Currently we have a sun server with a zfs pool, and our windows team manages 
permissions and access to said pool via cifs.

Recently, and for an unknown reason, idmap is failing. No one has logged in to 
the solaris server since well before the problems started, and the windows team 
is unaware of any significant changes to the windows domain. Previously, 
windows administrators could connect to and manage the solaris shares via 
windows MMC. When an admin tries to connect via MMC, they get an error "You do 
not have access rights to Logical Disk Manager on"

Here is a snippet of /var/adm/messages:

Jan  7 15:56:10 dsshare01 smbd[1293]: [ID 395423 daemon.debug] 
smbrdr_ntcreatex: 18 \netlogon
Jan  7 15:56:10 dsshare01 smbd[1293]: [ID 528497 daemon.debug] SmbRdrNtCreate: 
Jan  7 15:56:10 dsshare01 smbd[1293]: [ID 702911 daemon.debug] [0] 1327 (-9976)
Jan  7 15:56:10 dsshare01 smbd[1293]: [ID 266262 daemon.error] 
DE-ENT\solarisuser: idmap failed
Jan  7 15:56:10 dsshare01 smbd[1293]: [ID 395423 daemon.debug] 
smbrdr_ntcreatex: 18 \netlogon
Jan  7 15:56:10 dsshare01 smbd[1293]: [ID 528497 daemon.debug] SmbRdrNtCreate: 
Jan  7 15:56:10 dsshare01 smbd[1293]: [ID 702911 daemon.debug] [0] 1327 (-9976)
Jan  7 15:56:10 dsshare01 smbd[1293]: [ID 266262 daemon.error] 
DE-ENT\solarisuser: idmap failed

solarisuser is the user i'm trying to connect via MMC. It is also the user that 
i joined the domain with. The account is enabled and functioning properly (it 
is not locked out.)

Here is what I've done to troubleshoot:
- delete /var/idmap/idmap.db and /var/run/idmap/idmap.db; restart idmap/smb 
- reboot
- re-join the domain (which works successfully)

When i do an idmap dump -n I see a bunch of windows users as expected.
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