Like the USA,Israel, the UK and its corrupt Zionist led Polticians are liars and deceivers as they know exactly what is happening and where it is happening and the UK has a very long history of torturing Arabs and Muslims, a method approved so much by the bully Winston Churchill, one of Britain's most racist Colonialists!!!!!
Funny how genocidal criminals are always rewarded, given promotions or knighted for their ugly deeds and praised for being such good patriotic Statesmen, saving their nation from death and destruction and yet IRONICALLY committing the very same on innocent people they chose to wage wars on and occupy  these different indigenous citizens, first bombing their countries to smithereens and then playing the " holier than thou democratic saviours"!,,1689856,00.html

The document says that in the most common use of the term - namely, involving real risk of torture - rendition could never be legal. It also says that the US emphasised torture but not "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment", which binds Britain under the European convention on human rights. British courts have adopted a lower threshold of what constitutes torture than the US has.

and just what is torture if not degrading, inhuman and cruel, inflicting unacceptable pain both mental as well as physical. 

They are not exactly tickling the prisoners with feather dusters are they, or gentle slaps across the face??

Torture is torture, period, causing mental anguish and physical agony to extort 'confessions' from the majority of these men who are totally innocent and have had no legally binding charges made against them but kept against their will and depriving them of their right to freedom!!

They know NOTHING about Al Qaeda and its supposed attacks because  Al Qaeda is an American/ISraeli CREATION and only Mossad and the CIA are privy to  the intelligence "facts" needed for the Security services to act in order to protect their citizens from these alleged 'Terrorist'  attacks by Muslim Arab Al Qaeda.

NO !-all of this is a smokescreen for the USRAELI and BRITISH SECRET SERVICES to TRY OUT THEIR NEW TORTURE METHODS, TECHNIQUES AND MIND CONTROL on their Muslim Guinea pigs- after all Muslims are scum to Americans and most of the West and their lives are not worth anything in the eyes of Jews and most so called 'moral' Western Christians!!

What better way to create a new 'Terrorist' than make one from mind control association!!  The US has used this many a time on its soldiers and I believe was also used on the guy who shot John Lennon (for Pappy Bush) and Sirhan Sirhan who was set up for the killing of Kennedy!!

They are also probably using this mind control on Iraqi prisoners, setting them up mentally to carry out their dirty deeds!!!

We are not being melodramatic here as this happens in reality.

TORTURE IS TORTURE and no amount of sugar coating can change that fact.

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