*Need HELP on this:*

     - Color Picker:
    Default button is missed.
    I don't remember where and who but somebody have reported that issue.

Yes, preobraz/ugin reported this BUT we are confused and do not see the problem. Can anyone show how it used to work versus how it now works incorrectly?
In Timeline, RMB on an edit, choose "Bar Color..." option and near the X (cancel) icon should be there the Default button.
Picture added to show, before and after.

Yes, Dbl means Double. The reason it is Double and not Fine is because it is a Double line -- some people will not like that even though it looks better to me, instead of 1 pixel width, it is 2.
Ooh, Okay. I thought it were a kind of reFinement in the antialiasing algorithm (and maybe it is).

Thanks for change to "Anti-Aliasing" in the tooltip.
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