a major ruling on abortion Wednesday, instead giving New Hampshire a chance to save its parental notification law.

Supreme Court upholds Ore. suicide law 17 Jan 2006 The Supreme Court, with Chief Justice John Roberts dissenting, upheld Oregon's one-of-a-kind physician-assisted suicide law Tuesday, rejecting a Bush regime attempt to punish doctors who help terminally ill patients die.

Mexico leftist ahead in tight election race: poll 18 Jan 2006 Mexico's leftist presidential front runner holds a six-point lead over his nearest rival, a new poll showed on Wednesday... [Hopefully, there's no Diebold in Mexico.]

[17 Jan lead stories:] Gore Says Bush Wiretapping Could be Impeachable Offense 16 Jan 2006 In an impassioned speech about pResident Bush's warrantless domestic wiretapping program, former President Al Gore said in Washington, DC, on Monday that "the President of the United States has been breaking the law repeatedly and persistently."

Gore Wants Special Counsel to Investigate Bush Spy Power 16 Jan 2006 Former President Al Gore, charging that pResident Bush's record on civil liberties posed a "grave danger" to America's constitutional freedoms, urged the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Bush's authorization of warrantless domestic surveillance by the National Security Agency.

Bush broke the law with domestic spying program, Gore says 16 Jan 2006 Former President Al Gore charged Monday that pResident Bush had broken the law repeatedly by authorizing domestic eavesdropping without court approval and warned that Bush's aggressive assertion of power puts "America's Constitution in grave danger."

Spy Agency Data After Sept. 11 Led F.B.I. to Dead Ends 17 Jan 2006 In the anxious months after the Sept. 11 attacks, the National Security Agency began sending a steady stream of telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and names to the F.B.I. in search of terrorists. The stream soon became a flood... But virtually all of them, current and former officials say, led to dead ends or innocent Americans. [In search of terrorists? They should search 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, if they want to locate the most dangerous terrorist on earth.]

CLGers: Please contribute for January's expenses, thank you! And, thank you to all who have donated previously!!

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