Andrea, I found it and added your latest email notes to it:
Unfortunately, finding a volunteer programmer to work on these more
technical programming issues has not happened.  But I still hope sooner or
later someone will turn up.  I do have some extra "donatable dollars" but
it would only be a token for the hours spent by a programmer.

I guess what Rob Prowell expressed in a previous email, i.e. "I would not
touch CinGG with a ten foot pole" holds true for a lot of programmers !

MatN suggested a while back that having MantisBT to track bugs and feature
requests might eventually attract a volunteer programmer looking for a
challenge !  So there is also some hope there and I would not want to close
any of the BTs just because they are old as they seem to still be valid

As for now, we can still update the libraries, field questions, keep
updating the manual with more detailed information, and I am still working
on BT #638 of the DelayAudio plugin crash.  Andrew has provided one fix for
the simple case, but hoping to find a solution for both cases.

On Tue, May 16, 2023 at 10:47 AM Andrea paz via Cin <> wrote:

> In these times of few posts, I try to bring up an old request of mine.
> I am talking about the ability to insert subfolders nested inside the
> folders we create in the Resources window. I had already made such a
> request and, it seems to me, also an issue on MantiBT, but I cannot
> find it anymore. As a non-programmer I would have said it was a
> relatively simple request to implement, since there is already the
> ability to create folders, but I'm probably wrong.
> The ability to create subfolders nested within each other allows for
> optimal source management, much more powerful than what we can do now
> by creating folders without subfolders. This is a pro feature (called
> Logging) because it is indispensable for very large projects with
> dozens or hundreds of files that need to be searched and accessed
> quickly.
> I would love it if CinGG could have this functionality.
> --
> Cin mailing list
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