----- Original Message -----
From: CLG News
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 7:45 PM
Subject: Documents Show U.S. Army Seized Wives As Tactic 27 Jan 2006

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
27 January 2006
All links to articles as summarized below are available here: 

Documents Show U.S. Army Seized Wives As Tactic 27 Jan 2006 The U.S. Army in Iraq has at least twice seized and jailed the wives of suspected 'insurgents' in hopes of "leveraging" their husbands into surrender, U.S. military documents show.

MEPs want face-to-face with Cheney and Rumsfeld over torture 27 Jan 2006 Dick Cheney, the American vice-pResident, and Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary [war criminal], should be called to testify before the European Parliament on allegations of secret CIA prisons and torture of detainees, MEPs said yesterday.

Govts knew of CIA terror 27 Jan 2006 Europe’s human-rights watchdog this week accused Washington of "gangster tactics" by flying terrorist suspects to countries where they would face torture, and criticised European countries who appear to have done nothing to intervene.

Europe Pretended to be Unaware of CIA's Torture Prisons 25 Jan 2006 The European Council Parliamentary Assembly (ECPA) member Dick Marty declared European administrations were in fact aware of the CIA's secret torture prisons.

Report finds evidence of "rendition" system 25 Jan 2006 A European investigator said Tuesday that there is evidence that the United States set up a system to outsource the interrogations of terrorism suspects to countries where torture is used, and European governments probably knew about it.

McCain Still Concerned About Guantanamo 27 Jan 2006 Sen. John McCain said Friday that interrogation techniques at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay are still of concern, and the prisoners held there should have their cases processed after spending up to four years in detention without charge.

Halliburton swings to $1.1 billion profit, cites 2005 as company's best 27 Jan 2006 Oilfield services conglomerate Halliburton Co. swung to a profit in its fourth quarter on robust sales and increased rig activity, and called last year the best in its 86-year history.

Halliburton to spin off KBR 27 Jan 2006 The Associated Press reported Friday that Halliburton Co. plans to spin off a portion of its KBR unit, which provides engineering and construction services and is the largest U.S. contractor in Iraq. [See: KBR awarded $385M Homeland Security contract for U.S. detention centers 24 Jan 2006 KBR, the engineering and construction subsidiary of Halliburton Co., said Tuesday it has been awarded a contingency contract from the Department of Homeland Security to support its Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities in the event of an emergency.]

U.S. Must Submit Papers to Moussaoui Team 25 Jan 2006 A federal judge has ordered the government to give admitted terrorist [Bush regime] conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui's defense team documents describing what officials knew before Sept. 11, 2001, about al-Qaida threats and some of its hijackers. [Well, as their employers, the Bush Administration knew quite a bit!!]

Oops! U.S. posts wrong photo of 'al-Qaida operative' --After year and a half, wrong man's photo removed from wanted page 26 Jan 2006 For a year and a half, the U.S. government has been asking for the public's help in finding Midhat Mursi al-Sayid 'Umar, also known as Abu Khabab al-Masri, a dangerous 'al-Qaida' operative. But now intelligence officials admit to NBC News they were using a photo of a different man.

US general: Forces in Iraq 'stretched' 26 Jan 2006 The top U.S. general in Iraq acknowledged Thursday that American forces in this country are "stretched," but he said he will only recommend withdrawals based on operational needs.

UK to deploy 4,150 extra troops to Afghanistan 26 Jan 2006 A peak of 5,700 British troops will be deployed in Afghanistan over the coming months, the defence secretary, John Reid, announced today.

U.K. to Send 3,300 Troops for Afghanistan Drugs 'Fight' The U.K. will send 3,300 troops to southern Afghanistan, aiming to curb [promote Bush's] drug production and aid reconstruction in a 1 billion pound ($1.8 billion) operation.

There's no Diebold in Ramallah: Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections 27 Jan 2006 The radical Islamic movement Hamas won a large majority in the new Palestinian parliament, according to official election results announced Thursday, trouncing the governing Fatah party.

New Bolivian Leader Cuts Salary in Half 27 Jan 2006 New President Evo Morales cut his salary by more than half and ordered that no Cabinet minister collect a higher wage than his own, with the savings earmarked for hiring more public school teachers.

Chevron 4th-Quarter Profit Rises to $4.14 Bln as Prices Soar 27 Jan 2006 Chevron Corp., the second-largest U.S. oil company, said fourth-quarter profit rose to $4.14 billion from $3.44 billion as oil and fuel prices jumped.

