Michael Anderson wrote:
Quoting Jordan Brown <jordan.br...@oracle.com>:
If you have
- a UNIX user UU, whose primary group is UG1
- a Windows user WU, whose primary group is WG
- WU is mapped to UU
- WG is mapped to UG2

Before build 137, if WU creates a file, we consider the user and group
separately, mapping WU to UU and WG to UG2.  The file thus ends up with
owner=UU and group=UG2. [...]
[our users] are used to newly created files belonging to the primary unix group of the unix user, regardless of whether they created on windows or unix. They also expect to see the permissions of the mapped unix user when they do a ls -l in Unix. That is when vus...@elego.de creates a file on windows, he expects to see something like:

-rwxr-----  1 vuser1 Gvuser1

on his NFS mount.

If I understand correctly, these behaviors have been incorporated into the newest builds.

Yes. In the meantime, it *may* be practical for you to work around this issue by tightly synchronizing your UNIX and Windows groups and group memberships.

Refer back to my explanation above for the algorithm your version of the software is using.

You have a Windows user vus...@elego.de (WU) mapped to a UNIX user vuser1 (UU). Windows user vus...@elego.de has Domain us...@elego.de (WG) set as the primary group.
UNIX user vuser1 has Gvuser1 ( UG1) set as the primary group.
Domain us...@elego.de does not have a mapping to a UNIX group.

Net, you end up with the group setting for newly created files being Domain us...@elego.de.

You could:
- Create a Windows group gvus...@elego.de (WG).
- Select gvus...@elego.de as the primary group for vus...@elego.de (WU).
- Map the Windows group gvus...@elego.de to the UNIX group Gvuser1 (UG1/UG2).

If you did this, the software that you are running would pick up vus...@elego.de's Windows primary group, gvus...@elego.de, map it to the equivalent UNIX group, Gvuser1, and use that as the default group setting for newly created files. Both paths to determining the UNIX group to use would lead to Gvuser1, and the net effect would be what you are expecting.

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