Today must be "Censorship" day....I'm glad to see the truth is coming out....It's unfortunate that this is what is happening but maybe the upside to this is that "Freedom of Speech" will be the catalyst that pulls all of US together to join under one flag for the Republic of the United States of America, once again.....
"Fascism will come to this country and it will come disguised as Americanism"..........Governor Huey Long

"It is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people poor, so that they may not be able to afford the cost of protecting themselves by arms and be so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for rebellion." - Aristotle

"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." - Harry S. Truman.
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Jonathan
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News Alert
Stu and Liz, this is just what I talked to you about Stu, it is past time for our side to fight back, there are many anti-establishment and outlaw commuter people out there, we need to organize them to fight back, this is one fight where the very best people are more likely to help our side than the Nazi's

Media War Comes To Our Site Is Under Attack!
NEW YORK, March 13, 2006¡ª Perhaps it is a coincidence, perhaps not, but on the very week that MediaChannel is offering information on the protests against the media role in the Iraq War, and as our traffic grows, parties unknown are targeting the site with a flood of vicious technical attacks designed to bring our website down.

Fighting these attacks has taken up hours of time by our webmaster and hosting company. It is draining our already meager resources. We need help from internet security specialists we cannot afford. What started as sporadic denial of service attacks has mushroomed into ongoing multiple and coordinated attacks by people determined to destroy and deprive our readers from viewing the site and taking part in our community of concerned readers worldwide.

This attack on free speech is serious, potentially well-financed and beyond our ability to deal with. We will have to cut back on what we can offer until we are able to more effectively fight back.

If you are experienced at combating this type of pernicious internet warfare, please write [EMAIL PROTECTED].

If you can afford a few bucks to help us hire a security consultant, please visit:


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