You're welcome, it's a pleasure.
These days I am writing about vertical videos recorded with a mobile. The
following will be on BoxBlur.

El dom., 26 abr. 2020 a las 3:56, Phyllis Smith (<>)

> Checked in these mods today - threaded loading on timeline so that if you
> have 2 or more CPUs (which by now everyone probably has), the audio tracks
> will be loaded at the same time as the video track.  Before the program
> would load the video track, which takes a lot longer, and then serially
> load the audio tracks.  Because of threads, now the audio tracks will be
> done loading way before the video finishes.
> Also, boxblur layout fix was provided by another's work.
> Thank you RafaMar for your feedback in checking yesterday's mod.  And
> looking forward to next month's chapter (I added Chapter 9 to the forum
> notification for others to easily view).
> The BoxBlur plugin is wonderful.
>> Next month I will dedicate an article to him.
>> --
> Cin mailing list
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