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-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Bartlett [mailto:abart...@samba.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 11:40 PM
To: Interoperability Documentation Help
Cc: cifs-proto...@samba.org
Subject: Where is account lockout and password expiry described in the docs?

I've been looking for the formal documentation for account lockout and expiry 
handling.  There are no references that I can find in 

The only reference in MS-ADTS is in PDC Emulator FSMO Role, which gives 
the clue that we need to forward all bad passwords to the PDC.  But that leaves 
a lot of questions, like what to do (what error to
give) if the PDC is offline. 

The only reference in MS-SAMR is to actual enforcement is in . Account 
Lockout Enforcement and Reset, but this is for password change. 

There is also MS-SAMR SamValidateAuthentication but nothing I 
could find indicates how this fits in to the broader picture. 

MS-NRPC refers to this as passthough authentication, and MS-NLMP does not 
describe expiry or lockout at all.

Where can I find a clear description of how to implement account lockout (for 
bad passwords) and expiry?


Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Samba Developer, Catalyst IT                   http://catalyst.net.nz

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