I found few ffmpeg/mpeg2 related threads but nothing about mpeg2/bluray

ffmpeg.exe -i # -aspect # -dc 10 -g 12 -maxrate 8000k -q:v 2 -b_strategy 2
-brd_scale 2 -bf 2 -profile:v 4 -intra_matrix
-pass 1 -passlogfile "ffmpeg" -an -c:v mpeg2video pass1.m2v"

ffmpeg.exe -i # -aspect # -dc 10 -g 12 -lmin 0.75 -mblmin 50 -qmin 1 -qmax
31 -maxrate 8000k -b:v 3500k -bf 2 -pre_dia_size 5 -dia_size 5 -qcomp 0.7
-qblur 0 -preme 2 -me_method dia -sc_threshold 0 -sc_factor 4 -bidir_refine
4 -profile:v 4 -mbd rd -mbcmp satd -precmp satd -cmp satd -subcmp satd
-skipcmp satd -intra_matrix
-pass 2 -passlogfile "ffmpeg" -an -c:v mpeg2video out.m2v

Just replace the # characters with your own values, maybe play with the


I never used those custom matrix params - someone with better eyesight (and
low error-tolerance :-}) can check them..

about dvb-t muxing



new-ish dvd encode with ffmpeg thread making use of negative sc_threshold
value for less artefacting in areas with high motion. Not sure if our
ffmpeg 4.4 still respects this.

@REM Threshold for scene change detection (sc_threshold)
[−1000000000;1000000000] (Negative values indicate that it is more likely
to insert an I-frame when it detects a scene change)
set E_TSD=-30000


also, dc precision should be higher for higher bitrates (dc 12 for max?) ..

As starting point  for first shot just increase bitrates to BD-levels?
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