Den 30.05.2023 11:21, skrev Andrew Randrianasulu:


Also, there was another page suggesting yuv420 option useful for *NTSC* interlaced DV to DVD

Our focus is encoding widescreen NTSC interlaced video source from a miniDV camcorder. We attempt to preserve as much of the quality of the original source as possible.


Yes, Eric Ohlson has beside thisĀ  "DVD compliant mpeg2 on Linux", some other related howtoes worth to mentione at the same time. To notice is to try to capture most possible colors 422 out of the camera sources (refere to our previous posts about A/D and HDMI-USB3 capture cards)

Hi8 Tape to DVD Video Workflow
/If you have a faster system you may want to consider capturing using the DV50 codec using a 4:2:2 color space. In order to do this, libng from the xawtv project needs to be patched to recognize the dv50 codec./

HDV to DVD in Linux

HDV to High Definition DVD Workflow with Linux


The mjpegtools encoder runs more slowly than ffmpeg on my computer; however, no patches are needed to handle interlaced video. The encoding commands
$ lav2yuv s001.avi |
     yuvcorrect -T INTERLACED_BOTTOM_FIRST |
     mpeg2enc -M0 -nn -a3 -f8 -G18 -b7000 -V230 -q9 -o s001.m2v
$ lav2wav s001.avi > s001.wav
$ toolame -b224 -s48 s001.wav s001.m2a
$ mplex -f8 s001.m2v s001.m2a -o s001.mpg
work, but unfortunately reduce the effective color space to 4:1:0. Better results can be obtained by using y4mscaler and the commands
$ lav2yuv s001.avi -C 411 |
     y4mscaler -I ilace=BOTTOM_FIRST -O chromass=420mpeg2 |
     mpeg2enc -M0 -nn -a3 -f8 -G18 -b7000 -V230 -q9 -o s001.m2v
$ lav2wav s001.avi > s001.wav
$ toolame -b224 -s48 s001.wav s001.m2a
$ mplex -f8 s001.m2v s001.m2a -o s001.mpg
This interpolates the chroma in the horizontal direction before subsampling it vertically.


Yet another source suggest only old CRT TV
can display interlaced DVD material as intended, and Plasma/TFT
TV or computer monitors better accept de-interlaced material.

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