Pa. Families Latest to Get Venezuelan Oil 27 Jan 2006 Low-income families in the Philadelphia area will receive discounted Venezuelan heating oil in the latest deal bringing fuel to U.S. communities that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claims are neglected by Washington. Citgo, the Houston subsidiary of the Venezuelan national oil company, will ship 5 million gallons of heating oil marked down by 40 percent for distribution to low-income families next month in a deal brokered by Democratic Rep. Chaka Fattah.

Cost-of-gas charge gets expanded role 27 Jan 2006 Gas utility customers in Kansas will automatically pay the uncollected gas costs owed by other utility customers in a program quietly approved by state regulators last summer... Kansas, one of only a handful of states that so far have made the move, is expanding the charge's role to include collecting unpaid gas costs owed by other customers.

More taxpayer-funded corpora-terrorism on the way: Bush to discuss nuclear energy in State of disUnion 27 Jan 2006 Dictator George W. Bush plans to promote nuclear energy 'as a way of reducing U.S. oil dependence' when he delivers his State of the disUnion address next week, the White House said on Friday.

EPA to accept pesticide tests on humans 23 Jan 2006 The Environmental Protection [sic] Agency for the first time is establishing criteria for tests by pesticide makers on human subjects. Susan Hazen, the EPA's principal deputy assistant administrator for the Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances, said Monday the new rule for accepting tests won't allow "intentional pesticide dosing studies of children and pregnant women." [So *un*intentional testing is 'good to go?' BTW, Bush should be their first test subject, but since he's not human, that point is moot.]

State deems second-hand smoke 'toxic' 26 Jan 2006 California regulators became the first in the nation today to designate second-hand tobacco smoke as a "toxic air contaminant,'' placing it in the same category as the poisons arsenic and benzene.

Spineless DemocRATs give cool response to Kerry's call to filibuster Alito 27 Jan 2006 Late Thursday afternoon, Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts began calling fellow Democratic senators in a last-minute effort for a filibuster to stop the nomination... Senator Harry Reid, the Democratic leader, sounded almost apologetic about Mr. Kerry's statements.

Coulter Jokes About Poisoning Supreme Court Justice 27 Jan 2006 Conservative commentator [GOP whore] Ann Coulter, speaking at a traditionally black college, joked that Justice John Paul Stevens should be poisoned.

Sen. Kerry calls for filibuster of Alito --Unclear if Massachusetts Democrat has votes needed to block nominee 26 Jan 2006 Sen. John Kerry has decided to support a filibuster to block the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, CNN's Congressional Correspondent Ed Henry reported Thursday.

Majority Believe White House Should Release Abramoff Records 27 Jan 2006 A strong bipartisan majority of the public believes pResident Bush should release records of meetings between disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff and White House staffers despite administration claims that media requests for details about those contacts amount to a "fishing expedition," according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Programmer Jeff Dean worked for chief of White House Plumbers unit 25 Jan 2006 By Bev Harris "Convicted of 23 felonies for computer crimes, Jeffrey Dean was sent to prison for four years. Shortly after his release from incarceration, his company was awarded one of the largest ballot printing contracts in history."

[26 Jan lead stories:] Police stop and search 100 people a day under new anti-terror laws 25 Jan 2006 (UK) Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary, is facing an onslaught over the Government's anti[pro]-terror laws after figures showed nearly 36,000 people were stopped and searched under the emergency powers last year. The number of people stopped and searched each year has soared since the Act came into force in 2001, when 10,200 people were stopped.

'Millions of reconstruction dollars stuffed casually into footlockers' --Audit Describes Misuse of Funds in Iraq Projects 25 Jan 2006 A new audit of American financial practices in Iraq has uncovered irregularities including millions of reconstruction dollars stuffed casually into footlockers and filing cabinets, an American soldier in the Philippines who gambled away cash belonging to Iraq, and three Iraqis who plunged to their deaths in a rebuilt hospital elevator that had been improperly certified as safe.

Pentagon and CIA refer detainee-abuse cases to DOJ 25 Jan 2006 Twenty cases of detainee abuse allegations against CIA and Defence Department employees have been referred to the Justice Department for possible prosecution, a senior U.S. official said in a letter released on Tuesday. Assistant Attorney General William Moschella said in a January 17 letter to Sen. Richard Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, that the cases span both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and contain not only allegations of physical abuse but also possible violations of federal law and U.S. treaties.

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CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright © 2006, Citizens For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved. CLG Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.

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